In Game Roleplaying?




Hi, I recently came back to COH after playing another MMO, which I was very pleased with its In Game and forum roleplaying. When I played Coh before I did not notice much actual In Game roleplay. I was just wondering how much In Game roleplaying there is going on and if so are there any "better" servers for roleplaying, etc.




I really should just create a document so I can cut and paste this response...( );

I think it is Virtue that is the unofficial RP server.
Pinnacle seems to be a close second with groups such as the CCCP (RP SG) and the RP Congress (collection of SGs and RPers). Both have nice websites and forums. I am sure one of them will be along soon to provide a link.
Or look for a post by RedDjinni (should be on page 1 or 2 here).

"Shut up Mr. Burton, you are not brought upon this world to get it!" - Lo Pan



Ok I'll wait for a few more responses and then hopefully try to hook up with a RP guild, thanks



I really should just create a document so I can cut and paste this response...( );

I think it is Virtue that is the unofficial RP server.
Pinnacle seems to be a close second with groups such as the CCCP (RP SG) and the RP Congress (collection of SGs and RPers). Both have nice websites and forums. I am sure one of them will be along soon to provide a link.
Or look for a post by RedDjinni (should be on page 1 or 2 here).

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh, you must be psychic!

I am flattered that you consider Pinnacle to be the second RP server, then cite the two groups I started as proof! My ego bloats...fills the cosmos...pops...ew...

Pinnacle is full of great roleplayers, which is why it was so easy to start these RP organizations. In fact, RP Congress is planning another huge SG Job Fair, the Summer blowout, on July 17. Stay tuned for more news. Also, stop by the site for more info and to meet RPers on Pinnacle.

The CCCP can be found at

Do Svedanya!
Red Saviour



I RP and have tried lots of servers..including Freedom, Virtue and Pinnacle... the best kept secret is Champion.. the Alliance of Champions is a great collection of ACTIVE roleplaying SG's....very active boards..organized events... I've leveled like mad since I've been there, and met wonderful people. In fact a new RP group is starting in honor of I5... a medieval/fantasy group called Dark Avalon... we're sponsored by the Hunters of Paragon now, so we can be in Coalition chat with the Phalanxer's and others... but may create our own SG eventually... I'll post a thread here soon
Anyway, just saying there are good RP servers in unexpected places.....

Anne Blaze- lvl 38 Fire/Emp Controller - member of the Freedom Phalanx

Jade Crush- lvl 22 Inv/En Tank

Ceridwen Fey- lvl 8 Earth/Emp Controller - Hunters of Paragon/Dark Avalon

Tavern Wench- lvl 8 Katana/Inv Scrapper - Hunters of Paragon/Dark Avalon

all on Champion Server... all my other alts have withered and died.....



lol, ok I guess there is more roleplaying out there then I expected. I have some friends on Virtue so I guess I'll try there first can anyone point out a SG or some places to go there?



Heh, you must be psychic!

I am flattered that you consider Pinnacle to be the second RP server, then cite the two groups I started as proof! My ego bloats...fills the cosmos...pops...ew...

Pinnacle is full of great roleplayers, which is why it was so easy to start these RP organizations. In fact, RP Congress is planning another huge SG Job Fair, the Summer blowout, on July 17. Stay tuned for more news. Also, stop by the site for more info and to meet RPers on Pinnacle.

The CCCP can be found at

Do Svedanya!
Red Saviour

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm slightly biased as Pinnacle is my home too (I just don't RP much in-game, and the RP Congress meets on my volleyball night).
Plus, what other server has had a Developer assisted RP event like the one a couple weeks ago on Pinnacle!!!

"Shut up Mr. Burton, you are not brought upon this world to get it!" - Lo Pan



Does anybody know any RP supergroups in Victory server?



any RPers on Protector? hello? (echoes) guess not...

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



I and another friend RP our characters amongst ourselves. A SG I was in before had some random bits of RP but a lot of it was very contained. In WoW, I found it a bit easier to RP things but there are a moments when RP fits in over here. Just today my friend and I got to talking about my character's background, a nearly extinct alien species, and how my powers actually worked. It's enjoyable and often can be done during travel times.



