Arrival in Paragon (Open RP)




OOC:You can just leave a post and come back later, this one isn't going anywhere.

Lord Raymond Wilkins had just arrived in Port in Paragon City. He was feeling a little confused, he said to himself,"Its amazing how one day you are royalty and the next day you are cast aside by your family and country for being a freak." He didn't choose to be this way, while at a demonstartion of new technology by Crey Industries an explosion killed everyone present except for him. Needless to say it left a bizzare but lasting affect on him. Now after dawning his mask he had come to America to exact his revenge on Crey. Raymond stepped off of the ship and took a deep breath. "Well this is it," he said,"Does anyone know where I can register as a hero?"




The voice was disembodied, causing passengers and crew alike to look around franticly, fearing they'd just unloaded into a 5th Column attack. Almost as one the small crowd dropped to the ground, pressed by a warning sensation that battered against their minds.

Overhead a large, translucent figure streaked through the air and out over the water. The muscular man was covered in tattoos, bearing the familiar ink patterns of the Tsoo, yet he was clear as smoked glass and paid no attention to the crowd. Oggling up at the flying spectre, few had time to notice the short burst of light that erupted in their midst, a figure forming within it.

Slight and feminine, the creature was nearly as alien to humans as a Rikti, covered in wild designs of red and gray. She became substantial inside the space of a second, and promptly tripped over a dropped piece of luggage, tumbling in an undignified heap at Raymond's feet.



"Clumbsy aren't we?", said Lord Raymond helping the figure to her feet. "I get the same reaction most places I ahve been recently too. In any case who is this person that the civilians are so afraid of?"



She mumbled incoherently for a moment, doing little to help his friendly efforts by vigorously brushing herself off.

"Ancient Spirit, Tsoo thingy." Rose looked up over the water, shoulders slumping. "... And he's gone. Just fantastic."

Actual combat always gave her such a migraine, for the empath was unable to totally shut out the pain she was causing others. One hand clamped against her temple, she lifted her head to stare at Raymond evenly. "You must be new."



"Relativly speaking, yes. I have done a bit of training and some research on the common kinds of villains and crimes. But no amount of research could prepare me for villains with mystical powers."

Just then a group of Hellions jumped a lady and dragged her into an alley.

Lord Raymond said while pointing at them "This is more along the lines of what I was expecting." "Care to join me?" said Raymond as he jumped into the alley to begin fighting. Shouts of Hellions and gunfire could be heard as well as a few muggers being knocked clear out of the alley.



After getting off the boat, John Ballard thought he heard a shout, then, a bullet hit the boat... just about an inch from where his head was. He actually heard the whistle, and he thought he heard more gun shots. He ran behind a building, and after a dark flash, John Ballard transformed into... EXPERIMENT 2.0! After his change, Experiment flew straight into the alley to assist the heroes in there.



"Feel the Power of My Glory!" shouted Lord Raymond as he chopped a hellion with his axe. "That's my battlecry, what do you think?" he asked.

"Oh its good. Really Good." said one of the muggers hoping that Lord Raymond would let him go.

"Thats nice of you to say but I don't count the comments of villains as worthy of my appreciation." He then smacked the mugger with the broad side of his axe and continued to pummel his opponents.



After hearing thhe battle, Experiment said to the 2 heroes "May I join?" and pulled a spine out of himself and stabbed a mugger.



Al Papavich was jumping from building to building enjoying a peacful wromp through the city. To his surprise he tripped on an electrical cord on the edge of a tall building. He plummeted to the ground right in the middle of the three Heroes. Stunned they all stepped back waiting for each other to approch him. SLowly Al stood up and dusted himself off coughing "That was most unfortunate." then realizing they were stairing at him quite confused. He bowed and said "Oh i must apologize, I am Al Papavich, did I disturb you?" Before they could awnser he checked to make sure his katana was still in its scabbard.



Quick Voltage ran through the city
"Ahh, feels so good compared to flying"
As he ran he saw a few hero's in a ally and he decided he would see what was up.
"Hey, this a private meeting?"
They all turned towards Quick Voltage and stared at him strangely.
"Guess not, you folks aren't very talkative either are you?"
They all stared at him blankly for a few seconds more then each said "Who are you?"
"Umm, Im Quick Voltage, I suppose you haven't heard of me, im kinda a loner".



