Stuff I've drawn
Here's yet another for your viewing pleasure... this is Angel Black also on Triumph Server... a real bad girl.
The Neverending Battle Continues; Be Heroes!!
Stuff I've Drawn
My Deviant Art Page
I really dig your style man. Keep it up. It's nice and simple yet very smooth.
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
Thanks... I appreciate the compliment. Now for the heroes side of the hundred acre wood... My lvl 50 Tanker drawn by me... it's in black and white... Her name's Angel White from Triumph server.
Also, as an added bit of fun stuff, here's what Brandon McKinney drew for me on helping him out for some source material. A great piece of work, and I'm glad i got it. Thanks, Brandon!!
The Neverending Battle Continues; Be Heroes!!
Stuff I've Drawn
My Deviant Art Page
Looking really good mate, cant wait to see some of my characters come to life
Holy moly!!!! *drops dead in awe!*
Oh right...
You're talented! I hate you! You suck! etc etc etc
But really those are very awesomes!
While I agree with everyone "those are really good" I do have to say that something about the way you draw faces bothers me. Especially the eyes, just seem off from the rest of the body. That's really my only complaint though.
Not to worry, Roxstar... I try different approaches to my faces. Sometimes they fly right out of the park (home run)... sometimes... eh... (grounder to 3rd for the out). But only by getting critiques and advice from people who want to see me get better can I GET BETTER.
For this above all, I really appreciate the comments. I've gotten a lot of critiques of how bad my stuff has been from time to time, in times past, but those are getting less and less as time goes on. So... don't worry, I'm trying my best to knock em out of the park.
The Neverending Battle Continues; Be Heroes!!
Stuff I've Drawn
My Deviant Art Page
I have to say one thing I really like is that your heroes have actual muscles.
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
First off, I love your "Golden Age" style. It looks like we share a love of Jack Kirby and all he meant to comics.
But his left eye is too high.
I like some of the others further down the thread. I look forward to seeing more of your work!
Yeah... like I said earlier... sometimes I hit em out of the park, sometimes they're kinda off. But I appreciate the fact that you mentioned Jack Kirby! I loved his stuff, and still do... his stuff is timeless and he's truly "the King" in the field.
Update: KatFood, and Rowr... I have the blue lined stuff done, and will be putting the graphite to the pieces as soon as I get more done. I really think you'll like em!
The Neverending Battle Continues; Be Heroes!!
Stuff I've Drawn
My Deviant Art Page
Nice work Jim.
UPDATE: ShiOMatarasu, RowR, Katfood, DonnchadH, and Roxstar... I have your pictures done with blue line... Will be working on the pencils after I've finished with Thors_Asssassin with his 2 pieces and Lady_Jade's 1 piece. After that, I'll be done for the first batch of CoX forum pieces!!
Thanks in advance for giving me the opportunity to get better and give you all a smile at the same time!
The Neverending Battle Continues; Be Heroes!!
Stuff I've Drawn
My Deviant Art Page
Can't wait to see it, it's great the community in this game.
what is "blue line"?
[/ QUOTE ]
Because graphic scanners and cameras don't pickup pale blue, you don't have to erase the sketch lines after you ink over the blue outlines. It's better than using standard pencils for the illustrations that you plan to ink and color later on.
Just a guess, but - a pretty common sketching and animation technique involves putting down your loose, base sketch in blue and then doing a tighter, more refined sketch over it in black (or whatever) using it as a guide. You can edit out the blue lines upon scanning /very/ easily.
The_Dart is right, using loose sketching with blue line and then going over it with graphite gets my muscle memory into the drawing and puts me in the mindset to mentally erase the lines that don't work and put down the ones that DO work.
Sometimes I have it done somewhat tight with the blueline, sometimes not. Depends on the amount of detail that I feel like putting into the drawing, or what I'm looking for. For the ones that I've been doing over the past 4 hours (7 by the way), they've been fairly tight, so I can confidently go into the drawings and know which lines are right and which are wrong.
A long-winded explanation of what I do, but any time I have the opportunity to discuss my process, I'm glad to share.
It's getting late (11:10 PM), and I have to get up in 6 hours for work... so, bed time for me!! Will give more updates on the art when I have time tomorrow night.
The Neverending Battle Continues; Be Heroes!!
Stuff I've Drawn
My Deviant Art Page
Awesome, can't believe you're already getting done on some things. Great job! Can't wait to see my Villainous villain in action.
Well, boys and girls... I've received a lot of requests for some CoX artwork and believe me, I appreciate the challenges they're giving me. But before I finish them all, I want to show you all what I have done for myself in the CoX world.
Click on the following and see a toon I play, it's not colored, but his name is Champion on Triumph Server! This art even got the seal of approval from Brandon McKinney (City of Heroes artist) hisself!!
The Neverending Battle Continues; Be Heroes!!
Stuff I've Drawn
My Deviant Art Page