cforce's Guide to Confusion v.1.0




Here's something I just posted elsewhere in response to a Confuse XP question. I made an Excel sheet that calculates it all, and maybe I'll beef it up so that you can enter mob HPs and HPs dealt instead of just percentages. If I do that then I'll try to post it somewhere for anyone who's interested in it. I don't know if I'll have the time for it though.


Here's a chart showing the XP reward for damage dealt by the controller when using confused mobs.

Experience Rewards for Confuse


1%..............99%............2.88%..........96.12% ............3.88%
5%..............95%...........12.39%..........82.61% ..........17.39%
10%............90%...........20.77%..........69.23%.. ........30.77%
15%............85%...........26.38%..........58.62%.. ........41.38%
20%............80%...........30.00%..........50.00%.. ........50.00%
25%............75%...........32.14%..........42.86%.. ........57.14%
30%............70%...........33.16%..........36.84%.. ........63.16%
35%............65%...........33.29%..........31.71%.. ........68.29%
40%............60%...........32.73%..........27.27%.. ........72.73%
45%............55%...........31.60%..........23.40%.. ........76.60%
50%............50%...........30.00%..........20.00%.. ........80.00%
55%............45%...........28.02%..........16.98%.. ........83.02%
60%............40%...........25.71%..........14.29%.. ........85.71%
65%............35%...........23.14%..........11.86%.. ........88.14%
70%............30%...........20.32%............9.68%. .........90.32%
75%............25%...........17.31%............7.69%. .........92.31%
80%............20%...........14.12%............5.88%. .........94.12%
85%............15%...........10.77%............4.23%. .........95.77%
90%............10%............7.30%............2.70%. .........97.30%
95%.............5%.............3.70%............1.30% ..........98.70%
99%.............1%.............0.75%............0.25% ..........99.75%

From the chart you can see that you get the most "work" out of the confused mobs when you do one third damage. That is when you get the highest "bonus" XPs (i.e. the most XPs credit for damage you didn't do). One third damage gets you two thirds of the XPs. That's when you're getting the best work-to-XPs ratio.

I can understand the limitation forcing you to share damage in order to get prevent exploits. However, I'd still like to see the percentages increased a little more. Leveling a mind controller can be very slow when compared to the other controllers, who get 100% of their pets' XPs. My gravity controller constantly gets XPs for mobs I never touch...or even see for that matter. Still, Confuse has a definite "fun factor" that's hard to beat.




Just found this. Nice guide cforce! I have recently started an Illusion controller (now lvl 20) and am having a blast with Decieve. I don't know why anyone would not take it. Not only is it very useful, it's so darned fun! It turns very dangerous fights into much less dangerous fights. I'll gladly give up a little exp for that. Finally a power that makes me look forward to Sappers!

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



Excellent guide, cforce! As one of the proud few to have a Mind/Emp at 50, it's great to see this out here. I was usually on a great team of people who understood that confused mobs go down faster, make fights safer, and can significantly *raise* XPS during missions.

We also all love to watch AVs destroy their own minions, so we can focus on the AV itself.

Stars for you!



Excellent guide for my new Mind Controller!



it has been said that if you deceive a mob,say a herder,before it drops its emulator, then the emulator is under your control...havent had the chance to confirm this,but wanted to put that out there

[/ QUOTE ]

This is actually correct, and one of my favorite effects.

Although eminators don't seem to do anything beneficial to the group, force field generators dropped by Sky Raiders certainly do. I discovered this and used it many times upon hitting Striga Isle and encountering them so often. Confuse the generator, and suddenly your whole party is bubbled, and not the enemies.

It won't follow you, but if you have TP foe, you can TP it around with you as long as you like. Just keep layering confuses on it, and it's your own personal bubbling automaton.

I understand that Malta Auto-Turrets are likewise able to be confused in this manner.

Caltrops used to work this way too, although it's been a while since I've been stuck in them, so I don't know if this has been changed. The Tsoo like to drop them on you, but if you can find the Tsoo who did, used to be that you could confuse him and be unaffected by the caltrops. However, any Tsoo, including the one who threw them, will be slowed down and take damage from them.



I want to say thanks for this guide as someone who only 3 years+ into the game finally made a Mind Controller (after leveling every other type of Primary Controller to 50). Of course, I've just found this guide 2.5 years later (and cforce may no longer be among us), but still, it's quite well done =)

And it's funny, although I haven't received any direct grief from using Confuse (or Ill's Deceive), I keep expecting it and was looking for something like this to back me up. I wonder if people are less critical of Confuse or just don't realize I'm doing it.

As an aside, I did try to explain to someone a couple times that a confused FF Generator is actually worth keeping around on a team, not an alpha target. Their response, "really, cool!"



I like the guide.
It was very informative.
I just rolled up a Mind Control/Trick Arrow that I'm having a blast with. I love using confuse and can't wait until I get Mass confusion. The ability to completely lock down large groups, not slow, not immob, but lock down, is what makes me love Mind, It seams no matter what I run into, I'll be fine.