Zek's swag from the Comic Con 2k7




That's right, I'm actually back online thanks to a new modem and some outsourced help

Got a few nice things at the convention this year, namely a trio of beautiful renditions of Winter's True Spirit!

First up is a lovely head portrait from David Nakayama of COH comic fame! I waited a while in line and met some fun folks - one of whom I hope is convinced to come back for a while from his 'extended vacation in Fantasy Land', he liked what he learned about I 9 and 10... Well anyway,

David Nakayama's Winter

Then I got one by comic/rpg painter Kim DeMulder!

And finally a lovely inked piece by comic artist Jessie Hamm!

I got a few others, but I wanted to share these because they're gorgeous

Rita Tull, triptych (lanner falcon, albino cheetah, white pegasus) by Diana Stein

And ... Aero and some other o'you guys, hold on to your hats.

Sanger (as a young man) by Joe Phillips. Yes, he's that hawt. No one's nailed this character's image like this. I die now.

I had a good time at the con, but it's nice to be back online after a week of bad connection (to none at all for days). Anyone else score some good stuff of their COH toons?

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Cool beans Zek, the Sanger piece is great!



Awesome to see Zek



Very awesome!!!!!!!!



And ... Aero and some other o'you guys, hold on to your hats.

Sanger (as a young man) by Joe Phillips.

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Sanger's a Joe Boy now?

I. Am. So. Jealous right now!



And ... Aero and some other o'you guys, hold on to your hats.

Sanger (as a young man) by Joe Phillips.

[/ QUOTE ]


Sanger's a Joe Boy now?

I. Am. So. Jealous right now!

[/ QUOTE ]


He's like.... flawless. If a full color one wasn't 200 bucks, I'd have gotten one. I might get another next time. yeah. He's really, really perfect.

I share, it's okay. You can touch him. hee.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!