Paragon City Dating Services (Open RP)




I thought it would be fun to leave this open for folks to leave there responces Here are a list of questions that any dating service would ask.

1) What is your name?
2) What is your occupation
3) what are your plans for the future
4) describe your ideal date?
5) what is you look for in a woman/man
6) What are some of the your best qualities about yourself?
7) what is it you can offer a woman/man?
8 What is something you would like to say to the person seeing this video?
Let me start

Two Ton Tony has done it again. Tony has now opened a dating service next to this other business Tony's Bar and Gril. Tony looks at Jackie his wife. "See I told ya love this was worth coming to Paragon City. We ahve opened up 2 business and they are booming."
Jackie "well I will have to give it to you love you have a nose for business."
Tony "Well Jackie this is going to be another one of thise things that will do very well for itself. My dating service....See even though some of the companies around here will not do business with some of the heroes of this City. They will come to us because we are a business owned by hero."

looking inside the staff of "Heroes in Love Dating Services" is busy with its very first client. A young College student.

The red light goes on the camera. The young man looks down at the piece of paper with the questions.

What is my name ? " My name is Jimmy Blackwater. I am also know as Key Stone or Big mountain back home.

What is my Occupation? Well I'm a college student at Paragon University. and a Part time hero...I'm what alost of folks call a stone tanker ( Jimmy changes forms to show off his powers. then changes back to his human form)

What are my plans for the future "well that is easy I came to Paragon to go to school to get a degree in contruction engineering...and to kick bad guy butt. I figured I can';t be a hero all of my life so the degree is something for me to fall back on"

My ideal date would have to be a night on the town with a romantic dinner in Founders Falls. Then a romatic walk around the Atlas Park. Then may be finishing it off witha good movie at one of the movie theaters."

What am I looking for in a woman....someone kind and sweet. Who is understanding about my know who hard it s to find a date when you stand over 8 feet tall.

By best features would be I can protect my woman/ or date from just about any of the thugs in the city. There are also not a lot of crimalis that will go head to head with a Tanker. I have a very good heart and caring nature.

what I can offer a woman kindness, joy and laughter.

somehting I would like to say " Well here i am I'm not very goo with words but i wear my heart on my sleve and I would love to meet someone. If you interested just follow though that is all I ask"

(before the camera goes off)...Jimmy stands "Is that good?"
"Yes Mr. Blackwater I'm sure you will not find a problem findins some wonderful people to date.

have fun all



[1) What is your name?]
The creature's barky brow furrowed. "I am, Oak Tree."

[2) What is your occupation]
"I photosynthesize."

"What? Oh. I see. I am a goodwill Emmisary from the Courts of Life. Sent here by the Mother. Stop the wound known as Hamidon, and refute his lies, for he is no friend of The Mother."

[3) what are your plans for the future]
"Battle corruption without cease." The tree's weird face betrayed no hesitation, doubts, nor any other sign of intelligence.

[4) describe your ideal date?]
"Ah...." now the tree looked perplexed. "Everything that flowers... appeals to me. Naturally I'm partial to the slender strands of green and yellow flowers my own kind show forth..."

[5) what is you look for in a woman/man]
"Vegetable composition? Or if not that, at least, someone who shares a strong love of the earth."

[6) What are some of the best qualities about yourself?]
"I am mobile. And extremely fluent in your 'speech.' I endure."

[7) what is it you can offer a woman/man?]

[8) What is something you would like to say to the person seeing this video?]
"Do not be afraid, rootless!"

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



(*The hero known as Star Scout walks in in his MK-4 Blaster armor and sits down and waits. He starts as he notices the light is on on the camera and clears his throat, then removes his helmet*)

"Uhhh....hi....I'm Star Scout, specifically Mark four." (*ruffles paper in hand*) "Um....
1) What is your name?"
"...heh, well, I guess I said that one already..."

2) What is your occupation
"well...I am a hero, naturally, and I develop and improve cybernetic components to help other heroes when I'm not fighting crime."

3) what are your plans for the future
"...uh, I plan on keep fighting crim...and....working...and not dying anytime soon...."

4) describe your ideal date?
"Not having to wear this armor get-up to impress a woman and taking her out for a walk....the oak tree that just walked out of here might be willing to provide some shade for a walk in the park...uh...yeah..."

