Are you "just a guy" or a super hero?




I got into the game just recently and when doing that you know that someone has allready taken a name that you want to really play. So I have altered my hero's persona and called him The Demented Tick. Instead of blue he is red and acts a lil demented at times(not to say that the real tick wasnt a lil demented to begin with ). I try to play the part and he is a MA scrapper and when he does that stun move where he wheels back he always yells SPOOON!. He is also usually flexing around town and stuff.



I'd have to draw the line at your name. I mean, if you're pretentious enough to call yourself "El Destructo" or "BlowTorch" then it's a safe bet you consider yourself a superhero.

If your character calls himself Shane Williams, or even "Snake Williams" then he's probably more in the "regular guy" category, no matter how he dresses.



But would you consider someone like Batman a 'hero', or 'just a guy' who has been labelled a hero by others? He's not out for the spotlight or for recognition, he's just very good at catching the bad guys and slipping off into the night to avoid publicity.

I think it's simply the Superman vs. Batman mentality - Superman is a hero - he politely stands in front of the cameras and answers questions and informs the public, while Batman is a just a guy with exceptional skills who does his work by the cover of night and doesn't really have any use for the media. The only reason he uses a hero name is to hide his real identity (and to strike fear in the bad guys).



Well I don't think i could do justice to exactly what the Lord Rahl is so i figured i'd just let him do the talking.

Lord Rahl: "I loved her... I cared for her... she was the one thing I cared about... and they killed Her! but that wasn't enough. noooo. they had to torture her to... to... do those things to her... they will pay.... they will all pay!... may the keeper take me if i don't

P.S. I just read Clark's Birth of a Hero: Nightprowl Amazing, simply amazing



Ad-Hoc: he's just a guy thrown in at the deep end by an accident. However he has developed a motor mouth as a defense mechanism, that combined with his habit of lying alot and chaneing his story when ever it suits him leads some people to consider him far more confident than he really is.

English Lion: He never had a choice in the matter. His ancestors have been the English Lion for hundreds of years. Since birth hes been trained in the Heroic duties and the knightly code of Honour, Nobility and bravery to the point of Psychosis. Though he does occasionaly wonder what life would be like had he not been so burdened.

Iron Duke: Isn't really self aware enough to be called eiether. He simply does what ever an authourised subject tells him to do.



Batman is more of a vigilante than just a guy. Maybe the original definition should be are you a vigilante or a superhero? Vigilantes are people taking the law into their own hands. In Batman's case, he is ordinary and taking the law into his own hands. Superheroes have a little more official backing when they take the law into their own hands look at the Fantastic Four or the Avengers.

My main character on Pinnacle is a transplant of a table top character I played for a while. Her name is 9 Red Dogs. She would fit under vigilante although actually according to her background, she is doing a job for others. It's just coincidence that a lot of good gets done along the way. And her normality is reflected in her katana and reflexes (both considered to suck by the so-called serious players, but I like them).

The Retro-Chill is harder. She's got amnesia thanks to something that went horribly wrong. I won't say any more until I've finished posting her origin story.



i've noticed there's a vast majority of "just a guy"'s on this threat, i think this say something about RPers... i just don't know what =o) My main, Mr. Stupendous is "just a guy" who wants to be, and believes himself to be a superhero. I RP him to be myself with powers. im 21 and have read comic books and kept in the best shape and worked my mind as much as possible on the off chance that i MIGHT need to act heroic. The char is the natural extention of what if i got powers to go along with my mindset of heroism being the ultimate ideal. I like to act like DC and Marvel comics were published in the CoH-U and cite them as reminders of what i do. I play my char as the ultimate fanboy given powers, i'd love to read something like this and for now this is all i've got. So yeah, back to the original post, my character is just a guy, who realizes that he's got to be a hero, and does his best to meet the challenge, sometimes he fails, but when he grits his teeth and puts his mind to it, he can't fail, becuase deep down, he's a natural (just don't tell him)



Okay, I'll bite.

I tend to play less flashy spandex types, though there is that, as well. I have quite a few characters, but I focus on three right now. I'll follow along the spirit of quoting characters.

Wizard of Fluke: "I never thought of myself as a superhero. I mean, I'm just a guy who got too good at math to stay in college. I guess you could call me a magician, or maybe even a mathemagician. *dry chuckle* Ahem. *looks serious* Anyway, when I found I could manipulate the probability of certain events, I figured I have to put that to good use, right? I can't get a job as an engineer, after all. They don't want people to mess with probability there. So I came to Paragon City. It's rather intimidating to see all these capes around. I mean, how much difference can I make?"
OOC: It's a stretch to describe his powers as mathematics, since he's an Energy/Energy blaster. But I'm having a blast describing his teleportation powers! Shameless plug: You can read about the Wizard of Fluke and Happenstance by following the link in my sig.

