Interveiw with a norm: Behind the masks. (Open RP)
Weve all heard these stories. Stories of lose, stories of pain. But why do they still happen with a city full of heroes?
Im Steven Harris and tonight on Behind the Mask we ask the question are the heroes of Paragon City really doing their job or are they coursing more problems then they solve?
It was in the early 20th century that heroes first started to appear. Since then the problems of Paragon City have grown. The fifth column, The Outcast and of course The Rikti to name but a few.
Tonight we will be hearing interviews from eye witnesses of so called heroic acts like the one you have just heard. As well as interviews from several heroes who have fallen on hard times and bad habits.
We will be talking to several members of Hero Corp and asking are they just in it for the money. We will also be interviewing some of the cities so called anti hero groups and we will be trying to get an interview with the allusive States Man.
What you hear may shock you for it is a story of greed, corruption and power.
((OOC Steven Harris is a very bias report who dislikes heroes. He will bend facts and sometimes even lie to try and discredit them.))
((likeing your take up of the ideas Citizen_Stu, very inventive... if only more people would join in lol.))
(Ask and you shall recieve)
Reporter: Hello, welcome to Eye on Paragon, and tonight we interview a newcomer hero, a Cyborg by the name of Internection. Good evening sir.
Internection: Hey.
Reporter: Sir, I hear you are reporting to us from... Faultline?
Internection: Yes, yes I am. I am currently on assignment from Seargent Parker of the Paragon Police Department. I've been fighting Vhazilok for a few days now, even the odd group of Circle warriors and yet this area seems lost.
Reporter: Who would you say is to blame for the massive villain influx into the area?
Internection: If anyone, Faultline and the Rikti. No one else to blame really other than the actual villain groups.
Reporter: But what about the Statesman? Would you say that his slack on Hero's has caused a weakening line?
Internection: You're kidding me right? The Statesman protects you for years, this is the thanks he gets? The Statesman is the best hero in Paragon and I think he deserves some respect for what he does. He is doing the best with what he has.
Reporter: But surely...
Internection: No, this interview is over!
Reporter: But...
Internection: Its over! Turn off that camera!
Cameraman: *Falls over* *Camera breaks*
Reporter: And with that emotional response by Internection, we find that in Paragon, Life goes on.
What follows is the Internection interview stolen from Eye on Paragon and re-edited for television by Steven Harris.
Welcome back to Behind the Mask . We are about to cross over live to a hero currently working in The Faultline.
Good evening Internection.
[/ QUOTE ]
Can you tell us what you are up to at the moment?
Ive been fighting Vhazilok for a few days now.
[/ QUOTE ]
Who would you say is to blame for the rise in crime in the area?
No one else to blame really other than the
[/ QUOTE ]
*Camera quickly cuts back to the studio to hide an edit*
..Paragon Police Department.
[/ QUOTE ]
But isnt the Paragon City Police Department doing the best it can with the budget it has been given?
Youre kidding me right?
[/ QUOTE ]
How do you feel about reports that the Statesman and other heroes like him may view themselves as being above the law?
I think he deserves some respect for what he does.
[/ QUOTE ]
So are you saying that you believe the Statesman along with other heroes are above the law?
Yes, yes I am.
[/ QUOTE ]
But dont you think he should still answer to the same law he up holds?
The Statesman protects you for years; this is the thanks he gets?
[/ QUOTE ]
But cant he, like the rest of us still work with in the guide lines set down by society to do his job?
He is doing the best with what he has
[/ QUOTE ]
*Cut back to studio to hide edit*
..and yet this area seems lost.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you for your time Internection.
(Ooo, good ones there)
Reporter: Hello, welcome back to Eye on Paragon. Tonight we are investigating something new that has hit Paragon's streets. Strangely enough, there is a new breed of Clockwork that has been identified by one of our sources as "The Tap Dancing Clockwork." Built frm the remains of a Tesla Prince, the strange Clockwork almost dances as it makes its destructive runs around the city. Here is an earlier interview with Internection;
*Camera fades out*
*Fades in on Video*
Reporter: So, Inter, may I call you Inter, what, if any, substance is there to a new breed of Clockwork ravaging the city?
Internection: A lot *Holds up the blanked out badly severed arm* The new breed of Clockwork looks rather unusual and almost dances in Combat, and so no one is as afraid as they have come to be, essentially making this Clockwork a thousand times worse than any other.
Reporter: I see... Can you give us any extra information on this monstrosity so that people may avoid it in future?
Internection: Yes. Number 1: Stay away from highly industrial areas. Number 2: It is painted bright pink, easy to see even at night. And Number 3: It releases a loud clicking music to keep its dancing in tempo. Keep a good ear out and you'll here it a mile away.
Reporter: Paragon thanks you.
*Fades back to Camera*
Reporter: Well, thats all for now folks. Tune in next time to when we go up close and personal with Tiger Swipe, King of the Tiger people, and the German Healer, Desmodius.
(( /bump up! come on people, i know your reading this, get creative and add your own! ))
I did... twice.
Welcome to Good Morning Paragon. This week we will be searching for answers about where all these foreign so-called heroes are from and why they are coming here in our expose "Foreigners and Aliens, Don't we have enough home grown talent?".
On todays show we will be talking to a newly arrived 'hero' and find out why he is really here. Joining us from a remote location is Pane Jauley who has tracked down Greystar, a self-proclaimed hero.
(scene cuts to the interior of a run down warehouse where a tall man in grey is standing beside what looks like a commando type due to all the camoflage and the large weapon in his hands.)
Pane Jauley: So, tell me Mr. Greystar ... Why ARE you here?
Greystar: How did you get in here?
Wardog: Who are these people?
Pane Jauley: That isn't what our viewers want to know Mr. Greystar ... if in fact that is your name? Please answer the question.
Greystar: Hey buddy, you better run. Ya, you with the camera.
Pane Jauley: You don't own this building. We have just as much right to be here as you.
Wardog: I agree, believe me, but that giant bucket of bolts behind you doesn't.
(the video feed ends abruptly and cuts back to the anchorman suddenly, catching him in the middle of picking his nose)
What the?
Get the video feed back ... are they alive?
What do you mean I'm on?
I'm on?
(the anchorman quickly removes his finger from his nose)
Welcome back. We appear to be having technical difficulties and will return to the Greystar interview as soon as we are able.
(the scene quickly changes again to a hurky jerky view from the camera as the holder of it flees for his life)
Cameraman: That's IT! I QUIT.
Pane Jauley: Shut up and RUN!!!!
(in the background the sound of smashing metal and machine gun fire can be heard, followed by a large piece of metal suddenly falling into view to land with a crash before the camera. Seconds later Greystar crawls out of the wreckage with a pained expression.)
Cameraman: Please God ... I've been a good person. Let me live through this!!
Pane Jauley: Praying? PRAYING? Run you idiot!!!
(Pane Jauley is then visible onscreen again as she leaves the sobbing cameraman behind and runs for the door visible a hundred yards away)
Cameramanon't leave me ..
Pane Jauley:Then run you idiot.
(as several pieces of broken metal and grenade shrapnel fly past the camera, and beams of energy suddenly erupt from the hands of Greystar to blast into something behind the cameraman, the scene suddenly fades into static as the video feed is lost)
Uh .... well. That's can't be good. We apologise, but we have to cut this segment short. Let's all hope Pane is safe and sound and stay tuned for possible updates in the unlikely event she does survive.
Coming up after the break ... Purple Carrots ... has science gone too far?
OOC: (( had some time to kill, and this seemed amusing in my head. ))
Tonight, on Eye on Paragon, we investigate theories that Behind the Mask is using false evidence to create reports against heroes. We will be following a group of Police Officers and our very much friendly hero Internection. But first, we now go to commercial.
*Camera fades out and goes to a commercial*
Icon Images, we are the foremost store for your clothing needs. We are the only store that Heroes choose for their new costume needs.
