Did anything get changed before I3 went live?
Yes, your testing was mostly pointless, the threads in the "dev corner" were ignored, and issue 3 was rammed live pretty much as is.
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Please ignore the troll.
The Developers decided that even with the minor bugs, they were happy with the last patch (for the most part) and went live with it.
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Troll? What part about that wasn't true? They released I3 with changes that dramatically altered several powersets but delayed the respec?
I mean, I've got a power called P20344564, and the lag is so bad that I can't move. What's to be happy about in this patch?
Yes, your testing was mostly pointless, the threads in the "dev corner" were ignored, and issue 3 was rammed live pretty much as is.
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Please ignore the troll.
The Developers decided that even with the minor bugs, they were happy with the last patch (for the most part) and went live with it.
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I agree with him. Barring a major patch in the works the testing was pretty much pointless. The Devs had their minds made up and anything done beyond that wasn't just pointless it was ignored.
The Inv thread got ignored by Statesman and the developers.
184 pages with some decent feedback ignored because they flat out didn't care about the players that took the time and effort to test THEIR mistakes.
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Just because they didn't change anything immedietly, or to your liking, doesen't mean they ignored things. It simply means they disagree with your line of reasoning, or they felt given their resources and timetable, certain things needed to be put off.
Just because they didn't change anything immedietly, or to your liking, doesen't mean they ignored things. It simply means they disagree with your line of reasoning, or they felt given their resources and timetable, certain things needed to be put off.
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And if they'd come out and said
"Hey, we know many of you (hate the Invulnerability changes/hate the boss changes/think Kheldians are underpowered/think there are too many bugs), but (we need the Test Server for Issue 4/we're behind schedule/you're all whiners/I'm a rat [Censored]), so we're putting Issue 3 out anyway."
I'd be a lot more inclined to agree with you. They've had no problems saying what they mean before; to have the issue go live with no comment at all on the numerous outstanding concerns many people have about the changes, though, just doesn't suggest to me that they cared at all what we had to say.
Your changes to the invuln set have caused me to cancel.
Nice job--I had been enjoying until you made it so that I can't tank after putting 9 months and 610 hours into my toon.
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I don't pretend to speak for everyone, but most of the Tankers I saw post in the official thread (including myself) who did any testing found that the changes, while annoying if it changed your playstyle, were well within reason and did not make us "unable to tank" as you put it.
Go play sopmething else and whine to those devs when they make a change that was needed but god foirbid, changes the way you might have to play a little bit.
And in case you're looking to call me a liar or say that I just didn't test against high level mobs, how about last night on Live, after the issue went through, I tanked a lvl 50 Carnie mission (I was SKd to 49) with 6 teammates. If you've never seen that kind of mission we're talking 3 illusionists per group of 15 - 20 Carnies.
Except the time that I DIDN'T NOTICE my toggles drop for half a fight, I barely got scratched.
and this is with my tanker NOT RESPEC'd to the even better build I found on Test!
I have a question, did the scrapper damage res being lowered effect DA, i thought we were as bad as we possible could be but
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AFAIK, the damage resistance wasn't lowered--only max damage resistance. So, unless your scrapper had more than 75% damage resistance to begin with it wouldn't be affected.
Glowworm * Brrr * Lilinoe
Kid Trance * Ms. Impala * Red Helen
Pooka Pete
I did have maxed damage res....
Im getting 2 shotted by Chief Soldiers now...
I died 12 times today at the hands of the 5th...
Do you see a problem now?
I have a question, did the scrapper damage res being lowered effect DA, i thought we were as bad as we possible could be but