Happenstance: "Well, when I found out that my ex-roommate--whom I haven't heard from in years--became a superhero, I had to go help him out. I helped him develop that ability, you know. And since I know a thing or two about crunching numbers like him, I decided to become a superhero too. But yeah, what he said about being surrounded by capes. I mean, wow! People fly around and phase in and stuff. I just walk. I can't even calculate the odds I'll be at the right place at the right time like ole Wiz there. Ah well, I help out people where I can."
OOC: Her powers are easier to explain, as I went with ice/storm controller. If the character limit was 16, I'd have been The Butterfly Effect for sure!

Accelerated Lad: "Am I a superhero? Yeah, I am. Well, I will be. When I grow up. I guess I'm bout as grown up as I am. I'm 7 and a quarter, but my mommy is sad cuz I'm s'posed to die in 9 years. Something bout 'my tab of lism.' Dunno, but I'm real fast and stuff, and that's what superheroes do. Boy, it sure is neat! I got this cool outfit with checkers like a racing flag!"
OOC: Mutant, so not "just a guy." But a bit naïve.

El Garden Gnome: "I'd say just a guy, but I'm really just a statue. Got sick of watching people doing bad things to other people. So I make compost out of them. Life is much simpler when you don't rush things. And these hombres…they rush things a lot. So, I'm not a guy. Just a statue with a purpose."
OOC: Silly concept but fun costume. Definitely superhero as he's never lived a "normal life."

Dr. Acula esq: OOC: Silly concept of a vampire still cursed with immortality but has the chance to redeem himself by ridding the world of evil. Superhero for sure.

I have others that are played less than even those last two.

With my main characters, I prefer the "just a guy" concept, while I'll bring out Accelerated Lad when I feel like some spandex.




The question the OP asks can be taken in a couple different ways. One would refer to self-image, the other could be social alignment.

Most people seem to have been taking it in the sense of self image. One way to phrase the question would be 'Are you a regular person who happens to have ludicrous powers or a ludicrous person who is sometimes mistaken (or pretends) to be normal?' Another way (my favorite) would be 'If you were forced to make a choice between giving up your super powers and live a normal life or giving up any pretense of a normal life and only be a 'super', which would your character choose?'

From the latter question two things become apparent (at least to me) - first that characters are seldom all hero or all normal, and second that almost all comic book characters more hero than normal (any number of them have made that choice overtly once or twice). Of course there are some who would happily put down their powers if they thought they could or could only figure out how, but these are a minority (I can only think of a couple).

Having said all that, my own characters tend to run the spectrum. Enyo is a mutant who simply never had the possibility of a normal life - her choice was only between being a hero or villain. Doctor Why has been a hero so long that being normal again would be like losing most of himself... to be normal he would have to not be himself. Sophie Artemis, on the other hand, is almost entirely normal but >wants< to be a hero. Go figure.

The question might also be considered in the context of social alignment. In other words, is the 'hero' going against the grain of society or with it? Batman and the Punisher (at least the hardcore comic versions) are downright antisocial - they kills and terrify villains and would probably be imprisoned themselves if their identities were revealed (and they could be caught, of course). They still accomplish good ends. They are dark heroes. Superman, on the other hand, is typecast as so proto-social it's almost ridiculous. That kind of hero views it as his job and duty not only to stop crimes as they occur but to try and prevent them in the first place by being a good role model and strengthening the social fabric. I can think of a number of sports figures, police officers, and even a politician or two who take their fandom this seriously, too.

To use the same characters, Enyo is not likely to be a poster-hero (I don't think I've ever seen her smile except on rare occasions, and then only grimly and sarcastically) but she isn't likely to break the law or defy authority. She might even be helpful, in her own way (she's known to insult people she saves for needing saving, but maybe she's encouraging them to better themselves) - I >could< see her on a threating poster, "Be good or I'll squash you like the bug you are." Heh. Doctor Why is accustomed to manipulating societal elements covertly, so on the one hand he takes a personal responsibility for the world around him, but on the other he's not likely to be involved in a media campaign unless asked. Sophie doesn't even cross the streets except at crosswalks and street corners. But that's just them.

My name is Doctor Why, and I approved this message.



Though I would chime in,
Star Justice is a hero, He feels better in a supporting role than a frontline hero,
Quote: I'm a Scientist first, I can bulid that so not even my brother can break it.

American Valor: Superheroes Hero, He tried to hard to be able to help anyhero who request it, he can only be in so many places at once. Quote: If Star Justice can build it I can Break it, Hey Bro where that t-port so I will be able to slide around the city Mr Science Dude!

American Starlett: Hero, Helping my fellow man runs in our Blood, Our parents were Heros and so are we.

Spec Ops Drake: Paragon City HRT Officer. I'm just a Guy, You need a hero call Hero Corps, You need the Law, call me.

Kid Valor: Sidekick, Hero in training, I'm gonna be as big as the Statesman some day.