*Camera fades back*
Officer: We are about to break the door. Bring in the battering ram!
Internection: *Aims hands and uses Power Burst, blasting the door to splinters*
Officer: GO GO GO!
Officer 2: This is a bust!
Officer: Check the tape rooms for evidence!
Internection: *Searches tapes* Found one! Eye on Paragon dub tape!
Officer: Hmm, this is enough evidence for slander against heroes. You've helped this city with a great service Internection.
Internection: Just part of my job. Now, I gotta go back to fighting the good fight. *Runs out the door and flies into the night sky*
(I had to clear my good name, lol)
my brother bought some drugs two days before. It was where all his money was going i never tried to stop him he was bigger and stronger, even more with the drugs. he was even in a gang he had a gun. the gun wasnt even a pistol, it was a shotgun. I had to stay on his good side, that was not a problem we were brothers.
my brother was the only one who wanted to take me in after our parents died. he was 21 i was 14. since there was someone else in the house besides him he needed a new job. then the gang recruited him he was now able to pay for our needs. some time after that he got a job at up n' away and he left the gang or so he said.
i found his shot gun a year after he "left" and drugs under his pillow. i was going to forget about it and think the gang forgot to take back the gun and drugs so my brother hid it. i was wrong. when i confronted my brother about it he said
"they were going to kill you if i left... i made a mistake joining them in the first place"
todays later the war on drugs started my brother was arrested. a few days later i got something in the mail. my brother was... shanked and he died. his cell mate was from a rival gang.
i shall never forget that my brother risked his life to feed us then risked his life again to protect me. ultimately in the end killing himself
now i realize this story has no super powered heroes, portal from another dimension, or very much to do with the war on drugs but you came to me and asked me about what happened in my life at the same time. however if the war on drugs never happened i would have had more time with my brother though i guess civilians wouldnt be as safe in the city with out it.
((This is a response to the original post. Hopefully, I didn't take too many liberties with Damaa's characters. Looking back to Damaa's original post, I see that I may have somewhat misinterpreted her(?) goal, but I was so pleased with how this came out that I'm posting it anyway. Bobbie Mercado and Marigold Madison and family were originally featured as supporting characters in Legacy of a Space Ranger. ))
* roll film *
* An empty chair is set in front of a backdrop of Paragon City. A young man of perhaps 19 or 20 years of age and dressed in jeans, tee-shirt, and leather biker's jacket walks in and flops into the chair. He looks around arrogantly.*
"So, what is this, some kinda documentary?"
*A muffled affirmative is heard off-camera*
"And you wanna hear about what I remember about the invasion?"
*another affirmative from off-camera, followed by a query *
"[irritated]Who am I? I'm Bobbie Mercado, [sarcastically]of the High Park Mercados. That answer your question? That pedigree good enough to be in yer movie?"
* soothing noises *
"Alright, I'll tell ya what I remember. I remember running to Mary's place because Mikey's dad was working with my dad and they was both stuck in Baumton. "
* The interviewer asks a question *
"[angrily]Look, are you gonna interrupt about every little detail? Mary was my mom, alright? The closest thing I had to it, anyway. She was adopted; meaning that I adopted her and she always treated me like family, even after she got married and had Mikey and 'Lisbeth. My real mom died when I was born. Are we talking about that instead of the *bleep* war? I got better things to do than be grilled about my personal life."
* placating noises from off-camera *
"[mollified] "Alright then." * Bobby listens and nods * "Yeah, I wasn't sixteen yet, so Mikey would have been, like, nine and 'Lisbeth around four."
"* indistinct questioning off-camera *
*Bobby rubs his forehead and is quiet for a moment* "I think the first I heard about it was when the portal showed up near Everett Lake. That was before the war walls, y'know? You could see from the Row into Perez Park or even Liberty Harbor if you climbed up onto the roofs of the right buildings. 'Lisbeth and the other kids her age don't remember a time without war walls. That just seems weird to me."
"Everyone on the street was talking about it. My friends and me, we thought it was cool, at first. We rode our bikes down to the old refinery, figuring that we'd sneak up onto the roofs of the warehouses and see if we could get a look over the Park wall. It turned out when we got there that a bunch of guys had cut the chain on the refinery fence and climbed up into the storage towers. We dumped the bikes and climbed up there too. You could see the lake easy. Hell, half the Row was spread out like a game of Sims or somethin' from up there."
"Anyway, there was this Portal sitting there by the dockhouse, just like they'd said. It was like one of those cartoons where the rabbit has a hole in his pocket and he pulls it out and hangs it in mid-air. 'Cept it was this fiery red color and it looked about as inviting as a blast furnace. The police were escorting people out of the park, but nobody looked like they was in a panic about it just then. From up high, though, we could see things that the people below wasn't seeing. That Portal wasn't the only one. As we watched, another appeared out over the the park, then another and another. They started popping up over towards Atlas Park, and out towards the harbor. It was like 5:00 then, an hour or so since the first portal appeared. More and more of the portals were popping up every couple of minutes."
"We was getting worried by then. One of the men up there had a radio and the announcer was crying about how a traffic copter had been eaten by one of the portals. The streets were starting to fill up with cars, and the traffic was gettin' choked up. I saw a car hit a loaded pickup down the block and the drivers got out and started pounding on each other. The reporters on the radio were saying that it was bad everywhere. The city was gridlocked; nobody was moving anywhere."
*Bobby shifts uncomfortably and looks around* "Can I get a glass of water?" *A bottle of water is produced. Bobby stares at the floor, then swallows some water and looks at the camera.*
"The guys on that tower was talking about getting guns and getting out of the city no matter who got in their way. I looked over at Patrick and he was about to *bleep* in his pants. I couldn't blame him. I felt the same way. "
"Just then, one of the guys, he says 'Holy *bleep*!' We look down where he's pointing. A portal had opened right at the base of the tower we was standing on! That was it for me. All I wanted was to be someplace safe, with my Dad telling me it was gonna be alright! Pat and I took off as fast as we could, and most of those grown-ups was right on our heels. I swear, we got within ten feet of that portal and I could feel it wanting to suck us in and eat us! It was a hungry monster, worse'n anything that ever lived under my bed. I grabbed my bike and lit outta there. Patrick was already running down the block; he was too scared to come close enough to the portal to get his bike. I was off like a shot and I expected at any second to be sucked in like that helicopter on the radio. I never even thought about my other buddies and I'm pretty sure they weren't worrying about me. We was that scared of the things."
"Since I was on a bike, I was able to ride on the sidewalks and through the back alleys. The streets was full of cars going nowhere. Horns were honkin', people were yellin', and sometimes they just abandoned their cars in the middle of the road. I heard what sounded like a couple of gunshots at one point, but I wasn't about to go check it out!"
"The cops was tryin' to keep people movin' but there was no way for anything bigger than a motorcycle to get through. Some of the gangs had figured out that the cops was hogtied and were looting the pawn shop and a grocery store not far from home."
* a question is asked off-camera *
"I only saw a couple of the portals on my way home. A soldier told me a few months later that the aliens was 'focusing on targets of strategic importance'. All I can say is that for about the only time in my life I was happy I was living in King's Row, a place even the aliens didn't want."
* more questions *
"I didn't know what a Rikti was back then, but I'd seen enough movies to know an alien invasion when it conked me on the head."
* something about the Freedom Phalanx *
"I dunno what the heroes were doing during all this. I was focussed on getting home; I wasn't watching out for no superheroes. It's not like they give a *bleep* about King's Row when it's normal circumstances. They was probably all off trying to figure out what the portals was all about. They let the police and the National Guard handle the people."
* someone rattles off a list of hero names *
*[irritated]*"I can only tell ya what I saw. If they was there then they was off in some part of The Row that I wasn't in. Like I said, I wasn't looking out for heroes. I was trying to get home without gettin' run over."
