"Testosterone City"




This term came up in a discussion I had a couple of days ago as an alternate way of describing the Paragon City mindset. Even most of the female characters running around seem to be consumed with it.

When "busting heads" is the only thing the game rewards, is that really the sort of message we want young players to come away from the game with?






Maybe it teaches them that you have to reach up and grab Life by the groin and squeeze before It kicks you in the face!

Or maybe it teaches them that if you become a criminal you're going to have the smackdown laid on you and you're lucky if you aren't killed.

Or maybe that drugs can give you superpowers and only sometimes have bad side effects.

Or it could be that as long as you look good you can get away with murder.

Maybe the lesson is that violence is not the only way to solve problems, but it is the only way that will get you fame and personal development.

Or maybe that their parents have two choices: 1) try and control everything they interact with so individuals, society, and the universe doesn't teach them the 'wrong messages', or 2) teach them to make their own moral desicions correctly.

I'm Doctor Why and I approved this message.

PS: Pac Man is corrupting our youth! It teaches them to eat continually!



Maybe not everything supposed to have a moral lesson/message. Some people just want to have fun.



I guess it's better than sniping people and watching extreme gore like Halo or Doom III. It looks like comics and acts like comics. Don't even go into that "comics cause violence" bit either. I like my CoH, way less physically graphic than other games, and you can't even hurt the innocent. Maybe a "walk little old ladies across the street" mish would be cool now and then, but I like knocking dead guys and evil mystics around.



AS some others have said.. It's a video game. It's made for you to have FUN in a VIRTUAL world where things aren't real.

If you honestly feel like all games need to have a good moral message... well, you should probably stop playing video games.

Personally I feel anyone who actually could be affect morally by a video game shouldn't be playing it. It's a game, it should never be taken seriously. Anyone who sees someone die and then come back to life in a game, then goes out and tries to kill someone expecting them to just respawn in the local spawn local... Well, that person's parents should have kept better watch on their kid and taught him some common sense.



Firstly, we love your handle, and hope that it means you are a magic user. Second, do you hang out on Guardian or Liberty? We would love to have someone to converse in Ogham with (besides each other).



When "busting heads" is the only thing the game rewards,

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Actually, in the next feature update they will be introducing some non-combat skills, in which your characters will be able to build up their abilities to investigate crimes and things like that. Certain missions will require more than the "Hulk Smash" approach.



This term came up in a discussion I had a couple of days ago as an alternate way of describing the Paragon City mindset. Even most of the female characters running around seem to be consumed with it.

When "busting heads" is the only thing the game rewards, is that really the sort of message we want young players to come away from the game with?

[/ QUOTE ]

Young players shouldn't be playing CoH. Send them outside to ride a bike, or give them something age-appropriate. I certainly don't want them in paragon city.



I'm kind of wondering why this thread is on the RP board and not the general discussion forum.



Welcome to my world bub. Day after day of mindless violence and lots of time to think about all the horrible things I've done in my life, the things that got me here.

Anyway, inbetween the riots and gangraping I like to escape from my world and play a little COH, it helps the time go by.