Uneasy Alliance by Brandon McKinney




I have been waiting to see how this one turned out and was going to wait until it was finished, but I am so pleased with it that I thought I would share the pencils. The scene depicts Britannia and Warfox, the most bitter of enemies, being forced to work together to survive a common threat. Brandon really knocked my socks off with this one. I am giddy with delight. Enjoy.

Britannia and Wafox: Uneasy Alliance



Can we pretend that those zombies are the ones my zombie mastermind controls? Cause they've never looked that good and I think it might be a nice morale boost.

I mean at one point they were greek gods, now they just get ordered around by a punk motercycle riding werewolf.

Is that gonna be coloured, though it doesn't need it as it is gastronomical as is.



very nice piece of work



Nifty! <@_@>

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Sure they can be your MM's zombies. Just remember that Warfox will be looking to dish out some serious hurt to whomever unleashed them upon her.
And yes, it will be colored.



nice buckeye....nice! suspect the colored version will be very cool ~

...the sword is truth...




Very very nice. But remember undead have rights too.

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