"Anyway, I made it back to High Park around six o'clock. From what I'd seen on the streets and heard on the radio, I figured there was no way that Dad would be home. I ditched the bike and ran straight up to Mary's place, like I said at the beginning. I wasn't about to spend the night alone in my apartment!"
"I didn't even knock, I just burst in like all the aliens in the world was on my tail! Mary was on the phone. Mikey and 'Lisbeth was sittin' on the couch, reading a book or somethin'. Mary dropped the phone, stepped to the door, and grabbed me and swung me into a huge hug, crying 'Bobby! Thank God!' I hugged her right back! I'll kick the *bleep* out of anyone who calls me a momma's boy, but I ain't ashamed to say that right then that was exactly what I needed!"
"After scolding and hugging me a bit more, Mary dried her eyes and picked up the phone. 'Paul, tell Preston that Bobby's here!', she says. Paul was Mikey and 'Lisbeth's dad. Preston was my dad. I said, 'Yo!', or some other smart-alec thing into the phone. Mary smacked me on top of the head, and pushed me towards the couch. 'Idiot!', she said, but she smiled when she said it and everything was suddenly alright again. I grinned and went over to tell Mikey what I'd been seein', and try and keep the little kids distracted so's the grown-ups could do their grown-up thing. S'long as I was in a safe place and my dad was okay, the portals didn't seem so bad, after all."
"I didn't know that the invasion would be landing for real in just over an hour."
* A minute passes. A question is asked off-camera. *
* Bobby looks up and down and up again, struggling with some inner turmoil. After a moment, he resumes his original posture, once again the arrogant street tough. *
* Shaking head negatively *"Nah, it's alright. I... thought it would be easier to talk about."
* Bobby pauses, focussing on some spot beyond the camera. He resumes speaking; his voice assuming a faraway quality as the story progresses. His eyes, naturally flinty, take on a painful intensity, as if he could break the time barrier and look directly upon those past events once more, if only his will was powerful enough. *
"It was 7:30. Paul had hung up the phone awhile ago, so other people could use it. He and my Dad was going to stay at the worksite until there was some way to actually get out of Baumton. We was watching the news, which was all about the portals and how some hero had gone into one and they were waiting for him to come out. "
"I was playing around with 'Lisbeth when Mikey said 'Something's happening!' I looked up as something came through the portal, then sucked in a breath as it stepped into view. It wasn't no hero. It was a monster; an inhuman thing in armor and a big glowing raygun. All of the TV people stepped back. It didn't say 'Take me to your leader!' It didn't say anything at all. It just opened fire as every portal in sight of the TV camera started vomiting aliens!"
"All of us was in shock, I think. We just sat there, staring at the TV, as the cameraman ran here and there, still taping. Mikey said 'Mom?' like he expected her to explain that it was just a movie or somethin'. The phone rang just then and I nearly jumped through the roof. Mary sprang up and grabbed the phone. 'Paul?', she yelled into the phone, like she was afraid he couldn't hear. 'Paul, what's happening?'"
"Mikey and 'Lisbeth had huddled up by me. 'I'm scared, Bobby!', he said to me. I was just starting to notice that there was a lot of noise going on outside; explosions and gunshots. Way more than the usual evening noises of the Row."
"On the TV, the camera guy was hiding behind a trash dumpster. A news guy at the station was trying to get information from him. One of the aliens pointed at the camera and I got a cold feeling in my gut. I turned Mikey away from the TV and made him look at my face. 'Don't worry, twerp!', I said. 'I won't let any monsters get in here.' On the TV screen, there was a green flash, and the screen went blank. The announcers was screaming and making no sense. I felt dizzy and my stomach heaved. If I hadn't been putting on a brave face for the little kids, I think I woulda thrown up right there."
"Mary was screaming into the phone. 'Paul? You're breaking up? What's happening? Paul? Paul!' She was screaming his name into the phone now. I was suddenly afraid to change the channel, but I knew I had to see."
"A ground crew was broadcasting from Baumton. It was worse than anything on the other channel. The aliens were everywhere; people were running and screaming. A huge fire was burning over a three or four block area. A woman was screaming and tearing at the rubble in front of her, even though it was burning and the fire was scorching her. They panned around and I realized with a sick feeling that I should be able to see the worksite where Paul and my Dad were."
"I looked over at Mary. She was staring at the TV, horrified, with the phone limp in her hand. I could tell she was coming to the same conclusion I was. We searched madly for any sign that it was a different place; that we were wrong. In the distance, a gigantic flying saucer dropped out of the sky. It hit in a blinding fireball and the explosion rocked the news crew. If that was what had dropped on my Dad..."
* Bobby talks a bit faster, and his hands begin clasping and unclasping. He seems to be unaware of it. *
"I might have passed out, but Mary beat me to it. I saw her keel over and I sprang up and grabbed her and we both ended up on the floor. I was afraid she'd had a stroke or somethin'. She went totally rigid, then she relaxed and opened her eyes. She sat up, grabbed me in her arms and started bawling like her heart had been ripped out and kicked across the floor. The monsters had landed and taken the love of her life, randomly and meaninglessly, in the blink of an eye."
"I held her and soothed her as best as I was able. The news crew had moved up near the woman in the wreckage, and she was sobbing hysterically, like some weird echo of Mary. 'My baby! My baby girl! Help me! Help! My baby!' She just kept repeatin' it, over and over. The camera panned briefly over a body in the wreckage. It was hard to tell how old she was, maybe twelve or fourteen; maybe younger, but it was clear she was hurt bad and she wasn't moving. The police were shooting, and shouting at the news crew to get outta there. They finally dragged the woman away. I think she really wanted to just die there beside her daughter, rather than leave her to the aliens."
* Bobby is rubbing his hands on his pants now, rhythmically, slowly. He rocks ever so slightly in time. He still appears oblivious to it. *
"The noises out in the Row was starting to sound a lot like what we'd been hearing on the television. There was a bright flash outside, and the TV picture turned to snow. A couple of seconds later, the power went out. People in the apartment building were yelling and running around. I was terrified, thinkin' to myself, 'This must be what the end of the world feels like.'"
"Mikey and 'Lisbeth were every bit as scared as I was. Mikey looked at me, his mouth quivering, and wailed 'Bobby, I want my Daddy!' and they both burst into tears. I tried to lie, to say it would be alright, but all I could do was motion 'em over to where I was holdin' Mary. We all held onto each other on the floor there; all of 'em crying and me on the verge. There was nothin' left to do. There was a hole in my stomach, an aching emptiness. I felt the tears wellin' and my chest knotted up until it seemed like it would never unknot again."
"That's when my Dad said 'DON'T YOU DARE!', in that voice he used when I got caught shopliftin' at the pawn shop."
* Bobby sits stock still. His eyes focus, and he looks directly at the camera. He speaks lowly and evenly, his conviction unmistakable. *
"It wasn't in my head. I heard it, plain as I hear you now. 'Don't you cry!', he said. 'A man ain't got time for cryin'. A man takes care of his family and leaves the cryin' to the women.'"
"'But..', I said, and he said 'No Buts, Sport! Swallow those tears down deep in your gut. Hold 'em there, and use 'em. It ain't fair, but I told you plenty of times that the one thing life ain't, is fair. It's time to man-up and look after your family. Ain't no-one else gonna do it for you.'"
* Bobby looks down at his hands, as if seeing them for the first time. Lifting his right hand, he rubs his eyes briefly, then runs his fingers through his hair. With a sigh, he leans back in the chair, drops his hands to his lap and looks at the camera. *
"I wanted my Dad to be there. More than anything else in the world, I wanted him to walk through that door and take charge. I knew the truth, though, deep in my heart. I didn't need to see it with my own eyes."
"I blinked a couple of times and my eyes cleared. I made an effort and pushed my fear and my sorrow down into the pit of my stomach; down into that empty hole. It didn't hurt any less, but suddenly it wasn't so empty. Suddenly, I had something I could work with, even if that something was powered by fear and anger."
