Draft of Base Feedback for Ex Libris




Storage permissions don't match how most groups want to use them. Some enhancers should be more secure than others, and so on. (Permission by table would be ideal, a whole tier of more-secure tables would probably give enough flexibility to be useful.) In general, the all-or-nothing nature of the permission, combined with the need to educate new SG members makes it difficult to trust people with any storage permission at all.

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To clarify this, "Permission by table" refers to the individual storage bin, not the class ie. Insp, Enhancement, or Salvage. Rank permissions on a per bin basis will alleviate all of the "Welcome to 'SG/VG X', Feel free to have fun, No you can't access this or that, now enjoy your stay here". all or nothing you speak of.

Ability to change the Base Exit Portal's look. [and] Ability to change the Entrance Room's size.

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The current "Blue Swirly" is rather inconvenient in its current 'after thought' state. I suggest a smaller scaled "Wall Mounted" portal similar to Portal Corp/CoT portals. To clarify, Just the Ring, not the steps, pedestals, ramps, etc. This would be akin to the Vault Reserve base items size and shape on the wall.

A way to get both Prestige AND Inf past level 35 (frequently toggling SG Mode on and off is a clumsy solution). A Prestige Slider is often mentioned; adding a single 50/50 SG Mode setting would be better than the current extremes of 100/0 vs 0/100; or simply cut back the Inf tax to less than 100%.

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I propose that Level 50s revert to earning both Influence and Prestige as a reward for attaining Level 50. Warshades and Peacebringers do not 'reward' your success. All you get at Level 50 is 3 slots and a Gratz! from your teammates before you are 'rewarded' with another long grind on an AT you may never have an intention of playing.

[Rant #42,982,627,526,272.6]
With the advent of exorbitantly over priced IOs and Invention Salvages, most small to medium Supergroups that I talk with are dying. SG Members are not running in SG Mode at all [after Level 24] in order to earn the Influence they need for a particular IO. When SOs were the highest character purchases, we could pool together our resources to help each other out on a full slotting of Level 50 SOs. This was about 6 million, or 18 million to go "++".

30 Million Influence at the Auction House for 1 Numina Heal IO takes the 'Prestige' out of Supergroups fast, especially in SGs that do not have a bankroll of 1 billion influence to pay their member's way or are lucky enough to grind for 168 straight hours(yes, 1 solid week of caffeine) to maybe get just the right recipe drop.

I understand and fully agree with the idea of earning what you get. Being in the game for 3 weeks in a 5-20 Player SG should not unlock the King's Ransom of Uberness, but likewise it should not take 18 years for a casual group of friends to unlock enough to warrant having a base in the first place. We cannot fathom the excruciating prestige costs of Bases (All items/plot sizes etc).
Ok, I'll see this later and think "You really need to stop posting after 36 hour shifts at work" but for now I'll leave this to be chewed up while I bake up more RantLoaf[/Rant]

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Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
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