The Living End!




OK enough is enough!

I don’t mind the occasional directionally challenged Hellion, or even a CoT that dug to deep but this is the living end!

Seriously Cryptic give those in Paragon, and those that live close to it, a break! Sheesh! Look what it did to those poor women’s hair!!!



Nice photo manip, totally believable... makes me want to watch War of the Worlds.



lol Nice job Blue Metal!

Can you post the original source image?



lol Nice job Blue Metal!

Can you post the original source image?

[/ QUOTE ]

OK going up now.

I added two links -

one to the raw source jpec - straight out of the camera.
one to a zip file with the layered image - 10meg - but if you have Fireworks, or a possible version of Photoshop that understands layered png file, you can play around with the image.

I am on ADSL, so my uploads are very slow. The PNG will take a while to get up there.

There is also a link to the BDL Car stereo, one of the shops in the foreground. I might muck around with an image or two but I am waaaay too busy to create an entire fake website

I'm very happy that everone has liked it



Wow! This is amazing.

I agree with LJ..Very believable. I need one of those with a pic of my house under it!

[/ QUOTE ]

Send me a photo

No seriously! I used to be a graphic designer but I went too far into programming and then too far into instructional design and then too far into management. I'm only doing it to keep my hand in and play with the development tools my staff use. (Its amazing what they don't tell you)