"Mary had wound down and was shaking a bit. I took hold of her shoulders as gently as I was able just then, and I looked at her. She looked back at me strange, like she was seeing me for the first time ever. I don't know if she felt the change in me or if Paul had spoken to her the way my Dad spoke to me. Whatever it was, we both seemed to sense that a shift had happened. She never stopped being my "mom", but she never treated me like a kid again. From that day on, she treated me with the respect of a grown-up, even when I sometimes didn't deserve it."
"She wiped the tears from her eyes, then hugged Mikey and 'Lisbeth and kissed each of 'em on the head. Mikey should have been passed the age when that would fix all your problems, but he looked better afterwards, just the same."
"She asked, 'What do we do now?'. I thought a second, and said 'We should pack up some food and all the water we can carry.' She looked surprised, and asked 'What made you think of that so fast?' I got annoyed and I guess it showed when I replied 'Geez, Mary, didn't ya learn nothin' from all those end-o'-the-world movies that were all over the TV a coupla years ago?'"
"Her jaw dropped open and she stared at me for three full seconds before she burst into laughter. She went on and on and after a coupla seconds I started chuckling along with her. It was stupid, when you thought about it. When the real alien invasion finally landed, I knew what to do because Hollywood had shown me over and over again how to survive it. I burst out into a real, honest-to-goodness belly laugh. We leaned on each other, laughing like it was the best joke anyone ever told. Right at that instant, it felt like it WAS the best joke anyone ever told. Mikey and 'Lisbeth were more confused than ever, but laughin' was a whole lot better'n cryin', even if they didn't understand why we were doin' it. The knot in my chest unwound, and I felt like I was finally ready to face whatever it was that was happening out there."
"It must have sounded like a real commotion. Someone pounded on the door and shouted 'Everything all right in there?' I stood up and opened the door. It was a guy from the fourth floor who I recognized but had never spoken too. 'We're good', I said. He looked at Mary, holding the little kids, and she nodded at him and smiled. Nobody can resist her smile when she turns it on. He looked unsure still, but he decided he had other things to worry about. 'Better get out of here pretty quick!', he said. 'Whatever's going on, the National Guard is evacuating everything within six blocks of here. They're trying to setup a command post down in the courtyard.' I told him, 'Thanks, we'll get outta here quick.' He looked around the apartment, then decided he'd done his duty and whatever else was goin' on wasn't his business. He waved to us, and headed to the end of the hall and down the stairs."
"Mary sighed, and stood up. I don't know how, but she was her old self again, in spite of everything. I've learned over the years that, despite what he liked to say about women doin' the cryin', my Dad didn't really appreciate what the women could do once the cryin' was done. I remind myself occasionally to tell that to my future son when I'm teaching him about life."
"She knelt down with Mikey and 'Lisbeth, taking each by the hand. "We're going to play a game, kids. We're going to pack your backpacks for a camping trip. Michael, you need to help Lizzie choose one stuffed animal and her two favorite books. You pick out two books for yourself and bring your electronic games and a deck of cards if you can find it. Don't forget Lizzie's blanket. I'll be there in a minute to help you pick out some clothes." Mikey looked upset and Mary smiled at him. "Don't forget ScooterBear. He wouldn't want to be left behind." Mikey beamed at her and took 'Lisbeth's hand. 'C'mon, Lizzie, let's get your backpack stuffed.' He led 'Lisbeth to their room and Mary looked up at me. "Bobby, I'll pack whatever I can find of Paul's clothes that might fit you. Can you start getting the water? There's a thermos in the cupboard, and an empty milk jug in the recycle bin that should be pretty well rinsed out already. There's a jug of milk in the fridge that you can dump out and fill up also.' "
"I nodded and we all did like she'd said. Paul had liked camping, and he had a real frame backpack that made it easier to carry the food and water than it might have been, otherwise. It was ten minutes later that we took one last look at home, stepped out into the last gathering dusk, and followed the other refugees to whatever was waiting for us as the end of the world raged in the distance, just out of sight."
* Bobby stops and looks thoughtful. He shakes his head and looks up at something beyond the camera *
[pensive] "Listen, I'm gettin' tired and I got someplace I gotta be."
* some discussion and a question *
"Sure, okay, I'll come back tomorrow or the next day. Assumin' I got nothin' better to do than yammer on for an hour, that is."
* He stands up, stretches, and looks around. For a moment, a wistful look replaces the arrogance. The moment passes, and Bobby waves at someone off-camera. *
"Hey, Beautiful! Yeah, hi! What's your name? Hey, don't walk off... "
* Bobby saunters off stage-right. *
* End Film *
Your certainly getting the speech rythmns and emotional content down quite well. Looks more professional than a lot of the novels out there these days. <cheers>
((Jebus! I remember this! I read this through a few years ago! Oh, the memories.))
At one point, during his time at the Paragon City Times, John Ballard, one of the editors, had lobbied for a radio broadcast. His bosses had said that if he could entice a hero to come on for an interview, they would give it a trial run.
The next day, he had set up a section of a radio station... And ordered everyone that he was to be the only one in the room. It was very strange, but they were being paid, so they didn't care.
The interview went as follows- It was to be one of three, before it was shut down due to low ratings.
John: So, welcome to Paragon City Times radion, hopefully the first of many, many broadcasts!
So, let's talk about some events in the paper today- Sky Raiders looting an electronics store? No worries, The Elastic Spandextor is there! ...Very odd name, don't you think, Experiment?
E: Yeah, totally.
*At this point, one of the executives raises an eyebrow- Experiment 2.0? Why hadn't he seen him come in? Doesn't he wear, like, bright red armor? Before he could think on it more, John's British accent breaks in, then followed by Experiment's American one.*
J: So, how's the sidekick?
E: Eh, I don't know. He can be a bit of a jerk sometimes. I mean-
J: You mean what? I agree, he CAN be a jerk. Like this one time, he kept shooting energy at one of the Clockwork's Princes, and he hit a gas tank on a car. Undue collateral damage.
E: Very true- He could have used his melee attacks, but he just HAD to go on a blast-happy streak. I think it's the puberty.
J: Yeah- Woah, hey, someone's calling in... Which is odd, as we never gave a number but- Yeeello?
*A sigh comes over the phone, followed by a teenage male's voice.*
LB: Yeah, John? Tell Experiment to shut up now. Thanks.
*The phone clicks, and John or Experiment, very hard to tell which one, sighs.*
J: ...don'thavetogetsopissy... Alright, anyway, just so you all get an opportunity to ask the hero questions, the number is- *He reads off a number ((that I can't be bothered to think up right now)), and a few buttons light up rather quickly.*
E: Okay... THIS one!
Citizen 1: Hey, Experiment 2.0, right! Dude, you were awesome yesterday!
E: Oh, thanks... Uh... What... What did I do yesterday?
C1: Oh, yeah, well, you were flying, and then, someone shouted at you, and you turned, and then you went STRAIGHT into the--*Click.*
J: Next caller?
C2: Hey. Listen, I've heard there was an Experiment 3.0, and he killed people a lot. And he was a demon. Y'know him?
J: Not at all.
C2: ...I was asking Expe--
E: Not at all.
C2: ...Uh... Oka--*Click.*
J: Next?
DS: Hehehe... Your callers are pathetic, 2.0!
J: Ohyou'vegottabekidding--
E: How on Earth did YOU manage to get past the screening?
DS: Do you seriously think I can't just hack my way into your telephone lines? Do you underestimate my power, Hero?
E: Apparently- Listen, Shimmy, I'm sorta busy right now, so--
DS: Oh! Oh, I'm so SORRY! I'll make sure not to be a BOTHER next time! Not like you bothered ME when you COATED ME IN A BURNING LIQUID CHEMICAL AND--*Click.*
E: Next- *Hem,*
J:Next caller?
BM: Hey, guys. How're you doing?
E: Oh dear lord. Messenger?
