Sanguine: WIP




Testing out working on the new paper, and at the increased sized before moving on to the announced project, by using a more familiar subject. Please make comments and observations. It was different working at this scale, and I know my shading etc still needs works (this is partially shaded), but trying to get better.

Thanks all!!




Her feet look too small, I think, even given the perspective. Still, looks good. Got a link to the character you were using as reference so we can compare?



Thats a nice sketch Celsia! It looks like she has some sass to her from the body language. You also did a great job coloring her boots. I can't shade that texure to save my life!

A couple things that I noticed about it though. First, her right leg seems a lot longer than the left. For example, the foot is only positioned slightly higher than the other, but theres a lot of bent leg that, if straightened, would push it below the other. Also, her thigh(s) seem a little thick to me, but it could just be personal preference seeping in.

I know what you mean about drawing things on a different scale thorwing you off. Whenever I try to draw a closeup of someone's face (like I did for AK), I invariably mess up the shoulders / chest to be too small. You'll get the hang of it. Good piece!



Sarrate you were dead on. Something was bothering me about the pic making her look pudgy and a little off balance. So as per your observations the thigh is thinner and the left leg is significantly longer. Made a big big differance. Thanks, here is the rescan (sorry about the scanner greyness and the obvious tiling).

Sanguine again

Thank you.

And so everybody knows what the ingame character looks like here she is...

Sanguine ingame



I was a little hesitant to post (not terribly good at critiquing), but I'm glad I could help in this case. Can't wait to see the finished piece!