Introducing: The Titan Key!




Virago, if you could post on our forums (your newly created Titan key should let) we can prompt you for more information there.

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Post HERE specifically, if you can please. Vivace already started the Topic so we should continue it there.


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Sorry, my bad. I started another topic on the Titan-forum T.T I didn't think someone actually would post there for me ^^"" I come from a ... fandom where people are not this helping, lol,153.0.html

And thanks, Vivace ^^""

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Not a problem.



Taz is such a nice guy, hes my idol...

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I'd say you simply must find another Idol mate, I'm not the best of people to look up to LOL!




I would pick Cath but something tells me I dont want him as an idol either...



I would pick Cath but something tells me I dont want him as an idol either...

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Cath eh...well, any one is better then that Shades guy...uh, I mean...Due to a lack of Posting here in this Thread, I assume that there are no problems and everyone is getting around rather easily. Should anyone experience any issues with any of their Titan Key, please fee free to Post right here or on our Forums and we'll be happy to assist in alleviating your problem as soon as possible.


P.S. Shades, if you are reading this, I was only joking....really .



Despite being a Euro, you also forget he can't read!

Poor Shades



Despite being a Euro, you also forget he can't read!

Poor Shades

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Awwwww, that's really s....wait, if he can't read, who's been keeping up with the EU Boards as Shades has laid claim to have been doing? He's hired a Stenographer hasn't he....




Back on track guys, with the new badges coming up be sure to keep track of them using the Titan Network.



Well...we sometimes go Off-Topic to grab attention....doesn't alway work though.

Anyway, yes, the Halloween Event is just around the Corner and we've already got it covered. Just browse on over to our Titan Network and keep checking the News Posts for any Upcoming Badge/Site information.




Yeah going off track is ok once in a while. Be sure to keep track of all your holiday badges via the Titan Network. Have a safe candy filled halloween. Happy hunting.



Oh hey, this thread still exists! I thought it was deleted in the forum merge



It was, I asked Ex if she would be so kind to move it here and sticky it for us again and she most certainly was.

Thank you Ex..



Dont forget to track all of you halloween badges using the Titan Network.



In less than 2 months,the Titan Network has reached one thousand total Key members!

We'd like to thank everyone who's come out to support us, and remind you to stay tuned for the exciting ideas we have to continue to improve the Network!



In less than 2 months,the Titan Network has reached one thousand total Key members!

We'd like to thank everyone who's come out to support us, and remind you to stay tuned for the exciting ideas we have to continue to improve the Network!

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Yay for members! Yay for ideas!


- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:



I've been trying to check my badges to see how close my MM is to megalomaniac, and I have not been able to get CGT to work for a couple of days. This morning I tried CiT, no joy, so I tried the CoHTitan home page, and this is across the top of the page

Could not execute query: SELECT username FROM tn_users WHERE cgt_id = --

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

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CoHPlanner and CoH Faces seem to be working fine though.

I hope you guys get things working again soon.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Well, CIT seems to be working fine; what kind of issues are you having with that site?

I've fixed the Titan home page. Needed better error handling for when a server is down :/

As for CGT, it's definitely on our end. We've been having a hell of a time getting the server/network that CGT is currently on stable, and even MORE of a problem finding somewhere to move it off to that would net us an increase in stability.

It's gotten really expensive to run these sites (especially with as much bandwidth/resources as CGT chugs), and it's just not easy to afford to move it off right now



and I have not been able to get CGT to work for a couple of days.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am in the same boat. I have only gotten the page to work like, 2 times in the past 4 weeks



Well I guess you could read my post above... or not



Well, CIT seems to be working fine; what kind of issues are you having with that site?

I've fixed the Titan home page. Needed better error handling for when a server is down :/

As for CGT, it's definitely on our end. We've been having a hell of a time getting the server/network that CGT is currently on stable, and even MORE of a problem finding somewhere to move it off to that would net us an increase in stability.

It's gotten really expensive to run these sites (especially with as much bandwidth/resources as CGT chugs), and it's just not easy to afford to move it off right now

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I was getting a connection error, but it seems to be fine now.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Well, CIT seems to be working fine; what kind of issues are you having with that site?

I've fixed the Titan home page. Needed better error handling for when a server is down :/

As for CGT, it's definitely on our end. We've been having a hell of a time getting the server/network that CGT is currently on stable, and even MORE of a problem finding somewhere to move it off to that would net us an increase in stability.

It's gotten really expensive to run these sites (especially with as much bandwidth/resources as CGT chugs), and it's just not easy to afford to move it off right now

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I was getting a connection error, but it seems to be fine now.

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I got the sledge hammer out. Figured I would hit it a few times..



Please if you have any questions, comments ideas or problems to see us on our Titan boards.



If you have not stopped by The Titan Network site make sure to do so, we have pushed out an update. Make sure you stop by and check it out.