Any bored artists out there?
Nice looking toons! ... I.... miiight try the first one in lego.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I really like that 50 toon. Great look on his costumes.
i like the lvl 50 toon as well I cant draw but I figured id say I like your toon lol
Heheh, thanks I appreciate it. Went for a simple look on him.
Get someone to color it.
Host sites always make them tiny!
Get someone to color it.
Host sites always make them tiny!
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He's back! ....wait where's my picture. j/k
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Hey that's awesome! Thanks very much. Even as a sketch I like it.
I'm asking my SG mate to color it in, if and when he does I'll post it here. Again, awesome sketch!
Get someone to color it.
Host sites always make them tiny!
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Nice one.
Hope you like... was fun to do.
Siberian Knight
Siberian Knight
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That is great! I really like the style, it's very different from most of the other styles on this forum, and me likey!
Thanks so much.
I was thinking of making a topic like this, but didn't in fear of feeling like a selfish bum. Since it's already here... could someone draw me a picture of Migrayne? Please?
Hope you like... was fun to do.
Siberian Knight
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I love the style too!!! Would you mind doing Marvel Maiden!
Any costume!
Here ya go... I think this is my best one yet, say where is your avatar from? Is that MM also?
Marvel Maiden
WOW!!! I love it!!! *put as desktop background* You are awesome. And so my favorite now.
And my avatar is the Cover of JSA Classified #1 and that is Power Girl the art is by Adam Hughes. Power Girl is kinda of the model for Marvel Maiden.
Ah, cool, I'll look it up... I'm so rusty drawing these days, but these past few days it's been a real gas getting back to what I love to draw. Usually I spend days on pieces, but I don't have that time to spend. If I do, I'll try to use some reference next time, I know that right leg looks like a steroid embellism... lol.
Glad you liked it.
Yah!! Who wants to draw me a Missy K piece?
Use this as your reference
It's not selfish to ask for any talented artists to depict your hero/villain. I think its great how there are so many people with so many different styles on here, and many are willing to draw your toons just for the fun of it. That's the best part and makes this a fantastic community.
I agre with you. If someon wants to put up a thread like this, I think it's cool.
if they get no responses though, they might want to re-think their approach.
Hey all,

I've been looking at all the great hero/villain artwork that has passed through this board for quite some time, and almost everything has been excellent.
An SG mate has been drawing some of our toons and he recently posted his drawing of my tank, Mr. Russia and I love it. In fact I liked it so much, now I needs more art! I'm hooked now.
Sooo, I was just wondering if there were any artists out there that were looking for a new subject to draw. Unfortunately I'm not sure how interested you all would be, since I can't offer any art trades (I cant draw to save my life) nor can I offer money (poor college student syndrome). So with that said, who wants to draw me?! lol
Anyway, if you do happen to have time and wouldn't mind putting your artistic talents to work, my two characters are below.
I put a couple of their different outfits, so in case someone is interested, they can choose whatever outfit they find more aesthetically pleasing.
Siberian Knight - 50 ice/ice/cold blaster
and Mr. Russia - 33 invul/ss tanker
Thanks in advance