MySpace home.




Meh sure why not
Just fyi my myspace profile is extremely boring partially cuz I don't know how the hell to put neat stuff like videos and music up. :P That and I'm lazy to edit it.



Feel free to join as your toon. I know some people out there have made MySpace accounts for this purpose. We do not dicriminate, RL or RP, all are welcome.



Well, we're adding about 1 in 9 of you out there. Thanks MiniMedic for breaking the ice. Dark Chibi was quick to follow. Two board legends in no time!



I joined

<----- Keith

- Chemofrost lvl 50 Rad/Ice Defender
- Pushrod lvl 28 Nrg/Nrg Blaster



gahhh if I could only get my vid card to log onto coh and check my accounts then I'd be ale to post all my alts. (usual comp I play on is kinda off limits for the time being) I know all the names but the lvls I'm foggy with ^_^. There's a whole entourage of mini villains under 20 but I froget which powersets I chose for ones still in outbreak. Gotta have my name savers

Since I can't play I look forward to posting



Welcome Gypsy and Keith! Glad to have y'all aboard!



Two board legends in no time!

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Oh now lets not go and swell any heads here. I checked with the forum FAQ and it clearly states that you have to have 1600 posts before you become a legend. Now Rebirth and Mini are all fine and good, and I love them like they were my own neighbors with a very high barbed wire fence between us, but legend is a little premature. Give them some time I am sure and they will get there. But for the moment, they are simply forum Rookie and Super-Powered respectively.



Yea...I added myself. But don't expect me to do all. I only did the whole myspace thing because my girlfriend insisted on it. I don't post pictures, I don't do "blogs", and I'm not a social drinker.


<-- Nate



Well, welcome anyway Nate. i made the MySpace as a server communication tool. I know we have a group of folks on these boards, but I'm trying to bridge the two.

And I was gonna call you a legend too, but if you don't want me too... I've only been around a short while, but there are some board name we all know...Mini, Dark Chibi, gypsy, Warface, Badge, and some guy named Ish. The fact that anyone decided to join the MySpace makes them all legends for being among the first to enter MySpace Protector world. Oh well, I was hoping to have other board legends, but if you don't want to carry that esteemed label, then I guess the rest of us will have to hold a vigil.
To all those "former legends", I thank you for joining, but now I must come up with another moniker....



and I'm not a social drinker.

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yeah i prefer to drink alone too

av's soloed + kronos, nemesis? and madame of mystery
Eat like snake!!
I am an experienced man.



How about Celebrity? Or just Not-Ish.....

And I have to wait like a week before I can post my toons..... Some crud about waiting 7 days before being able to post on forums or such....



Man, am I the only one here with an active Myspace?

I need a real job



Well, we're adding about 1 in 9 of you out there. Thanks MiniMedic for breaking the ice. Dark Chibi was quick to follow. Two board legends in no time!

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Oh now lets not go and swell any heads here. I checked with the forum FAQ and it clearly states that you have to have 1600 posts before you become a legend. Now Rebirth and Mini are all fine and good, and I love them like they were my own neighbors with a very high barbed wire fence between us, but legend is a little premature. Give them some time I am sure and they will get there. But for the moment, they are simply forum Rookie and Super-Powered respectively.

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Hrm what can I say? Need to fill the time I would normally be playing coh with something Hmm if only I had registered on the boards sooner who knows what count I would have been up to now hehe. Then again I didn't really know how this doohickle worked until november 04. I think posted to say congrats under Anonymous for Megster's and Thors Hammer's wedding in PI for my first post. I had no idea about how to register my name until a few months later.

::reminisces about back in the day::

Oh memories. ::sniffle::



Board Celebrity...hmm...I like it! For a noob like me, that is an appropriate label. The few times I've bumped into people from the boards (ok, one time, teamed with Warface when he helped with a mission), it was strange, like meeting a celebrity.
Ahh, but wait, there will be too much B.S. in being Celebrity. Paparazzi, the 3 day coke binges, the transvestite hookers, the "buy solid gold toilets"...that's alot to have to deal with. Do you Lege...Celebrities think you can handle that kind of pressure? I mean, I know Ish can handle it, not that I'm suggesting transvestite hookers Ish. I just worry about the rest of you. We all know what happens to young celebrities (where are you now Jonathan Lipnicky?).



(where are you now Jonathan Lipnicky?)

[/ QUOTE ]


What? Move along nothing to see here....

EDIT:forgot quote d'oh!



You are so sentimental Mini...from sniffle to burp. Kinda like a fat guy that didn't get to have pie for a month and then finds a warm pecan pie in an open window. Happy tears & indigestion go great together!



Ahh, but wait, there will be too much B.S. in being Celebrity. Paparazzi, the 3 day coke binges, the transvestite hookers, the "buy solid gold toilets"...that's alot to have to deal with. Do you Lege...Celebrities think you can handle that kind of pressure? I mean, I know Ish can handle it, not that I'm suggesting transvestite hookers Ish. I just worry about the rest of you.

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::sigh:: I remember the good old days of a respectable weekend coke binge. These days all you kinds are into your designer drugs like sniffing glue and rap music. I say it is time to get back in touch with your roots, bring on the 8-balls!

I think I would also recommend the solid-gold toilet seat if I had any actual experience with it. Badge still won't let me have my own bathroom and Sapph won't let me use hers since I couldn't keep my hands off her hair brush and lipstick. So I have to keep running across the street to Arby's.

And the transvestite ******. . . . . I don't want to talk about it. ::sniff:: She loved me like no woman ever did.



Hi my name is Adam (HI ADAM!) and I am an addict. I have been sniffing Play-Dough for about 25 years. At first, I would just sniff it with my friends, but now I have to ball it up and stick it into my nose to get the same feeling. i'm afraid that soon I'll be free basing it. I can't even hide it anymore. Do you know that if you keep it on your skin it will stain it? You try coming home and explaining to your son why your nose is green! Help me.

Anyway, Ish, you gonna join the MySpace yet??



Don't Drink and Drive.
Take the money you'd spend on the car and buy more booze.

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no no you got that all wrong, it's; Don't drink and drive because you might spill your drink.

av's soloed + kronos, nemesis? and madame of mystery
Eat like snake!!
I am an experienced man.



I joined

<----- Keith

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::jaw drops at keith::



Man, am I the only one here with an active Myspace?

I need a real job

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Im here for ya Bro.



Bah! wait seven days before posting????!? Yarg!!

Five Percent- Kin/Elec/Psy- lvl 50
Dresden Experiment- Fire/Storm/Fire- lvl 50
Fior (Storm/Psychic) lvl 40
Pebble Fragment- (Stone/EM) lvl 39

"...and never try that attitude with a Stormy. Storm powers used with malice of forethought are a scary thing to behold." -Jock_Tamson



What do you mean 7 days? It's making you wait in order to post?

I just saw that members couldn't post bulletin, but I have changed that now. You should have been able to post on the boards though...