Untitled WIP
Interesting... that one seems more about the monster than the heroes.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Ya... giant monsters can be serious attention hogs.
And the piece is not ment to be about the monster or the heroes but their strugle with it... and the snakes... and the blue...
Those two just can't seem to get a break, can they?
As always, both of your WIPs are gorgeous work.
This might be a bogus thought, but if you're looking for less attention on the giant monster specifically, maybe changing the angle so the heroes are raised above him, and he's rising at them. Or skooting the monster closer to the heroes.
Ah I don't really know. I really like it as is, anyway. Can't wait to see the progress.
Must say graver, i think this one will be one of my favourites, look forward to updates on it.
The monster really adds to this image, great creature.
Plus this means im getting closer to my own image and december.
"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
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http://GuardianForce.Guildportal.com - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?
Is it wrong that I like that cool looking monster so much I'm hoping it wins?
I finally got it done. Here are some of my characters.
My Deviant art page.
Thanks for the suggestions there, Serengeti! The relation of the monster to the heroes in this one (it's size, position, the perspective I needed to use to get it all to work, make it feel big without dwarfing the heroes, etc) drove me nuts for many a day. I played with angles until my head was about to blow up . Layout-wise, this is darn close to about as good as i can get it. I still might tweak the size of the monster a touch and all, but I think the main weapon left to me to insure focus is on the heroes first and monster second will be detail.
I'm planing on having the monster half shrouded in a misty fog (like a lot of my backgrounds ) with parts poking out towards the heroes. The heroes will both be highly detailed and not at all shrouded and indistinct. I think that should fix the focusing issue... at least I hope
Sounds like an excellent plan, man.
Can't wait!
Yay! A pic with Fluffy! Hagrid will be so happy!
your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.
Well, I was hopping to be done with this one by now, but no such luck. So, instead, i have a lovely update.
There's... a lot of work to go... ya.
PS: no, it's perfectly okay to love Fluffy more then the heroes... so much love and work went into him
Man I love your coloring Graver ... really nice.
(water colors right? ... I know it has been asked and I think that was the answer. Just confirming and beeing amazed.)

Char Site | My DeviantArt
Very nice, as always dude. Is there some trick to getting that even spread with the water colors? Or just practice really?
I can never do it very well when I play with my water colors. :P
Ya, I still don't have a freakin' title for this one *sigh* but I'm sure one will come before it's over.
It's another chapter from that demon Shiver's life and his Angel. This time, they were to be in combat with a giant monster of some verity. This cute lil' guy was eventually selected as the monster for them to fight. When putting it all together, though, I hit a lot of problems. Eventually, I managed to get these pencils whipped out for it.
Soon to come, snakes, transformations, mist, the color blue, and December. Stay tuned!