5) what is you look for in a woman/man
(*coughs into gauntlet*) "Well, I'm an openminded guy, I mostly just look for a woman I can talk to without...uh...acting like I am on this video....yeahhhhh...moving on"

6) What are some of the your best qualities about yourself?
"Ummm....I'*blushes*) no, that's no good...uh...well....I'm easy to get along with and most people think I'm funny...on occasion....sometimes.....(*coughs again*) anyway...."

7) what is it you can offer a woman/man?
(*sighs with relief*) "I can be understanding and kind, I can relate to hair problems women have, and I can cook and clean up after myself ^^ (*blushes again*) (*mumbels*) I sound like I'm selling a pet monkey..." </mumble>

8 What is something you would like to say to the person seeing this video?
"Umm.....hi?... I mean...anyone?....uh....thanks for watching, hope you pick bachelor number 1....(*ducks head in embarassment and turns off the camera*)



(Count Dracule sits in front of the camera, ruffling the papers)
"Hmmm... Lets se here"

1) What is your name?
"My name is Daniel Dracule, though people know me as Count Dracule"

2) What is your occupation
"Currently I'm the resident count of a Europian Country. I'm also a part time Cook, and Medical Assistant"

3) what are your plans for the future
"Ooh. Bit of a tough one... Well, from a good perspective I look forward to a long life, or un-life, and a free world. On the evil side of thing, I am the ruler of that said world, but it is a free world"

4) describe your ideal date?
"The ideal date would be one where it doesn't end shortly after nightfall" -Changes to his vampire form to demonstrate-

5) what is you look for in a woman
"Doesn't freak out at the sight of a vampire sitting next to them, and isn't afraid of heights. Other than that, I'm open minded"

6) What are some of the your best qualities about yourself
"I'm open-minded, a vampire obviously, can cook rather well, and have a love of the night"

7) what is it you can offer a woman
"Protection, Decent Food, Stable Income, Great Medical Insurance, and a few other benefits"

8 What is something you would like to say to the person seeing this video?
"I'd have to say 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'. Believe, theres much more to me than meets the eye"



What is your name?


What is your ocupation?

"I freelance."

What are your plans for the future?

"Some day I will kill my arch nemesis Bloody Bones and bring justice to my parents slaughter!"

Describe your ideal date.

"Somone who can fight alongside me somone who is as big as I am but still retaining the buty and fareness of a woman."

What do you look for in a woman?

"Large in size but not extreemly buff. Also a big personalety."

What are some of the best qualetys of yourself?

"I am an 8' 6' 500 lb. giant. I can lift 20 fully loaded miny vans. And I always have time for you."

What is it you can offer a woman?

"A 2 foot wide helping hand."

What is somthing you want to say to any woman watching this tape?

"After I send Bloody Bones on an all expence payed trip to Hell via his impending doom... I am all yours."



<a woman with brown hair and blue eyes walks in.>

1) What is your name?
"My name is Whisper. I don't recall ever having a last name" <talk with a light British accent>

2) What is your occupation?
"I am currently a tailor at the Steel Canyon Icon."

3)What are your plans for the future?
"I plan on becoming a superhero once I can control my powers better."

4)Describe your ideal date.
"A walk in Founder Falls followed by a picnic in the park."

5)What do you look for in a man?
"He would have to be funny, charming, and caring. If possible handsome too." <blushes>

6)What are some of your best qualities?
<thinks for a couple seconds> "People say I am funny. I like to party and I can say i am a pretty good cook."

7)What can you offer a man?
"Well, I will always put him first in front of everything else. I am caring and would take care of him if he ever got sick or injured."

8)What is something you would like to say to the person seeing this video?
"Umm...Thank you for watching this video and if you are interested, call me." <grins and leaves>

((OOC: Name is Silent Memories and resides in Virtue server.
Global chat: InciZor))

"NO....No clowns" - Positron
50s: Smasha (SS/SD Brute), House Rules (Mind/Thorn Dom), Wind of Mind (Illusion/Storm Controller), Coraxa (Kat/Inv Scrapper), Summer's Dream (Fortunata)



*The door opens as a face with a goofy grin peeks around* You ready for me?

1) What is your name?
"Neil, Neil Growban. I'm sure you've heard of no?"

2) What is your occupation?
"Heh, right now I have a part-time job over at Major Flanders. I'm working on my last year over at Paragon U."

3)What are your plans for the future?
"Once I graduate, I'll be heading off to grad school. I hope, down the road, to return to my alma mater..maybe help out some fellow heroes."