I think it is Virtue that is the unofficial RP server.
Pinnacle seems to be a close second with groups such as the CCCP (RP SG) and the RP Congress (collection of SGs and RPers). Both have nice websites and forums. I am sure one of them will be along soon to provide a link.
Or look for a post by RedDjinni (should be on page 1 or 2 here).

[/ QUOTE ]

I know Virtue has roleplayers, but with a few toons there myself, I haven't really run across any. Of course, I haven't checked out Galaxy City, which is where I hear they all congregate. I'm interested to know how RP happens on Virtue. Are there areas to just go and be in-character? Or are there SGs that try to put together plots and on-going stories and such?

As for the RP Congress, of which the CCCP is one of the charter SGs, aye, we're still open to accepting roleplayers who want to add a little more flavour to their gaming than just "kill...level...kill...level". We're mostly on Pinnacle and there are in fact many interactive plots happening all the time.

Check us out at

- Red



I think it is Virtue that is the unofficial RP server.
Pinnacle seems to be a close second with groups such as the CCCP (RP SG) and the RP Congress (collection of SGs and RPers). Both have nice websites and forums. I am sure one of them will be along soon to provide a link.
Or look for a post by RedDjinni (should be on page 1 or 2 here).

[/ QUOTE ]

I know Virtue has roleplayers, but with a few toons there myself, I haven't really run across any. Of course, I haven't checked out Galaxy City, which is where I hear they all congregate. I'm interested to know how RP happens on Virtue. Are there areas to just go and be in-character? Or are there SGs that try to put together plots and on-going stories and such?

As for the RP Congress, of which the CCCP is one of the charter SGs, aye, we're still open to accepting roleplayers who want to add a little more flavour to their gaming than just "kill...level...kill...level". We're mostly on Pinnacle and there are in fact many interactive plots happening all the time.

Check us out at

- Red

[/ QUOTE ]

Well we on Liberty have a role playing community. It's loosely base, We basicly respond in-character if approached in-character, not everyone RPs, but thats every server. But I will say IMHO that Liberty has always been one of the friendliest servers I've ever been on, as always YMMV

Remember be a Hero!

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



any RPers on Protector? hello? (echoes) guess not...

[/ QUOTE ]
No, not really. Too busy wolf-herding there to RP. :P

Come to Virtue.




Is there any RP SG on Freedom? I made a hero there because it's the most populated and I like to group... but then when I try to rp I get flamed... and I really don't want to abandon my guy. I've played 250 hours on him. Anyone?



Ah, so Virtue or Pinnacle are the servers known for having more RP...awesome. Now I know.

One of those server's population is raising by at least one once I get back to my computer. Heheh.



I'm on Liberty (with that funny guy American Valor), Virtue (with oodles of RPers), and Pinnacle (with my Whitmoore RP friends).

RP seems to be hit and miss, but I guarantee... those three servers have it if you're looking for it.


Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



I switched over from Guardian to Virtue after reading the forums for a bit and while there definitely seem to be more folks with ((RPer)) in their descriptions (heck--there are just more heroes with complete IDs!) than on Guardian in Virtue, RPing is still a little catch as catch can, at least in the early levels. I generally respond to everyone in character and see where it goes from there. Also, the Virtue forum always seems to have an event or two posted--and often with "taxis" to help us n00bs get to and from the party. Even if we'll only be drinking roy rogers and shirley temples.

You're not super until you put on The Cape!



My Virtue toon is as much in char as I can make her, which might be a bit too much for some other players.... you specifically have to ping me with an ((OOC: )) question to get ME to respond... otherwise Ohm speaks for herself.

I run Soullll Trainnn (victory) pretty much the same way, although there's less of a wall between her reality as the toon and my reality as the gamer.

Multiball is in character insofar as he's an android and doesn't engage in conversation unrelated to what's 'going on'. He's still working on parsing all of the vocabulary and syntax of the English language, so his speech patterns are stilted and very literal.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."