A Guide to Singularity v1.1




Really happy to hear that about group tp then, in theory could you possibly superspeed a good distance away, then team teleport a small distance in front of you and bring all your sings to you really? And would this work if you were on one floor of a mission, but all your sings were down below? E.g. go up elevator, teleport group a few feet away and poof your sings are there! Or would it not work? Also, is the endurance cost affected by sings (since technically they aren't teammates and don't exist), so if you were soloing you wouldn't instantly lose a chunk of end when technically you're just moving one person (yourself)? With conserve power this would be really easy to negate, and I might be able to ditch concealment and just stick with superspeed's stealth component if I can just tp the sings right to the mob! Oh, and does this apply to all pets?



Nope, I don't think that will work. This is team teleport, not fold space. The Sings have to be close to get teleported with you. I would expect it to apply to all pets that can be targetted.

You can actually do recall friend to get your pets to follow you up elevators right now. Click on the elevator door then click on your pet as you move through. Then do the recall. Repeat as needed. (Naturally, the first pet you recall will happen to be the oldest one and it will disentigrate 3 seconds after you bring it up. A pity we can't summon those things with different colors or little numbers on them.)



Wow, been awhile since I've looked here. A few notes....

The Carnival mission mentioned above has been fixed. This seems to be a bug that pops up on various mission maps from time to time, though, so be warned.

Something that didn't get mentioned - when a pet dies, all agro turns on YOU. If you are in a difficult mission and get suprised by a patrol, a good tactic is to drop a singularity in the middle of them. The sing will take all agro while you finish off the battle you are in, then you can deal with the patrol. However, if that patrol takes out your singularity first, the entire patrol is going to turn on you and only you. It will be like you started off with a crushing field.

Pets do not eat grapes - if your singularity gets within one of the Crystal Titan's AoE attacks in the Eden Trial, it dies immediately. Honestly, against that monster I think you are better off leaving the pets behind.

Claw scrappers seem to kill my singularities more than anything else. Paragon Protectors can kill them on occasion. Bobcat wiped both of my singularities out in about 5 seconds even though she had a snowstorm on her.

Sappers can drain all the endurance out of a singularity. However, single target lift, crush, and GD don't need much endurance anyway so it isn't too much of a bother for them.



Does anyone have experience with Singularities and Group Fly or Group Teleport? Are these viable solutions to keeping them with you? Long recharge time, so it seems like a pain to leave them behind....

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Ok, went through Respec mission the other day so I was able to go to the test server with Dr. Mentiac (lvl 35 Grav/Emp) and try out Group Fly and Team teleport. I also tried Fear out of the Presence Pool (was just curious).

Group Fly - This does NOT help Singularites! They fall behind very quickly (like immediately) and as soon as they fall out of the Group Fly Sphere they are at their original slow speed. I had Group Fly 3 slotted with Fly SO's. I played with this for a while and was disappointed. Just not viable.

Group Fly was pretty neat otherwise though. If they had a toggle for team members that did not want to fly when you had this on, it would be pretty cool. I was teamed with a lower level blaster in Kings Row (he was hunting Paladin) for a while and with him SKed and me on auto-follow on him, he was able to zip around with me in tow and no one fell. If there were just a way to guarantee no one would fall with a larger team. Like maybe if you had to travel at the speed of the slowest member? With that and a toggle for those that didn't want it.....I could see uses, especially in missions.

Team Teleport - I was excited about this one. I already use Teleport friend regularly on elevators in missions to get my sings to the next floor (sometimes going back down and back to grab more than one). Wishlist - If we had a Pet window similar to the team window, all this would be so much easier. I could easily pick a sing to teleport even across the map. You could also tell which one needs another boost of fortitude! Oh well, I digress. Back to Team Teleport.

In a nutshell.....disappointing.

The range is very short. You can forget those daydreams of flying halfway across the zone and instantly teleporting your sings to you. Try more like 50 yards or so. I may be exaggerating, but not by much. The range is really short. Also, the power seems very buggy. I read somewhere on here that someone said it sometimes only works when you are in a team or have been on a team in the zone or that session or something. That may have been what I saw. I wasn't teamed up when I tried this. What happened was that sometimes it only grabbed one sing, even when I had 3-4 out. I thought it was a range thing, but sometimes I could see the sings and they weren't that far away! Not sure what the deal was......but it didn't really help at all. Rather than fool with this it is just easier to fly past mobs and bring them into range. Unless this worked on missions with getting sings up elevators (without the bugs!) I don't think it is any use. Couldn't reccomend it.