BM: Hey, you recognized my voice! How nice of ya! Hey, listen, while you're at the station, I've heard they had an awesome Wizard Comics down the street from there. Could you pick me up a Statesman V. King Kong issue 6? It's the one with the harriers and a little baby monkey on it.
E: ...Seriously?
BM: Dude, totally- Issue 6 is where it's finally revealed who the identity of the Undergrown Statesman is! I personally believe it's Statesman's kid. Y'know, the rumored Statesbaby Comic Series coming out? I thought maybe it was a prelude--
E: Yeah, fine, I'll get it, whatever.
J: ...Next caller?
...Oh, wait, that was it.
Alright, so, Experiment- Tell us. You were around during the first Rikti War. How was it.
*Silence for a few moments, and then Experiment begins to speak.*
E: Imagine, Mr. Ballard, seeing your friends cut down around you. Seeing them vaporized to dust and pounded into the ground, knowing that if you'd gotten to them a second or two earlier, they'd be safe.
Imagine, if you will, Mr. Ballard, the sun disappearing from view, and knowing, if you died that day, that would be it. That would have been your last view of the sun. The last time you felt it's warmth. Felt yourself rejuvinated.
Imagine, John, your feelings of success at pushing back the invading forces greatly dimished by the feeling of horror at the sight of the death and destruction at your feet. The guilt of knowing that you, growing in age as you are, stand, living, above all these young men and women, who still had a full life ahead of themselves.
*Commercials start, with a message stating, 'See you next week for another... 'Exciting' episode of Paragon City Times Radio, where news goes into your ears!'*
((Oh, man! I had no clue this was another necro-thread! No wonder Damaa wasn't keeping track of it!
Oh, well, at least it gave me an idea for a High Park story.
The John Ballard radio program was entertaining. I liked the difficulty he had keeping his characters straight during the "interview". *heh* I was actually getting interested in E2.0's story at the end there!
Your certainly getting the speech rythmns and emotional content down quite well. Looks more professional than a lot of the novels out there these days. <cheers>
[/ QUOTE ]
(( If this was directed to me, then thank you! ))
Oh I remember this thread too! I am just back and plan to post here later this evening. Heh, heh, heh....
Alright guys, I thought for a long time and I've come up with two stories I'm going to do here, for a change of pace I thought I would begin with a Villian story during the Rikti war and see what kind of trouble I can bring about with it. After that I plan to do a hero story, but I wanted to do the Villian first because I just really didn't see anyone taking up their cause as it were. Well, here it goes:
"Your not serious, that maniac hasn't agreed to do one of the survivor interviews has he?"
"Yes, he agreed to do an interview while in Founders Falls, I'm not about to ask him why he's here, and I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, He's a documented survivor and nobody has interviewed one of them from his side yet."
"That's because he's a stone cold killer, Hello!!!!! You don't interview killers even if they agree to come in and play nice, a hero could show up here any moment to bust them, then the office would be a mess and I don't know how high the repair bill could go!"
"Oh, I already thought of that, I have signed Documents from every hero group around including Statesman that while he is in here doing his interview nothing will happen, and I managed to even get him agree to the terms and promise not to do any attacks while he is in the office or before his interview and after. Besides, the last hero battle he was involved with didn't go too good for the hero in question and while their pretty ticked off about it all they think these interviews are pretty important. Just do us a favor, don't call him Mad or anything like that when he comes in for the interview, I happen to like you Jack and he's liable to rip off your head if you insult him."
"Alright, I'll keep my mouth shut when High-Tech is here, but I still don't know how you talked him into doing this interview.."
"He's a mercenary, I paid 3 million inf out of my own pocket to secure the interview, it's the only way I could get him here, Money talks, especially with villians.."
"THREE MILLION!!! I didn't even know you had three million inf, these interviews are that important to you?"
"I'm betting my life on it, especially with this one."
"Better your life than mine, better your life than mine.. So, how long till he gets here?"
Looks at watch, "Three days, and seven hours, He's even agreed to let Manticore meet him at the transport and walk him to the studios. Figures it would keep down the bodycount if Manticore was waiting at the exit when he left so no new heroes will try anything. The guy covers all the bets when he agrees to things. for the money Im shelling out he wants to make sure their are no problems, he's even promised not to attack any of the buildings or rob the bank while he's here. Just a quick interview and straight back to the transport."
"Wait, Manticore is going to be here also, what about his wife?"
"No, she has a job she has to do that day, Manticore is going to be here with 250 Longbow agents and 80 Enforcers."
"You think it would be enough if he went back on his word?"
"I don't know, I just don't know, but I think it might."
Three days later Longbow officials arrive at the studio in a maximum security transport along with heavily armed troops setting up a full security perimeter. Ten minutes after the perimeter is secured a figure in bright red steps out of the vehicle with a bow strung on his shoulder. he is a tall man with an arched chin but an extremely tense action to his movements.
"Relax Manti, I'm keepin my drones put up, for the cash their offerin me fer this interview I ain't goin ta cause trouble."
From out of the security van a massive figure emerges. As he steps down onto the ground the vehicle lifts upward drastically. His massive metal frame lifts upward and looks down at what is now no doubt a much smaller man before him. The Metal is a cool icy cold color with etched circuitry covering every inch of it.
"It's not you I'm worried about. You've ticked off over half the heroes of Paragon city, burned down homes, destroyed property, and made just a royal mess of any area you've decided to leave your mark in. I'm half tempted to bust you here and now if it wasn't for the fact that I know your going to keep to your side of the bargain."
The nearly full mechanical man before him laughs deeply. In some ways it's a blood curdling noise, in some it's not totally unpleasant, "Fine then, you feel better if I activate my shields bub, I promise not to use any other power, and I'll keep the force walls down unless you say otherwise."
"Just the shields.... I'll be watching you close High-Tech, I want you out of here as soon as possible as it is."
"Alright, I can live wit that bub, I can live wit that."
"This is Jack Naidal here speaking with the super villian High-Tech. Were going to cover his life before the first Rikti invasion and what happenned during the invasion from his point of view."
"ya ya, get to the point Bub, ya want ta know what I was before I became a Master Mind. I was a common thug. I used ta break legs fer tha Gambini family. I made a good livin as a mob enforcer. Hey, don't judge me like that boy, I come from a six generation mob family, even if I wanted ter go straight ain't no way anybody would be willin to trust me as anything good no matter what youse boys say."
"So basically your saying you were doomed before you started and you wouldn't be anything but criminal even if you had the oppotunity to be a hero??"
"Maybe if I was born into a different life, yeah, maybe then I'd be somethin else. But in my position I didn't have much choice. Oh I had relatives who were mages and such, but they were far removed from the part of the family I was born into. i grew up on the hard streets of Independence Port. Those were different times back then. I had this cousin, Tony Defrizio, he was't a good kid. We was about the same age me an him. Tony was a hard case, it's the reason I liked him so much. We were a pair of hard shells me an him, born on the same day to different parents, it was part of our bond ya know. Tony was a good kid, but neither of us had a chance, we was both busted before we was eight years old. That's when our first records were recorded. Oh you won't find the files now, I had them erased for a little cash. Ya can say I knew the right person ta talk to at tha right time."
"Alright, so what was so important about Tony to you?"
The cold eyes bore through Jack Naidal for a moment, almost like he isn't even there. He shifts for a moment in extreme discomfort as those intense eyes bore into him. Then the matallic face smiles in an almost unholy light. "We shared a grand aunt who worked for Recluse back then, She was a member of the Mu. That's the bond we shared. We was mob, but we had Mu connections. Neither of us ever spoke of that, and now he can't speak of it anyways, I'm the only one left ya see."
"How did, exactly how did Tony die..."
"Ya got a death wish boy, I like that. alright I'll ya about the rikti, that's why were here ain't it? ya know I came from a bad neighborhood an all, so what, that ain't the real point is it? Were here about them, the fellas what changed my life."
