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  1. Any news? Is it progressing? Getting anxious to see.
  2. If you are still looking for heroes...I'd like to nominate my tank.

    Mr. Russia - Invul/SS Tanker

    Screen 1

    Screen 2
  3. Ah Ha!!! I knew you couldn't resist.

    Now that I have your attention, I would like to ask if there are any bored artists out there that wouldn't mind whipping up a little drawing of my character. I unfortunately can't draw at all, otherwise I would offer art trades. As such, I cannot offer anything in return.

    As appealing as I'm sure that sounds, I figured I would give a shot to see if there is anyone that wouldn't mind working their artistic talents. I've seen lots of great pieces and fantastic styles here and would greatly appreciate it.

    The character I would like is my new main toon, my lvl 50 Invul/SS tank. I say 'my new main toon' because my first main that I got to 50 was an ice blaster, but I've had such a friggin blast playing this tank that my blaster is collecting dust now and my tank is the one I play 'full-time,' so to speak.

    Here are a couple of screenshots of him, just in case someone is willing to draw him.

    Mr. Russia - Shot 1

    Mr. Russia - Shot 2 (Close up)

    Mr. Russia - Shot 3

    Mr. Russia - Action Shot just for kicks

    Like I said, I just thought I would throw this out there and see. Hopefully someone out there is looking for a new subject.

  4. That was fantastic.
    As someone else commented, I also love the dancing freak tanks lol.
  5. It's not selfish to ask for any talented artists to depict your hero/villain. I think its great how there are so many people with so many different styles on here, and many are willing to draw your toons just for the fun of it. That's the best part and makes this a fantastic community.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Been drawing up a frenzy, and thanks to all the requests... I think I've opened up a can of art worms!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL yes you have...

    Well you did such a great job on one of my toons to other day, Siberian Knight, I wanted to request (if you want to and have time of course) to draw my other main toon, Mr. Russia.

    Either of the costumes is fine although I prefer the soviet one with the hammer and sickle

    Thanks again

    Oh and your work on Sithius was just plain awesome. I love em all but that one really stood out for me.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Read and try this...


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well there you go. Pretty much everything you need to know with much better explanations and even screenshots of the tools and what they do. Nice find LadyJudgement.
  8. Im not sure if you're asking for an in depth explaination or just where to start. So I'll just give you a quick beginners run through, if you already know the basics then disregard. Basically just open up each individual image of all of the toons you want to use and set them aside. Then create a new image (file > new) and make it the size you want. (I recommend somewhere around 1024x768 pixels based on the size of the screenshots that CoX creates).

    Then you will see in your toolbar (which is by default in the upper left corner of the photoshop window) a button for your lasso tool (it's the second from the top button on the left column).

    This requires a fairly steady hand but with that lasso tool, you can cut out the toon from the screenshot. A little tip is that you can click and hold the mouse on the lasso tool button, and select the polygonal lasso tool instead, which basically uses straight lines to cut out your image. This helps because you dont have to be as precise with your hand movements, but if you go very slowly you can avoid any jagged edges in your cut-out. There is also the magnetic lasso tool which takes away alot of the precision needed while cutting out an image because it kind of guesses where you want to cut out, but I've found this to be more of a hinderance than anything, but it might be the way to go if you're not used to using the lasso tool.

    Once you have the entire toon carved out, you'll see a dashed, flashing outline around the toon. Then select the move tool (which is the button on the very top of the right column in the tool bar) and just drag the toon to the new image you created.

    Repeat with each toon and you got it. Each toon will be re-created on the new image as layers, and each layer can be controlled in the layers window on your right hand side.

    Let us know if this is what you were looking for, or if you need more help.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Siberian Knight

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is great! I really like the style, it's very different from most of the other styles on this forum, and me likey!

    Thanks so much.
  10. I'm asking my SG mate to color it in, if and when he does I'll post it here. Again, awesome sketch!
  11. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey that's awesome! Thanks very much. Even as a sketch I like it.
  12. Heheh, thanks I appreciate it. Went for a simple look on him.
  13. Hey all,

    I've been looking at all the great hero/villain artwork that has passed through this board for quite some time, and almost everything has been excellent.

    An SG mate has been drawing some of our toons and he recently posted his drawing of my tank, Mr. Russia and I love it. In fact I liked it so much, now I needs more art! I'm hooked now.

    Sooo, I was just wondering if there were any artists out there that were looking for a new subject to draw. Unfortunately I'm not sure how interested you all would be, since I can't offer any art trades (I cant draw to save my life) nor can I offer money (poor college student syndrome). So with that said, who wants to draw me?! lol

    Anyway, if you do happen to have time and wouldn't mind putting your artistic talents to work, my two characters are below.

    I put a couple of their different outfits, so in case someone is interested, they can choose whatever outfit they find more aesthetically pleasing.

    Siberian Knight - 50 ice/ice/cold blaster

    and Mr. Russia - 33 invul/ss tanker

    Thanks in advance