Fear - I was curious about Fear as a fill in for the "control gap". My conclusion was this might be useful for lower levels. At higher levels (like after you get your sings) I think it is more trouble that it's worth. You will be busy casting, positioning, and buffing your sings. I didn't slot it up much and I was able to "hit" a Council 3 levels higher with it. I think I just had 2 Fear enhancements in it. It did work. So for a single target hold at lower levels it might be useful although now that I think about it at lower levels you have even less power slots to "waste" on misc. power....so it might not be a viable solution to a control gap. I was just curious. I like to experiment with some of the lessor known powers.

Dr. Mentiac Grav/Emp 50
Kid Atom Eng/Dev 34
Magma Man Fire/Fire Tank 21
Ava1anche Ice/Storm 21
Toad Man Spines/Regen 31
Clone Agent R1A Rad/Rad 20
Clone Agent R1B Rad/Rad 20
Human F1ame Fire/Eng 17
Combustion Kid Fire/Eng 10
Mad Doctor X Robots/FF 22
TechnoSapien Robots/FF 22



Great Post!!!

Any Chance of a update from Scrapulous???

With the epic power pools and the changes to sing buffs I think some of this info is out of date.



In case you all didn't know, you can use the program Herostats to keep track of the buffs you have cast on everyone, including your pets. It will show you a timer of each buff you choose to keep track of, counting down to 0 time left. Also has lots of other very useful capabilities, but is especially useful for pet buffs.

Siphon Power is 25% for defenders, which is where I think the confusion over the power comes from.

You can also use the /assist to assist a teamate. The most useful advantageo f this, in relation to pets, is to allow you to target an ally who is downstairs, have that ally target your pet, then /assist and recall friend. Keeps you from having to go back and forth when you have 3 pets out. Note that for some stupid reason, the various floors of a mission are not evenly spaced from each other (I believe they are placed side-by-side, and they don't seem to be in any specific order). What this means is that for some elevators, the distance between the top and the bottom will be relatively short, for others it will be extremely long, and often the distance is longer then you can keep a target. This won't be a problem once they finally allow pets to go through elevators.

In my experience, with no testing, it seems the earth and ice pets are also both fairly slow (I believe I've heard that the earth pet is slower then ice, but I've only been in a few groups with both controller types before, and I was playing my kinetics defender with speed boost). Actually, I do remember one time I was grouped with one each of the 5 pet controllers, doing a street-sweep mission. I don't remember the sing really slowing us down at all. Then again, there was so much lag from so many pets that I could barely move anyway :-).



Great guide.... you get an 11 out of 10 :P.. you brightened my tired... I'm tired of everyone sayin singy sucks.

Thank you



you brightened my day* not tired* lol



Just saw this guide and have a quick question. Can you use grant invisibility on your singularity?

Will be getting sing in a couple of levels....can't wait for it! I'm just considering options for getting around with it in pvp.....thanks.....



davyD wrote:

Great guide.... you get an 11 out of 10 :P.. you brightened my [day]... I'm tired of everyone sayin singy sucks.

[/ QUOTE ]


I'm stunned that anybody found this. I had thought it had expired from the boards. If you didn't notice, I wrote this back in 2004. There are plenty of things that have happened since then, like 5 issues of content and power changes and so on. My slotting recommendations alone have been made totally oboslete by enhancement diversification. Singularities have had their resistances nerfed, and of course you can't have more than one out at a time.

This document is probably better as an overview of what singularities were than what they are. Please view anything you see in here with a healthy dose of skepticism.

nutmeg_and_guru wrote:

Just saw this guide and have a quick question. Can you use grant invisibility on your singularity?

Will be getting sing in a couple of levels....can't wait for it! I'm just considering options for getting around with it in pvp.....thanks.....

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I'm sure you can use grant invisibility on the singularity. I'm not sure what benefit it will have, though.

The problem is not that mobs see the singularity and attack it. It's that singularity sees the mobs and attacks them. Stealth isn't helpful for maneuvering non-MM pets, because they will engage as soon as they see a target.

Congratulations on drawing close to 32. I think you'll enjoy singularity once you get it! Have fun!




Thanks for your answer--and for having made the guide to begin with!

I mainly wanted to know about using grant invis. more for PvP purposes than for PvE--mainly to be able to set up for an attack. Tired of being the easy target in PvP, and with some trial and error, I hope to come up with some strategies that will work for me (and the sing.) there.

Really looking forward to the change playing with the singularity in pve and pvp both. Should be fun.....(and thanks again).