"I take it the Rikti invasion is how you lost Tony then."
"Ya, you can say that, we was talkin to a guy about money he lost on the horses when it started. Tony was kickin his ribs bout the time the sirens started off. We didn't pay no attention at first, after all what did sirens ever have to do wit us except trouble."
"Um, yeah, I can see what you mean there Mr. High-Tech Sir."
An uneasy look passes over the troubled eyes for a moment, "It's Mr. Newport, call me Sherm. This ain't a villian thing, this is a Rikti thing. I'm takin tha inf, an all, but this is about family Jack. It's not about anything else. Ya can call me Sherman, then. But when were done here you ain't gonna say that name not even to tha man outside. Ya got me bub."
"Yes sir, um, Sherman sir-"
The massive metallic hand moves swiftly in a negative fashion, the voice is sharp and exact. "Forget the sir thing. We ain't here for all this villian crud Bub. I'm tryin ter make ya feel more comfortable here Jackie boy, I ain't out to rip ya a new one or any other such thing."
"You have to admit though that your reputation is well, extreme if nothing else."
"Ya, I have a bad rep, we already covered that Bub. What we was talkin about is Tony. We weren't saints me an Tony, We was roughen up a lousy scum who wouldn't pay his bills an was gamblin wit money he couldn't afford ta lose. I hated folk what did that, my dad did that all the time, it's why I chose the livin in the first place, and Tony, he joined me cause when his folks died he lived wit me and our family. We raised tha kid and maybe that's what made him what he was too. But at any rate as I was sayin, we was smackin the deadbeat aroun and the sirens went off. me and Tony thought the cops was comin and that maybe even a damn hero would show up ter hassle us. That's when I first saw that unreal light. We was near the magic store near Brickstown. Ya know tha place, tha store what 's near the gate to Brickstown now. Tha Rikti first started attackin tha magic shops, I've had a bit a magic in my blood, Tony did too. But we couldn't use it very well, neither of us. I remember seein this fella with a big ray gun and one hell of a bad outfit sense. He turned his gun on Tony, an.. Tony wasn't there no more, I never felt hate like that. Oh I never liked heroes, but they never killed one of mine before, least not out right like that. I felt somethin strange in me when Tony died. Felt like my insides was twisted, I could feel my skin redden and my skin blackened , me and Tony was that close together when he got killed..."
"What did you do when Tony died?"
"I drop kicked the mook wit the ray gun so hard it snaped both his legs like they was twigs. Never felt that kind of power before, I think when Tony died since we was blood it did somethin. I might have worked a spell of some sort, don't really know ya see. I never really been able ter use much magic sense then till I investigated my Mu roots. I still can't use much in the way of magic, but I have a little of it. Naw, most of my powers are all Technological, except maybe my bond with my drones, I can call them even when I ain't wearin the watch...."
"So um, Sherman, you kicked the Rikti gunner who killed Tony, and broke both of his legs?"
"Yes, he went down like a ton of bricks, kinda funny considerin how close we were to Brickstown. ya, I kicked him and his legs went like twigs. My leg felt kinda funny afterward. I think I might have busted my kneecap, I ain't real sure, when all tha stuff went down all I could think about was Tony. I wanted blood far that, I took his gun and blasted him in tha face wit it. A bunch of his buddies showed up and I just started firin' at em, I saw this fella in red wit a bow bout then, My leg was mangled, but I didn't stop shootin, bout that time one of tha critters apearred behind tha red clad fella. It was Manticore tha fella outside. we was back ter back fer a while, then I took a solid hit from them, I ain't sure why they wuddn't able ter hit me fer a while......"
The silence holds for a few moments, it stretches as a far away look moves in the human eyes still seen in the metal shell before him. "What happened when you were shot?"
"Somethin I never expeccted. I was saved by a hero of all things. You know about him a course, that damn fool went through a portal and stopped the first invasion, but he manged ter save me back then. Hero 1, I seen him take down tha alien what got me, then he managed ter get me ter the evacuation location. Their wuddn't much in the way of a body left of me after that. I opted fer experimental surgery after that. I wanted ter hurt tha Rikti back fer whut they'd done. I became a soldier after that, a merc fer higher, I wuddn't fully human anymore. Tha's how I got my replacement heart. Ya know....... In some ways I owe the Rikti, I wuddn't have the power I do now if not fer them, but I wuddn't of lost one of my only friends if not fer them."
"So they turned you into a cyborg and you took out your frustrations on the Rikti when you became, um, when you became..."
"A bit of a monster? Maybe I am at times. I ain't never been a nice guy. oh I do my fair share of damage, and yeah I ain't no sweetheart when it comes to battle, but when it comes ter folk like tha Rikti, I ain't goin ter fight tha heroes on that one, it's one of the few things I'll join tha heroes on, and I have a few times. No, tha Rikti are a common enemy. I put aside my differences when their involved, and ter be honest even when I do, rob and pillage as it were it's to get more funds for bringing a few more Rikti down. Those mothers started a war with me and mine, I ain't goin ter lose it, an i'll do anything I can ter get the inf I need ter take down one more of em, just one more, till their ain't none left."
"So how many Rikti have you managed to kill in your, um, war with them?"
"I don't keep count, I just get rid of em. besides, I may have started countin when it began, but I've taken down too many of them ter keep count anymore."
"Well, that pretty much wraps up this meeting, um, is their anything else you'd like to add to this chronical?"
"Ya, their might be one thing, but it ain't ter you. I want ya ter send a message ter Citidel. Tell him I hope his jaw heals soon, I'll pay fer the replacement parts if he wants. I may not be a nice guy, but when he got in the way durin my last job I wuddn't goin ter let him stay there."
The menacing figure stands ponderously to his feet and looks down at the reporter below him. He walks smoothly toward the door and opens it he steps through keeping his word and turns to look at the reporter. "Ya know that inf you was suspsoed ter send me fer this interview Bub, forget it, i told ya before, this ain't a villian thing, it's a Rikti thing, ter me that's somethin that can't be bought, tha only thing i don't trade on inf fer. The Rikti destroyed me, and because of them i was remade inter whut you see here. I was a minor thug, probably ain't never goin ter be anything more even with the Mu heritage. But now, I'm an Arch-Villian, hey, I can live wit that. Give Citidel my love, hope he heals soon, Gotta rock wit him again, last time was a real kick."
Manticore walks alongside High-Tech as they head back down to the lobby, "You know, Citidel is liable to get annoyed with that message of yours."
"Ya I know, but I figure he might get the joke behind it and laugh, you never know, that boy has potential, he just has ter relax a bit, cyborgs and robots, me and him ain't too different ya know."
"Yeah, I remember fighting with you Sherman, you should have tried being a hero, during the war you were heading in the right direction."
"Maybe, but you know I ain't never had that hero stuff in me. I am what I was born to be, a bad egg, I ain't never been anything else."
"Tony always hoped you would find another way."
"When did you ever meet Tony?"
"Actually, he isn't dead, he just chose a different path."
"That means the same thing now don't it, if he went hero, he's dead ter me, we both died that day, I just went a little less organic, I don't care which way he went, it's his death that keeps me goin, if he was alive though, tell him I'm proud he didn't turn out like me after all. He was always a good kid when he was alive."
"now that is funny, he says the same thing."
((Hm, well I could use this as an opportunity to tell Lt. Jessica Briggs origin story))
Paragon News: So Lieutenant.
Jessica: Just call me Jessica.
Paragon News: I'm sorry Miss Jessica.
Jessica: No not miss... whatever, can we just do this?
Paragon News: So you often refer to yourself as the "Second Best", just what do you mean by that?
Jessica: Its just, I haven't really been a cape all that long. While Statesman, Positron and the other heroes were fighting the Rikti war I was on the streets. We... the PPD weren't back then what we are now. We didn't fight in the war, we stood the line and we were slaughtered by the dozens for it. I.. well lets just say my Christmas card list isn't as lengthy as it used to be. Its like I barely recognize the Force anymore, so many new faces.
