Ultrazephyr & Lightslinger by John Becaro




Ultrazephyr & Lightslinger by John Becaro

Ths amazing art is by John Becaro, an artist from deviantart.com

He drew my main character, Lightslinger, with a real life friend of mine's hero, Ultrazephyr. I can't wait to see the colored version of this, I'll update this thread when we get it.

Also, if you're looking for someone to commission, John is extremely easy to work with and cheap. Highly recommended.



Outstanding, John's work is truly amazing.

I am looking foward to seeing this colored also. I have a feeling that John's work looks best in Black and White. Seeing it in color will prove to me whether color does his work justice.



For me its hit and almost miss, his inks are so strong, that a lot of the areas would have to "loose the black" and be straight color. Though when it hits, it really hits, otherwise it's fine, but I love his deep blacks...



good stuf