Paragon City Remembers ((Post-I10 RP))

Fire Lilly



((NOTE: This will take place after the war. Dates will be announced after participation is tallied.))

*This message is sent to all super groups who have suffered losses during the Rikti War, shortly after the war ends*

"Death be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not so,
For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleepe, which but thy pictures bee,
Much pleasure, then from thee, much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee doe goe,
Rest of their bones, and soules deliverie.
Thou art slave to Fate, Chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poyson, warre, and sicknesse dwell,
And poppie, or charmes can make us sleepe as well,
And better then thy stroake; why swell'st thou then;
One short sleepe past, wee wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die."

Holy Sonnet X, by John Donne

Friends, Heroes, Citizens of Paragon City, we have won the War, but we have lost as well. Though the Rikti threat has been averted, for the time being, several hundred lives have been lost during the battles of the war. Heroes, Soliders, and Civilians alike, suffered at the hands of the Rikti menace and passed on to the Greener Pastures we will only know when we go beyond the Vale. I myself have lost 3 nephews and several friends during the war, mostly during the attack on my place of business, Kingdom Tower.

So now comes the time where we must lay our loved ones and comerades to rest and bid them a fond adeui. To comemorate the dead and to bring the people of the city together, I propose a massive memorial service on a later date, begining with speeches at Atlas Park and ending at Salamanca Cemetery. The entire event will be televised and paid for by the King family. So, as some friends of mine always say, Gods protect and may Angels guide your way.


Rhode Island Senator Jacob A. King the 5th

((Please contact me at my global, @Spark's, if you are interested in participating in any way. I do require some roles to be filled for this all to work out. I would need some SG leaders to make appearences and speeches, so that is a defenite priority. We will also require priest and, of course, mourners of the dead. Anyone who's character died should leave said characters name and birth/death date here. Any questions, feel free to contact me.))



((OK, August 6th at about 8 PM EST sounds good. Do I have any takers?



((Which server will this be taking place on? Kind of hard to agree to do this if we're not sure where in the game it's taking place. Will this be on Test? Freedom? Infinity? It sounds like a good idea [Virtue did something similar on the anniversary of the game going Live for those who fell in the first Rikti war], but more information is really needed.))

Ashes to ashes,

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman




I beieve he is planning it in-game, but will write it down here on the boards.

The Shadow Manor did this. They planned out what was going to happen in the game with 'RP sessions', then the person would write down the specific details to exactly what happened when they are needed on the fourms.

Example: You plan out that you are going to have an assassin fail his assassination attempt on a well known hero in the D, and that assassin must make his way out. Only to be stopped by one to three () more heroes at the elevator...

On the forums, you write what your character looks like, the exact details as to how you got the job and/or decided to assassinate a target. You right down exactly how you tried to kill that person. The other person will then tell exactly how he managed to escape the final blow.

-Short fight scene later-

Time is running short, and security is coming from around around the corner. You throw a smoke bomb to the floor while teleporting yourself to the elevator... Only run right in to Stateman!

-Another fight scene-

You tell how you got away or get caught. The RP must then continue. Of course, this requires many people, and plot twists are always welcome. ))



((I ask the same question, what server? And I am now replying to that one)) Rikti forces begin to invade, and Roboto HQ began to fight alongside Statesman. Roboto HQ happened to be a robotic hero, stars on the sides of his arms and heavy steampunk armor. Red and blue, half-and-half of the uniform.
He constantly blasted bolts of heavy energy. Statesman fell to the ground, and Roboto HQ took a glance at him, suddenly resolving with his body cut inhalf and his system shutdown. He was off.



((Which server will this be taking place on? Kind of hard to agree to do this if we're not sure where in the game it's taking place. Will this be on Test? Freedom? Infinity? It sounds like a good idea [Virtue did something similar on the anniversary of the game going Live for those who fell in the first Rikti war], but more information is really needed.))

Ashes to ashes,

[/ QUOTE ]

Ragh, sorry, I'm so used to playing on Virtue that I don't mention it. So, Virtue once the war is over, righto?))



Oh, and this will be In-Game))



Oh... Fully in game, gatcha.

And, why was Stateman just cut in half? I mean, if he is stronger then the other heroes and he dies, then this war should be an auto win! O_O



((Statesman wasn't cut in half, Roboto HQ was. Statesman was knocked out. I need someone to repair me, and the Rikti are crowded around the building so basically it would be too hard for a single hero to fend them off.))



((Alright, I'm slating this for this coming Thursday, the 9th at 8PM EST. Please contact me if you want to participate.