The best thing I evah drew :)




Hey all,

So I decided to try drawing a sketch and I wound up drawing power girl. I sketched her and inked her and next is colors but I'd thought I'd show you guys the before and after images as well as show you the thread that shows my progress on the peice :P

ok! first up is the pencil sketch: Pencils

And...are you ready for it???

The inks: Inks

This peice took me about 12hours straight to finish and I still haven't done the colors yet lol

anywho just thought I'd share my one great accomplishment

oh and the peice also showcases my new art sig

Thread containing progress: Thread



That is just fantastic! It's clean and well drawn and just all around awesome.

Like I said, your real talent is in coloring so when you color it it will be all kinds of awesome.

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



Looking good Speedy! Boy does she look fierce!



GREAT job Speedy! <^_^> That's better than anything I've ever done!

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



wow that's awesome!



That looks awesome man!! Keep up the good work.



Looking GREAT man! Can't wait to see the colors.



Very nice job bud.



I love the pose, she looks like she is wagging her finger at the bad guys.



I believe that's my favorite super heroine!

Good on ya, Speedy! Glad to see someone do'n her justice!



Here are the final colors on the Powergirl peice. enjoy people

Powergirl by Matthew Pottie, that's me