1st Lottory WIP: Ms Veil




I am doing these in no particular order, this was just the 1st I had a clear idea on what I wanted to do. I know this means I now have 3 WIP's going, but again I can sketch anywhere, I have not been able to get more than like 30 minutes computer time for about 2 weeks now, RL has been busy.

So here is the 1st WIP!!!

Ms Veil



looks really good!

although, to be honest, not to sure about the Pippy Longstocking thing goin on with her pigtails. heh the pic is good no doubt but I keep coming back to them for some reason....

that said, I think you have a real knack for the pinup thing so far. loved every pice thus far. ~

...the sword is truth...




The pigtails in the game have always struck me as very Pippy Longstocking or juvenile in general to be honest (no offence to anyone who uses that hairstyle as I have). They are easy to tone down some.



[color=#cc99cc]Wow, really nice so far! Her hand that is touching the face seems a little small and the left pig tail doesn't seem to be affected by the breeze blowing everything toward her right. Or maybe she just spun her head quickly? Or maybe it's just me, hehe.

I am loving your pinup drawings, Celsia. Hero (have all the pinups been heroe's, hmm... hehe) by day, pin up girl by night!



The pigtails in the game have always struck me as very Pippy Longstocking or juvenile in general to be honest (no offence to anyone who uses that hairstyle as I have). They are easy to tone down some.

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heh nothing wrong with the pigtails in game. just thinking that in this case they dont droop at all...kinda like Pippy's...they kinda stick straight out oddly....

either way...looks durn good and looking forward to seeing more ~

...the sword is truth...




I fixed the pigtails, but remain unhappy with the left hand/arm I am debating completely changing it.



I am doing these in no particular order, this was just the 1st I had a clear idea on what I wanted to do. I know this means I now have 3 WIP's going, but again I can sketch anywhere, I have not been able to get more than like 30 minutes computer time for about 2 weeks now, RL has been busy.

So here is the 1st WIP!!!

Ms Veil

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Hmm... I think you've got a good start here - but; my personal suggestion would be to take this pose - keep it mostly the same, and start over, refining it in another attempt. I think what you've got here is quite good - but some things look distorted (the hands, arms, and sword particularly strike me).

That's not saying you *have* to start over >.<;; I'm merely suggesting it as perhaps a better way to use what you learned from getting this far. I think you've got a great idea going; but it needs fine-tuning that I know I personally would find impossible to do at this stage in a work.

Take that all of course with a huge grain of salt - I'm not the sort who's good at editting >.<

To give some specific criticisms:

The right shoulder (Her left) looks too big, the sword is too curved (far more curved even than most scimitars - katana have very shallow curves to them), the left breast (her right) seems a bit too low (I may be wrong in that, its merely from my PoV)

Those are the main things I see.

I *really* like the basic idea here though, I think the skirt is pretty cool, and your pose is great; just needs some refining. >.< I hope this helped <;_;> all intended to help!

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Looks good LJ! All I can think of when I see it is her saying "Ooops I did it again."



Looks good LJ! All I can think of when I see it is her saying "Ooops I did it again."

[/ QUOTE ]
did what? made other heroes crash into buildings checking her out as they fly by and not paying attention to where they are going???
*looks at pic again*
yup....that's it exactly



...the sword is truth...




*Milton looks at peregrine strangely*

I...I believe you have my stapler?



....errrr.....ok. *wonders whats up with the linky to wikiworld then opts instead to just move slowly away from aaron....verrry sloowly......*


...the sword is truth...




Milton's a character from Office Space, which I wiki-linked.

Never theless...



Office space is one of my all time favorite movies and Milton by far my favorite character.

And I said no salt NO SALT on my margarita.



errrr....is that elvis!?! *runs other way when aaron looks*~

...the sword is truth...




I am in redraw mode I think, couple of things about the pose I have not been happy about. Rl is hell right now so it is coming slowly, do not worry. My progress is slow but it will happen. Please be patient.