4)Describe your ideal date.
*slight smirk* "Anything that doesn't involve a trip to Eastgate!" *laughs* "Seriously though, dinner is nice, followed by a trip to a Crey lab to 'arrest' some of those pesky DE."

5)What do you look for in a woman?
"Sense of humor, first and foremost. If you can't deal with my generally goofy persona, chances are you're not for me."

6)What are some of your best qualities?
"Well, I'm told I'm quite adept at making people laugh...whether it be by well-timed jokes, or teasing Hellions in Atlas with my crazy Phantom buddies!"

7)What can you offer a woman?
"Protection. If they ever feel threatened, they know they can count on me to rectify the situation right away." *grin*

8)What is something you would like to say to the person seeing this video?
"HI!!" *dances aimlessly in the direction of the camera* "Join me?!" *laughs, gives the thumbs-up, and darts off into the night*



1) What is your name?
Roja Roja. Nice to meet'cha
2) What is your occupation
I'm a sizzler. Give me a perp, any perp! If you set 'em up I burn 'em down buddy!
3) what are your plans for the future'
Oh I dunno, I really dont think that far ahead, I mean if I did I wouldnt be paying much attention to the blast I'm having now!
4) describe your ideal date?
oooh, a little dinner, a little crimefighting, a firey lightshow by yours truley, and maybe afterwards...*giggles and winks*
5) what is you look for in a woman/man
Tall dark and handsome baby, I like my main squeeze to be someone I can walk down a main alley with and not get hassled, ya hear?
6) What are some of the your best qualities about yourself?
My momma always said I was a firecracker and I've taken that to heart, I'm a spark, a fiery redhead that speaks her mind and tells it like it is I'm looking for a good time and a hard fight! You're garunteed not to have a dull moment with me around
7) what is it you can offer a woman/man?
Are you kiddin' me with this question? Look at me! whats not to like?
8 What is something you would like to say to the person seeing this video?
Hey you on the couch! Quit your potato-ing and come on over ya big coward, meet me in person! *laughs*



A petite, black girl, wearing tinted glasses and smelling faintly of soot quickly saunters to the stool in front of the camera. Her body is hidden under an old pair of billowing cargo pants, a faded and frayed vest, and a dusty fedora. She smiles innocently.

1) What is your name?
Sora. I would prefer to keep my last name private for personal reasons.

2) What is your occupation?
I used to work with the Paragon Civil Service to help the survivors during the aftermath of the invasion. I am currently a full-time heroine. My comrades know me as The Inflamer.

3) What are your plans for the future?
I have been working with the Pillars of Virtue through some very trying times. I would like to settle down with someone nice and learn to enjoy the lighter side of my abilities. It would be nice to take up an occupation that doesn't involve risking my life all the time.

4) Describe your ideal date?
As with the fights I've experienced, I've learned to adapt to situations on the fly. I don't find appeal in any strict procedure for dating... *smiles in embarrasment*

Right sorry. I'm getting too serious now. *giggles nervously*
It would be nice to see what the person I'm dating finds fun to do on an evening out. I guess I'm pretty open there. A good meal would be a plus.

5) What is you look for in a man?
Someone who doesn't want to use me. I have had enough bad experience being a tool... *frowns and thinks a moment*

The man I'm looking for should be ready for spontaneity. When you play with me, you literally are playing with fire. Be ready to be pleasantly surprised and learn to take things in stride. Patience is all I ask for. I already know I am a bit of a cinder.

6) What are some of the your best qualities about yourself?
I am very energetic. Because of my mutation, um yes, I am a mutant. Because of my mutation, I am incapable of sleeping. Expect to see me doing something to keep my mind occupied.

Fortunately, I don't need to be active. I'm just as happy reading a good book as I am running laps next to the War Walls.

7) What is it you can offer a man?
I live in an accelerated state. I am always ready to accomplish something productive, but I realize that there are few people who could keep up with such a strange existance. I can offer a lot of patience and energy to whoever is willing to give me the time of day. Oh... and don't ever expect to be cold around me. I have a tendency to generate a lot of heat. *blushes and forms a small, firey puppet in her hand that dances on her palm*

8 What is something you would like to say to the person seeing this video?
Lookscanbedeceiving.Ilookkindofroughnowforagoodrea son.Icleanupwell.Just givemeabout30seconds. *grins in embarrassment* Sorry, I have a tendency to lose concentration and talk really fast when I'm excited.

Flynx 50 Mind/Emp/Mind
Inflamer 50 Fire/Kin/Fire
Frost Custodian 44 Ice/Storm