Mike Weiringo passes away at 44




For those that didn't know him, Mike was a sweetheart, he was exceedingly talented, and a wonderful person. And it is a loss to the world that he passed on at 44.

Mike was the artist for the series Tellos, which inspired me as a teenager to work in comics and animation. No one could speak poorly of Mike, he was just too much of a wonderful guy. He co-created the character Impulse, and worked on such series as: The Fantastic Four and Spiderman. He helped illustrate one of the four alternate covers for the project the Dreamland Chronicles that I worked on...

I'm just in shock. Please, any thoughts and prayers to his family would be much appreciated at this time.






I don't know a thing about him, but I'm always sad to see anyone leave this world <_ _>

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



I really loved his work, and I'm truly saddened by his passing.

He did a sketch in my sketchbook at Con. One of the few I ever asked for from anyone.



Man, didn't know him, but it looks like he was good at art.

It's a real shame he passed. I'm real sorry.



I've always been a fan of Mike, this is indeed saddening news.



I thought the name looked familiar, then I saw Sayterra mention Impulse(one of my fave comic characters ever, and who's own personality heavily influences my Scrapper to this day)....



I didn't know who he was.but I looked him up...He seemed like a great artist, and it is sad to see anyone go, especially at a young age. But we should celebrate the life he had, and hope that his art carries on to other young artists.



Yeah, I was a fan of his drawings, and had his DA site on my list. A few are in my Faves, as well.

Edit: His DA site: Ringo's DA Site

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Glad ya posted this.. it finally sunk in where I knew him from.

Rest in Peace mate.

