New artist looking for work...




Please only give me one thing to do, as stated in the title, I am new.. screenshots please



So..You are looking to...what? Draw is it? If so..I have something ya can do...Let me know...



Well, my photoshop is dead *RIP photoshop*, so yes i am drawing them, free btw... just post a screenshot, or PM it to me.



I can't tell you the truth, about how it's going to look, but I'll do my best. And only throw the soft tomatoes at me if i mess up please.



I don't throw tomatoes. I give constructive criticisims.. bugger... can't spell today... =P



Sound, would you like her colored as well?



When you get started can you gvie Lazzarus a shot.



heres Ninja bee and all her kewlness

[url=""]My Da page![/url]
Ninja-Bee- 50 Ninja/Dark MM
Aqurian Draconum- 50 Archery/Fire Blaster
Korrawi- 50 Super Strength/Invulnerability Tank Plus many others!



the first drawing in about a year is coming up, for soundrave, if any of you dont like it, tell me, and if you really dont like it, dont feel bad if you want to take back your request.



You can do one of my chars, There should be screen shots in the webpage in my sig, I'm still working on filling it out



Ok, here is Jin Yae for SoundRave *gets ready to dodge the rotten vegetables about to be thrown at him*
Jin Yea



the first drawing in about a year is coming up, for soundrave, if any of you dont like it, tell me, and if you really dont like it, dont feel bad if you want to take back your request.

[/ QUOTE ]

Anyone who is posting in a free art thread knows the risks, so don't worry about it being bad, I don't think anyone would retract a request for free artsies.



My characters have screens and references on my Deviant Art account, the link is in my sig.

Feel free to help yourself.

My Deviant Art Page



I've also got a stable of characters on dA. First link in the sig



Good work!!

Now.... Take some printer paper instead of lined paper and you're set

That's actually an excellent piece, good proportions and solid colors

When you get some time, after everyone else's requests before mine, Winter's True Spirit might give you a little challenge

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



who wants to see the headshot of turbo-ski i drew earlier today? I'll upload it in a second



Please do!!

What's fun about this forum area is that a lot of the same folks DO get their toons drawn, but that means that instead of just a haphazard bunch of 'I drew this' threads, we all pretty much recognize the characters in question.

Can't wait!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



You can do a black/white or colored..I said be creative..i want to see whan can do..i know I am better without color and others it is your choice...and thanks.



I think I'm better at headshots, with a certain detail in the back, in turbo's case, it is her ice scythe, uploading as i type this



i will go in the same order of request, but if you can tell me if you would like a headshot, and one or two things behind it, i would be more than happy to