Commander Ivy in 3D




Here is my rendition of Pyrria's Mastermind, Commander Ivy.

This was a challenging and very educational piece for me. When Py said I could do an Ivy piece, I decided I wanted to include her mercenaries in it. There were three reasons for this: (1) I had never done a piece with more than 2 characters; (2) I had never done a piece with a male character; and (3) I had a bunch of army stuff that I wanted the chance to use.

Once I got the characters done and got the scene set up, though, Poser wouldn't render it due to memory limitations. So I had to render it in pieces and put the pieces together in post. Through this process, I learned a few new techniques in PSP that gave me much better control over the final result. So overall I learned a lot doing this one, which is one of the reasons I decided on a fairly ambitious scene.

Thanks to Pyrria for her patience and guidance in putting this together, and to ProfessorBlues for his comments and suggestions on the individual characters in my scraps folder.

Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome.



Wow, great piece! I love how the Mer Pet's came out



I think it's pretty good!! Good job!



Agreed! Very nice job, Sartori! You should definitely be proud of your accomplishments, and I'm sure Pyrria loves the piece.



Great work on the Soldiers and the Commando, both are extremely close to their in-game look. Very nice!

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