Just a little render




I recently got Cinema 4D, and I was aching to do a human-esque render. Well, since I wasn't ready to do a full blown one, I just did a quick one of my toon on Virtue (in my avatar). (Thank god it's not detailed )

Just thought I'd share this.



Neat!! I can't wait to see what you can do with a more detailed image, that looks really good!

*waits on the stoop for her tablet that arrives today*



looking good Hex , i'll be looking for updates




*waits on the stoop for her tablet that arrives today*

[/ QUOTE ]

Awesome! What type?

I <3 my intuos ^.^



Since I'm poor and a total graphic art n00b, I'm getting a graphire 3 4x5 If I turn out to be good at it I'm going to upgrade to an Intuos. I can't resist all those shiny buttons!!!

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