See you on the streets Heroes

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG




Railbird: I am a soldier. It does say, "superhero" on the ID card which I was given by Paragon City Law Enforcement. I recognize that this is my job description. Heroic? No, just doing what is necessary to complete my mission.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just a soldier is right. Metaforces continues to house soldiers who help superheroes. Just doing the job. But MF is the best of the best of the best... so....

Riley sees himself as just a guy. Expendable even. The other soldiers see themselves as soldiers and Riley as somewhat of a superhero.

Renko recognizes that nothing as pretty as him could possibly be called "mere mortal". But then again, he has issues.



Steele Magnolia (Tech AR/DEV Blaster) doesn't see herself as a hero. She's not even a meta, just a scientist out to test her creations in pursuit of an answer... not necessarily even justice, or retribution, though either would be nice.

Simon-Says (MUT MC/Kin Controller) definitely sees herself as a hero, right down to the corny (and sometimes not-quite-sane) dialogue. As a hero, she embraces all her quirks and eccentricities, even her insanity.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



My current main, Ranger Kelly, is most definately "Just a Guy" with an attitude towards most spandex-wearing freaks.



Crosshairs (Nat AR/Dev Blaster): "Hero? Well, if you concider some one that will shoot people in the back with a sniper rifle, blind them with smoke and plant mines on their backs, generaly shoot them full of holes and so on, well then i guess i´m a hero. Now get out of my face, i have work to do." (Mr. Charming he´s not.)

TAD Mk 13 (Tech En/En Blaster) "Negative, this unit has not been updated with Heroics 2.5, Platitudes 15.8 or PoseNflex 0.4."

Agent Omega (Tech Ma/Rg Scrapper) "Heroics citizen? Only if i have to. The goverment did not lay out multiple billions on me to have me running around in tights. They did it so i could solve.... Problems."

Dunkelrand (Nat Kat/Spd Scrapper) "Heroics. Feh, heroics died the second Adolf ordered us over the Polish border. Even in the trenches of the first war you could see where it was all heading."

Big Earl (Nat Inv/SS Tank) "Hero. Nah, i´ll leave that to Statesman and his palls. I´m just bashing some heads to help out while they load my truck for the returntrip up north."

McBurk (Nat Inv/SS Tank) "Maybe one day i´ll prove myself worthy to call myself a Hero, like my ancestors before me. For the Red Clan!" (Thinking of redoing this guys as a broadsword scrapper. Now if only they´d introduce Kilts. )

Nessie (Magi Storm/Illusion Controler) "I have known Heroesss throughout the agesss human. Men and Women of passion, righteousnesss and a willingnesss to sssacrifice themssself for the greater good. I would be honoured to be counted amongssst their ranksss."



It definitely varies by character

The Sis(ter) of No Mercy is definitely a super-hero. Though probably small "s". She's more in the vigilante mode, a la Daredevil, in that she'd probably be found in the working class areas fighting street thugs and organized crime (King's Row) more than the tall silver spires of Steel Canyon. But she's still a super-hero

Adam Smasher's a "just-a-guy", or as much as a just-a-guy can be for a Particle Physicist who was bombarded by an accelerator and is trying to find the cure.

T-Bot is a robot designed for agricultural purposes bur repurposed after his creator was killed.. so I guess that's more a super-hero

Chaos Merchant would definitely be neither, as he's more wha you'd call a rogue. Someone who serves whim more than either justice or average joe sensibilities.

Conn-Ed, who's serving time after his mutant powers blew out the entire Steel Canyon grid, who's also probably the closest to myself in attitude is a "just a guy" who's playing at being a super-hero



In my little backstory, Convector took the name of his fallen mentor and set out to find his killer in Paragon City. He was a sidekick from age 13 and never really had much time to be
"just a guy" or "just a kid" as it were. Long story made short, he traced the killing to the Clockwork King and had his vengeance. My development arc with Con was about what happens to a person bent on revenge when they come to grip with the fact that they don't need that revenge in order to become something heroic.

Convector's story spun off into that of his girlfriend Orika, a Japanese pop addict with a penchant for fast cars. At first I played her as an Ice blaster, but that got old for me. On the one hand I liked her "flashiness", but playing a blaster just wasn't cutting it (no offense). So I made up a story where she had to accept becoming bound to a demon in order to save her father.

That set me on my current path as scrapper Venemous Hatred. I wrote a series of short stories for the Fellowship of Paragon website about Orika's struggle to accept her decision and to move on. Ven is what her name implies, she is something foul barely held in check by Orika. In many ways Ven's body is a mystical power armor piloted by Orika's spirit. There is no way for her to be "just a girl". In fact there is no way for her to even really be a girl at all. Following the breakup of the Fellowship, she has embarked on a solo journey both professionally and in romance.



That is an interesting question, I think City Hall is conflicted there, he wants to be a normal guy but he has been given super heroic abilities. So yes I think he sees himself as a super hero not by choice but by destiny. His brash nature really is just there to cover for his self perceived inability to use his powers to there best.