Paragon News: And Paragon is deeply in the debt for you and the rest of the PPD for the sacrifices made during the war. But why "second best?"
Jessica: Well yeah, we can pay tribute to the fallen. I think about them every night still.... geez. Those braver than myself made the ultimate sacrifice. But still, lets not mince words. We didn't do jack ****. It was Statesman and the rest who saved our hides. I wasn't part of that. I came after that. I became a cape because of the events that happened. The Freedom Phalnax was the mighty earthquake, I'm just an aftershock. I'm an effect of their cause. Hence I'm the second best. But I'm comfortable with that.
Paragon News: That night, are you okay to talk about that night?
Jessica: I... well... okay... Yeah. I'm okay. Okay lets do this. So I was in the gymnasium of some elementary school, I don't even know if I remember which one it was. Everything is such a blur. It was set up as an emergency triage for the injured. A makeshift mourge for the dead. It wasn't just the PPD officers there, but also capes. Dead ones, dying ones. Its so sad. I see so many statues of heroes around Paragon. I don't think I've seen a single one of anyone that died there.
Paragon News: But then the Vahzilok came? Right?
Jessica: Well no kidding the Vahzilok came! It was a buffet of super powered body parts, and not a single one of them in any condition to put up a real fight. But one of them, one guy... he was... living stone? But each moment more and more of him crumbled to rubble. He... He's dead now. But what were the medics supposed to do? You can't perform CPR on rock. But he called his Super Group.
Paragon News: But they had their hands full didn't they?
Jessica: Well yeah, it was like War of the Worlds meets Saving Private Ryan. His group didn't have time to just swing by at their leisure. But they did manage to spare one member to come by.
Paragon News: But not quickly enough?
Jessica: Well they can't all run faster than sound now can they? But yeah. It would take him fifteen minutes to get there under the best conditions.
Paragon News: And what did you do Jessica? You were one normal officer of the law up against a dozen or so Vahzilok. There would be no chance of surviving that?
Jessica: You think I didn't know that!
Paragon News: I didn't mean offense. But what did you do?
Jessica: I held the line, simple as that. There were still plenty of people alive inside. And even the dead ones... well they did more than enough to deserve not being cut up by one of those sick perverts.
Paragon News: But the hero did show up? You saved those people. You should be proud of that.
Jessica: Well I didn't really have time for pride. I held 'em off until the cape showed up. But he really didn't notice when that sick doctor drug me away.
Paragon News: He wasn't really happy about you ruining his big break was he?
Jessica: Yeah, you could say that. His name was Doctor Cancer. He was named that because, well, his wife was dying of cancer. He kept screaming at me that I ruined his research and that she was going to die because of me as he drug me through the sewers.
Paragon News: Are you okay to continue?
Jessica: Well why wouldn't I be! But we eventually reached his lab. He strapped me to a table not clean enough to be in a slaughter house. He put something into me, some drug he designed. When a person is in enough pain the body reacts and the person loses consciousness yeah? Well this drug damaged that part of my brain.
Paragon News: I... so you would be fully awake no matter what he did to you?
Jessica: Yeah... so he cut off my arms, my legs, an eye. It was pain that I actually have trouble fathoming now that I look back on it. But he was a professional you see? Any regular serial killer would have had me dead long before I got to the state he had me in. But he knew how to do it just so precisely that I woudln't die.
Paragon News: But the hero group, the one the stone gentleman belonged to.. The Terran Fist, found you didn't they?
Jessica: What was left of me yeah.
Paragon News: And the rock gentleman, Arnold Terran, was quite wealthy wasn't he?
Jessica: Yeah. Well his family owned quite a few copper mines just as Thomas Edison's lightbulb was becoming popular. So they raked in the dough. So his son, Bruce Terran paid for me to have my operation. Fitted me with top of the line military grade cybernetics. Replaced my eye and a series of implants to compensate for the damage to my nervous system due to that Vahzilok [censored]'s drug. He is a really sweet kid. Just a shame to have to step in and run his father's company at only 17 years old.
Paragon News: That is quite an amazing story Jessica. But to be honest it doesn't sound like the story of a.... second best.
Jessica: No no no! Don't you dare deny me that. I am the second best, and all my brothers and sisters of the force were the second best. We didn't save Paragon, but we held the line. THAT is what I dedicate myself to, not those flying high over the Rikti ships, but dying namelessly down below them. That is who I am. I am everyone you don't see statues of in Atlas Park. And I'm going to show the miscreant villains in this city that even the second best is more than enough to kick their *****!
Paragon News: Thank you for your time Jessica.
Post deleted by Rakash
While this is a somewhat good story and not really that bad it doesn't really fit here. I'm sorry but this is for survivor of the first Rikti Invasion stories. What does your vampire interview have to do with surviving the first Rikti Invasion?
Oh Rikti... oops. That's what I get for ADHD. I thought they were just news reports, sorry.
It wasn't really about Rikti specifically. The Internection stuff, for instance, has nothing to do with Rikti. When it got raised from the dead, I used the Rikti connection in the first post to expand on some characters that interested me from a story I'd published here and the posts after mine seem to have had a Rikti War theme in them someplace.
The original theme was "let's tell one or a series of events from different perspectives" or so I understood it when I made my contribution. It wasn't specifically "Let's do the Rikti War".
Alrighty... let's try this again...
(An elderly woman in a teal colored wool suit is buying a coffee and donut from a street vendor in Atlas Park. She goes over to a park bench on the City Hall grounds and begins to read a newspaper while having her snack. A young man with a "Press" button on his jacket recognizes her.)
Reporter: "Hey, aren't you Grannie Glimmer?"
(The elderly woman looks up from her reading of the newspaper and laughs.)
Grannie: "I haven't been called that in a very long time. What's your name young man?"
(The reporter extends his hand to shake hers.)
Reporter: "My name's Alex. Alex St. John and I'm a reporter with that newspaper you're reading. My column is the 'Where are They Now' one on page ten. It's nice to meet you."
Grannie: "Nice to meet you too, Alex. Do you like writing for the paper? You write a nice column about the past heroes of Paragon City. I've been able to look up several of my old collegues from your articles in the paper."
(Alex grins and motions if he may sit down on the bench with Grannie. She puts the paper down and nods while taking a sip from the cup of coffee.)
Reporter: "Actually Grannie I've been looking to do a story on you. I understand you were involved in the first Rikti invasion here in Atlas?"
(Grannie laughs again.)
Grannie: "Oh my, yes. Those were some dark days for the younger heroes in Paragon City. They didn't know what the Rikti were and were caught completely off guard. None of us knew what the Rikti were back then..."
(Alex begins to film with a small camcorder.)
Reporter: "Could you tell me what happened during the first invasion of the Rikti?"
Grannie: "Well the day started out ordinary enough. I was in the base watering our plants when the first bomb hit. Oh the base was safe enough and all the explosion did was to rattle the foundation just a little. It sounded like a muffled balloon pop. I didn't really pay it too much mind, but when the second explosion happened a bit closer, I became concerned."
(Another sip of coffee.)
Grannie: "You see, back in those days we were in the process of upgrading from hardwiring to satellites. The phonelines and powerlines had been knocked out in Atlas so I had to resort to the old arcane viewing mirrors and seeing crystals in our base to contact the other arcane supergroups. This was a bit time consuming but we were lucky enough to have kept the old systems as a redundancy - just in case."
Reporter: "Fascinating, do go on."
Grannie: *grinning* "Ya know, I take being called an 'Old Witch' or an 'Old Bat' as terms of endearment. Anyway, the other arcane supergroups had begun to organize to fight this new threat to Atlas and were sending messengers to the tech supergroups to inform them to fight. I volunteered as a messenger."
Reporter: "This is interesting... what were you thinking at the time?"
