Help out with some new threads




I'm really need some desperate costume help. I'm don't know what it is about my current costume, but something about it just doesn't please me. Yet, I cannot fathom what to do about it. All I know is I need something new. Can I get some help? Linked below is his current costumes (normal and powered up). Nothing really special about his bio, just a teen hero that uses fire powers.

Firestreak powered up

Thanks for any help!



I really like both of those. It's a simple transition.

You've got a couple of options for future costumes, I think:
1) Civvies. Civillian clothes are never out of place on a Superhero. You could even do one 'powered up' and one not, too.
2) Something armored. Not necessarily a robot suit or battle armor, but something with a little extra protection.
3) Some sort of hazardous-environment suit. Could be anti-radiation gear for the Terra Volta trial, or a gas mask for those sewer missions.
4) Full-body flames. Done with the right blending, you can make it look like you're physically made out of fire.



Are you looking to modify that costume or find something completly new that still fits your character?

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



I have some ideas... Lemme' play w/ the costume creator for a bit.. I'll be back to ya

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



This is a little different (Ok, a lot) than your costume, but I tried to keep the teen superhero in mind. I thought he may not want total spandex as a kid, and he is also going to be in some rugged areas since he is a teenager and we do that kinda' stuff, plus I like the look, so I gave him cargo pants. I gave him the muscles on top, because in CoH, it is either you are really muscley, or not at all, so I went for the muscley because the smooth gives a really weird texture, imo.

So w/o further ado, here he is Firestreak

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!




So w/o further ado, here he is Firestreak

[/ QUOTE ]

I like it ... the only thing I would have made different is that I would have blended the gloves into the arm flames so you don't end up with 2 sets there ... just an opinion though.

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



Modifications to the costume or new stuff work. I'm not picky.

I thought of a new idea I'll post up later when I get home from work.



All right, here is the costume that I was working on last night. When the character was first thought up way long ago, his signature piece of clothing was a blue shirt with a flame pattern, so this is homage to that. What do you think?

Any other ideas are welcome. I have another character I might bring into this thread for some help, he hasn't had a new costume since he was created back when CoV launched.



One thing I would do (but by no means am I saying you should if you don't want to) is switch the red and the yellow on the arms, legs and chest emblem.

I know fire doesn't work like that, and that the red part of a real fire is generally at the top/outside the source, but in this case I think having the lighter yellow next to the dark blue would probably make the colors "pop" a bit more.



I really like the blue outfit you made instead of the red one. It has more contrast and looks much more iconic. But the center chest area is just lacking and the flame floats in the middle, without any anchor points for the eye to lock onto. I tried to fiddle with it myself and was only able to come up with a few designs.

First off, I think the blue was too severe, so I moved up a shade to something a little less severe. I couldn't avoid getting rid of the fire on the arms, because there's no other designs that will put details in the chest without leaving a blank spot on the arms. So I changed the shoulder pads to cover up the bland arms and give them more detail at the same time.

With the framing of the flame working correctly, I just shifted the center of it to the same blue as the costume. This makes it an icon instead of a crude picture of a flame, as if it was actually sewn into the outfit. I changed the belt to match the blue of the outfit, so as to not break up that wonderful negative space you have going in the middle. Now the colors flow naturally and the whole outfit should be more pleasing to the eye. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



I tried a few variations already. The diablo works okay but the horns just doesn't seem to look right. The emphasis it puts on the chest area just makes the outfit too effeminate. The placement of the flame on the chest really makes it difficult to work with, because it's just in the right spot to crop into the patterns, but not enough that coloring them uniformly makes it sink in. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Thanks for the outfit Suichiro, I think it looks really good. However, I've grown kind of fond of all the extra space, so I'm going to keep the costume I recently made, but you've given me another idea for the next costume slot I get... BTW, what colors did you use for the hair? I really like it.

Thanks everyone for your help! I've really appreciated it.