Reassigned Completed Missions




I looked at 16 pages of thread titles and, to my surprise (and worry), didn't find anything that looked like this, so...

When I logged in after DLing the patch and watched with a grin as my badges were assigned, I noticed that it seemed I was short a few. I checked with my contacts, several of whom had nothing for me last night, and found that I've been re-assigned some of the missions I've already completed.

Am I just hallucinating? Have I gone nuts? Is it just me, or is anyone else experiencing the same thing?

Unfortunately, tonight was the one night during the week I couldn't play (this was on a short lunch break), so I get to miss all the invasion fun. Hopefully I won't have to re-do missions on top of it. Not blaming Cryptic for their timing, but damn the luck anyway!

The SOLUS Foundation - a Liberty and Pinnacle SG

"The Consequences of War" - Arcs # 227331 and 241496



I guess I'll just have to check one of them out and see if it's been changed to an an outdoor mission now or something.

Since I'm one notch from hitting 27 which will require buying and placing all new enhancements, plus all the other new goodies (like the cape mission I hear is a killer), it may be a while - especially since I have to work so late.

The SOLUS Foundation - a Liberty and Pinnacle SG

"The Consequences of War" - Arcs # 227331 and 241496



Some missions have been changed in significant ways. Some have changed to outdoor missions as you suggested, and others have had bug fixes applied.

When this happens, you may be offered the mission again. It's up to you whether you want to play the mission again. You are free to do so, or ignore it the second time.

This is how adjustments to content will continue to be phased into the game. We want to give you the maximum flexibility to enjoy the new content.



So is that why I didn't get a badge for the one TF that I did? I believe it was Sister Psyche, and I definitely completed it, but no TF badge.

Thanks - Jade



I believe WierdBeard said that it might take several hours for all of the badges to be applied to everyone. Your TF badge may just suddenly appear when it gets to you. I wouldn't worry about it just yet.



I believe WierdBeard said that it might take several hours for all of the badges to be applied to everyone. Your TF badge may just suddenly appear when it gets to you. I wouldn't worry about it just yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I think he actually said it might be a couple days if you completed it recently.



Basically, if you have an upper level character, don't hold your breath waiting for it.

Also, a number of badges do not seem to be retroactive at all, so you may end up disappointed.



Hmm. It's been awhile since I did most of the TFs, so I probably won't be seeing those badges.

But I did Manticore's on Saturday night of last week. I have no badge for it.

Looks like it's just broken.



I'm having the same problem. I didn't get credit for any of the missions I did 2 days prior to the patch, which is really wierd.

After I found out that we would get badges retroactively I decieded I could finish off my contacts for level (35-39). I did all the levels and went through all the mini story arcs that my contacts gave me, and when I was done all I had left was killing X amount of bad guys missions. Now when the patch went live I sign on and find that I have the same amount of badges that my toon I copied over to the test server had last week. I was like wth. I looked at my contacts and saw that I had all the missions back on them, like I never did them. Not sure why this is, but I kinda have a problem. Now I am only 1/4 of a bar from level 40, and there is no way I can do them all again before I level out of them. Is there anyway to datamine it so you guys can tell this is what happend? Is this a known bug, or am I the only person that has this problem? I did report it as a bug, so I hope it gets figured out. Thanks for the help.



CHARGE TO 400!... CLEAR!... ZAAAP![/color]


::runs out::

I know I will see you again on another game somewhere - one game can't hold all us crazies forever.

Some people just need to be on the cross at all times for the attention, I guess.