Heads up, Deviants




Deviant Artists, that is.

I have a Deviant Art account, but that's not why I'm writing this. I recently received an e-mail stating that someone used the lost password form to try and reset the password to my account. Since it wasn't me, I deleted the e-mail.

Basically, just a heads-up that someone may be trying to hack DA accounts.

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



Ugh, great. That happens from time to time.

Myself, I have gotten some WEIRD scams in my email boxes. Since I only give out a total of one 'true' email for my business transactions, I know whenever I find a 'fix your password and information at once or suffer teh consequences!!zomg' note in my odd email box I know it's a scam.

Actually the one true strange event was when there was a phishing scheme going about a bank (I think it was wells fargo) and the originating source was for Chaosium games. Someone had hacked Chaosium of all things to send scam emails, so I was like -..... this is SO weird...

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



If anyone from Nigeria wants to sell you something, DONT DO IT!



Or if anyone from Nigeria wants to buy something from you, DONT DO IT!



You got the idea!



I may already be the winner of an enlargement package for a shiny new... whoops did I say that out loud?






At least once a month a millionaire dying from AIDS randomly contacts me to give me their money to give to charity. Since they want to give to charity I just direct the proper authorities to these unfortunate millionaires. They can help them. I do this because I'm a nice guy!