The Calendar - May




It looks like After_Shock took it for this month. He had some very cool designs for his patriotic characters (not saying that the rest weren't patriotic or anything).

Here is the month of May's patriotic calendar...

The Protector !


For those who might have missed-



Wow! another cool one, Jugga! I love the pose, and the quote.

Great job!






I'm glad you guys like it.



Well, I am glad you didnt, hehe. Protector looks tough! I even made a couple tweaks to him now, and actually staerted playing him as a Defender (Healer/Electric).

Wish Shields would come out, as that is what I had really created him for. He would have a shield that was cracked like the Liberty Bell, so yeah, he is kinda a Capt. America rip-off, but I just love the costume and colors.

Jugg, glad it won, and the pic looks awesome.



my birthday's in June.... whats your theme gonna be for June? I need time to argue my case for one of my mains, or come up with something new and totally awsome :-D

Protector looks awsome (when small, the lighting looks good enough that I thought he was rendered ;P)




I had better get thinking of a theme now.

After_Shock - I'm really glad you like the finished product. He's a fun character to do... now lvl him to 50 k!



yea... june is tough.......

except for it being the begining of summer (SWIMSUIT ISSUE!)
and then there's Getting out of school for summer vacation
and June Bugs
and "Hey June" (by the Beedles)

also, its the time of Gemini, so twins (and bipolar people) are all hippy and groovie for a whole month...

June's birthstone is the pearl, Alexandrite, or moonstone

Juno(hera) is the month's patron, and A juno is also the protecting and guardian spirit of females.

just some thoughts.