Grannie: "I wasn't really thinking anything, just doing my best to get the news out to the other heroes to rally them to the defense of Atlas Park. I was just doing what I had volunteered to do."
Reporter: "Were you frightened to be out there with the bombs falling around you?"
Grannie: "Of course I was frightened, but I didn't dwell on fear. I knew I had a job to do so I did it. As a result of the arcanists getting the word out all the available heroes in Atlas Park rallied to the defense of our citizens. I didn't do it alone. Many brave men and women came to the aid of this great city."
(A sad look passes briefly through elderly eyes now as sharp as any twenty year olds. The reading glasses are put away inside a neat beaded handbag.)
Grannie: "I tell you, young man, I lost many good friends that day... Many heroes made the ultimate sacrifice for our right to live free."
Reporter: "I'm sorry, can you continue with the story?"
Grannie: "Don't be sorry, it's what made them heroes. They did their duty. Our job is not to forget them or their sacrifices. We must work to make sure they didn't die in vain."
(A brief sigh before the story continues.)
Grannie: "The rikti ships were bombing Atlas Park... Some of the younger heroes were panicking but the older heroes knew what to do. As we organized into teams some went to destroy the bombs before they could explode in the industrial areas. Some of us stayed with the younger heroes to evacuate the non-combatants into the basements of City Hall. Some of us, like me, stayed to fight on the steps of City Hall."
(A distant look crosses Grannie's face as she remembers.)
Grannie: "The casualties were high and there were many wounded. The empaths and healers ran low on energy... but we held the line. Everyone fought until they couldn't fight anymore and even then they gave their all for the defense of Atlas Park."
Reporter: "Grannie, can you tell me more about what you did, specifically, during the battle?"
(Grannie chuckles then blushes.)
Grannie: "Me? Oh it wasn't that much, really. Before I left the base I managed to grab my gardening kit. I know, I know, it sounds really odd to do but in times of emergencies people tend to grab what is near and dear to them. I suppose it's human nature to want to face death with what you think is of value."
(The Reporter laughs.)
Reporter: "A gardening kit? Why a gardening kit?"
Grannie: "You know... I've asked myself that very question for all these years now... and I still don't know. But I will tell you this... it came in very handy that day."
Reporter: "Oh really? How so?"
Grannie: "There we were, around Miss Liberty under the great statue of Atlas. Miss Liberty was rallying the new heroes and the older heroes around her to make a stand and fight the Rikti. Blasters were blasting away... Tankers and scrappers were doing what they were born to do... Defenders were defending and the Controllers were keeping the enemy locked down. It was an amazing scene in the middle of this great battle..."
(Grannie pauses a moment to remember then continues.)
Grannie: "And there I was, with a belt full of plant seeds and fertilizer. What am I supposed to do in all this chaos? Well, I'll tell you what I did... the only thing I could do. I began throwing seeds into the ponds of the Atlas courtyard."
Reporter: "Seeds?"
Grannie: "Yes, seeds. With the arcane incantations I said as I threw them they began to grow and root the Rikti invaders in place. I threw out my seeds of confusion and turned the Rikti against themselves. I also tossed my spirit tree seed in the middle of groups of heroes to help the empaths with healing the wounded. Soon other plant powered heroes began doing the same, and together with the other brave heroes of Atlas, we won the day!"
Reporter: "That must have been glorious!"
Grannie: "Oh it was. It's what made my generation of heroes great. I see that greatness of character in the young recruits these days, but perhaps not as often as I'd like to see. We were born for that one glorious moment in time. It was our destiny."
Reporter: "And now? Now where are all these great men and women of destiny? What has become of these great heroes?"
(Grannie sips a drink of now cold coffee.)
Grannie: "Now? Why now we're forgotten by the younger generation... Neglected or put into the Old Heroes Home waiting to die... Unless..."
Reporter: "Unless?"
(Grannie gives a grandmotherly pat to the young reporter's hand as she gently smiles.)
Grannie: "Unless young people like you remember us, our sacrifices. Some of us have passed away. Some of us languish forgotten from this world. Some of us.. the very lucky ones... are written about in family histories, history books or newspapers. Please don't forget us... Treat us with the dignity and compassion we deserve...We each have our stories to tell."
(The reporter thinks for a moment.)
Reporter: "Grannie?"
Grannie: "Yes?"
Reporter: "Do you see yourself as a hero?"
(Grannie laughs.)
Grannie: "I see myself as a little old woman who tells her story to anyone who might like to hear it. No more and no less. I'm thankful for each day I'm alive and free. It's just that simple. I'm very uncomplicated."
(The reporter sits dumbfounded for a minute.)
Reporter: "Grannie, do you suppose you could help me find other heroes to tell their stories?"
Grannie: "I'd be delighted to. Let me find my cellphone and make some calls."
(The camcorder switches off and the two sit on the bench a while. Grannie making a few cellphone calls and the reporter writing down appointment times and addresses.)
I like this, except the war was only six years ago; less time than George W. has been the President, just to put it in perspective. Grannie makes it sound like it was forty years ago and all the old vets have been put out to pasture. *heh*
Actually, the whole business of the LACK of any real impact from the War on modern Paragon City is one of the reasons I suggested to Hero 1 that there should be a holiday memorializing Alpha/Omega Day. Seems to me that the world would be going out of their way to remember those people, and that we should see it affect the game somehow, even if it's just a Paragon Times article.
((Being a massive fan of stories i think it would be cool to open up something like this to everyone. The task is simple, take a look at the timeline of events and pick one or a few parts you like, imagine you were there (as a hero or civvy) and that you are now being interveiwed by a TV station. Write it from your prespective (we know how offical documents leave out human emothion) and lets see if maybe we can entwine them together giving the characters veiw of what happened. Hope you understand that, well read mine and it MIGHT make sense lol, have fun.))
I was sitting in Parez Park when i saw the first portal open, we all thought it was a fireworks display at first... it was glowing an eriee red inside of it... after a while of gawping at it the security cheif asked us to leave. Now that seemed very odd because there was not that much security in the park around that time, some, but not as much as we saw as we made our way out.
People were all rilled up about these portals that were opening, we saw double the usual number of heroes in atlas as we went home; we got in and my daughter said "turn on the tv mom!! its bound to be on the news!!" and it was!
We all sat down to watch, at first it was all... i dont want to state mystical or magical because, for what it ended up being but... there was a small flicker of delight about it, a tinker of curiosity in all of us that sparked up inside of us, we wanted to know more, delighted in fact and we watched the news in awe.
I remember being gripped to the TV when the reported in the helicopter said he was going into have a closer look. No one stopped him, we didnt know if they were good or bad so why stop him? "they look like windows into the flaming heart of hell...." that was the last thing i heard before terror started to kick in... before the helicopter disapeared.
My husband said we should leave! but he obviously wasnt the only one with that idea... we did try to leave the city but the roads were jammed, cars had crashed near the exits... we were trapped.
As we arrived back home we turned on the tv once more, thats when we found out more portals opened in other countries. Then came the news report, Star Strider wanted to go through... i couldnt watch that, i had never met him but he was a source of inspiration for us all... i turned off the tv.
My family was in a state of panic... what could we do we were stuck here, we had all lost sleep though, so we retired to our rooms for the night... only to be rudley awoken, an almighty crash and my little boy started crying, we ran in to turn on the TV but there was nothing... have you ever turned on the TV to see nothing there? As you can imagine it takes you back.
My daughter looked out the window "mom!" she said "Mom! people are comming through the portal!" my heart stopped!
Was it star with riches and other things? no.
Soon after all the news we found out were through the screams and wailings other people yelled... the a portal near us... a huge ... whatever it was started to come through... thats when we heard statesman was rushing to our aid, we felt safe, of course we did! but we... i didnt expect what happened next, we ran outside to watch; we just stared as he crashed himself into a ship... it came crashing down and landed in a firey blaze... thats how i lost my daughter...
... i'm sorry... i cant go on right now.