NOBLE - by Juggy




Ok all, I did up another one. I'm hopingyou guys will check it out and be nice - it's a little different than a normal looking one (honestly, just a little different).




Such a big guy crying like that?





Hehe, his face reminds me of Arthur from the tick.



Actually, it was the tick that inspired me on this one.



I can see the inspiration <^o^> I LOVE IT! >_<

He's like... The Tick, PHd <o.o> (a dangerous thing if ever I heard one).

"Arthur! Fetch the SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!" <explosion>

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Cool work as always man.



Thanks Static... um, new AV?



Yeah. by Derek_Fayte

I still need to organize my images somehow. I have photobucket running but never good enough.

Summertime is over and my income has dried up. I need to find that extra source of income so I can get more commissions. Currently doing all I can to keep the account up.



Hehe, s'not a chibi, Static, that's just my normal semicartoony style. If ya want you can get one looking a bit more realistic, I don't normally do that style, but.. Just post in Derek's Sketch Thread or the avatar thread again.



Sorry Derek. Still learning styles. Got it confused with another one.



S'alright. I do chibis as well, though. I mean I DRAW them. >.<

Look in the thread "An invitation to all artists" and later in that thread you'll see a more realistic styled drawing of mine. If you want one of those just ask.



WOW! Great work Juggs!!!!!



Thanks Mr.M

And Derek, keep that style. It's gritty and it's you.



The more realistic one, or the one in his avatar?



I like.... This and this style, but the chibi style more.

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



I drew that one in a bit more of a manga-ish style, less cartoony. But you like the chibi best? I'm surprised.



...ya know it was mentioned in the past and it really looks that way...but....I love your airbrush coloring style. it adds a ton of character to...well...the characters. definately sets your work apart from all the rest.

Mental Note: pester Jugg in the future for more work

...the sword is truth...




Ok all, I did up another one. I'm hopingyou guys will check it out and be nice - it's a little different than a normal looking one (honestly, just a little different).


[/ QUOTE ]

*high fives Juggy*

Great looking piece brother!! I am liking how you have developed this style from what ya used to do!

and damn I havn't been back to Guru in a while!

...the sword is truth...