Al Papavich, spoke quiet and respectively, "I am also a loner, I know none of these people as well, Quick Voltage, Im Al Papavich, pleasent to meet you." Al Papavich bowed to Quick Voltage.



as the 4 heros now venture out of the allyway, where sevral thugs lay bettan and brused, they notace the teperature around them has suddenly droped. it was 20 F out in the middle of the summer. as they looked across the street they saw something that they couldent belive, there was a snow storm right out side of the Subgenics store. the alarm of the store was ringing load as 5 freaks ran out the store holding bags of cash. they ran around the back of the building towards the fire escape when suddenly the 3 in front froze solid in there tracks encased in blocks of ice. the 2 behind them were turned suddenly to see a man with with with mist riseing off him and snow falling around him.
"drop the bags" he said in a low raspy voice. One of the freaks through his bag to the floor and stared to run screaming "this is beat man! i aint dieing here!!". giant icecles rose out of the groun impaling him in the legs, stoping him where he stood. the other one drew a gun and screamed " DANM YOU CAPES!! You ruin every thing!" and fired 4 shots at the figure in the middle of the snow storm, 2 zommed past him and the other 2 landed into his sholder with a loud smack of metal slaming into bone. the figure glanced at his wounds, the looked back up at the man who shot him, "you need to cool down" he said as mist fumed from his finger tips. the freak started to scream in terable pain as he froze alive, the blood in his vains froze almost instantly and his skin turned a pale blue as his eyes glazed over.
not a moment later the mysterious stranger dropped to his knees, and grabed his arm wincing in pain, he looked at lord raymond and said "Lord i have finaly found you! it is I, Icey_fresh, I was 2nd in command in the organisation you started in the old country to combat evil, when u left I followed you, hopeing to reform the Lords Of Supremicy" with those words icey_fresh slumped to the ground in a pool of blood.



Smirking he said to himself "well actually there are five of us but.. whatever." Having no problem helping the man he pulled ou this katana and focused his thoughts on fighting and leaped to the thug with the firearm. The thug fired six shots as Al Papavich ducked and dodged them all. He got to the thug punching him them sliced at his arm cuttin goff his hand, then following with a swing through the thugs mid section. The thug was defeated most indefinetly. Al Papavich wiped his katana blade off on a cloth hanging from his pants, the blade shone brightly again. "Pfft ehehe, no chance." You guys can finish off the few thugs that got away with the cash, I'll catch up later. Oh and who ever is lord Raymond, I suggjest you help your friend." The rest ran off leaving Lord RAymond and Icey_Fresh alone...



Icey_Fresh continues to bleed lying face first in the cement, he slowly reaches for his walky-talky, he pulls it to his face and send out a broad cast out over the city
"is there any one out there with a respite or a healer?" he says as he passes out.



Floating some where over the rooftops, Elaida herad the broadcast on her ear piece. She sighed, and dissapeared only to reaper with a flash near the broadcast's origin. wearing a blue skin tight costume with yellow highlights, a blonde wig, plastic pointed ears, a halloween sale tail and a blue veil

Not one to waste time, she looked around, seeing the dead thugs lying on the ground, the four costumed ones standing, and the one on the ground. Without saying aword, she walked over and checked the state of the unconcious hero. Raising her arms, a green glow wrapped around icey fresh as he came to standing, his health and endurance fully regained.

"anyone else hurt?" she asked, seeing no one else badly injued, she sat on the curb, obviously drained. And looking very bored.

Elaida, 17 con
Abby, 7 tnk



as Icey dusted off his battle suit(consits of a breast plate, gountlets, amulets, circlets, and any other type of device for enceing his mutant power) he looked up at the odd asortment of heros now standing before him. as his low raspy voice rolled out, like a strom in the distance they heard this, "thank you all, but the reason i am here is of extream importance. i have been seeking out Lord Raymond for some time now, becouse the Atlis Park center is under attack!"
"the clock work king had unleashed babbage upon AP, with a new technolagy built into his main-frame. he has some sort of jamming device that deactivats poilce drones and all Technolagy based suped heros. he is now trying to steal all of the hi-tech stuff in D.A.T.A. please help us" as icey finished this not a moment too soon 3 flyers zoomed overhead heading to AP.



The evanescing shed of the mothering sun above resulted in the much craved lift of its blanketing heat. A sheeting shadow came swiftly afterward, bestowing an unheeded relief upon a concrete-bound adolescent. His limp, clean cut hair idled at the sides of his head until caught within the clutch of a gentle, sweeping breeze. A tranquility fated to an early end as a stray hellion approached him, quick to climb the stairs where he resided. His gaze fell upon the brute’s as a his hand took unwavering grasp of his collar.

“Alright, give me yer wallet before I have yer face meet this concrete -real- fast…” The thug spat as he drew the boy close. His body was soon recklessly thrown against the front of a wooden door, a dull thump sounding in result. Tsukai only returned his harsh stare with one laced within a potent apathy.

“Humph, do as you wish…”



Behind them the hero's hear shouts screams and gunfire. Shortly after all the noise stops. A four foot tall monkey wearing faded blue jeans tucked into his wrapped feet emerges behind him are several skulls full of bullet holes. He looks up, his eyes glowing green, at all the heros. "Well howdo you all do?" he asks in the politist way a primate can.



Before the heroes could reply to the the tiny primate a distant crackeling could be heard from above and getting alot closer. The air was filled iwth static electricity and having just heard of Babbages attack on Atlas Park the heroes we all poised to strike. A ball of electricity was headed right for them. At its center was a young man of 27 with long white hair and goatee, dressed in a black armor with glowing blue viens of electricity pulsing through it. He hits the ground with a violent thud. A fraction of a moment after the crash to earth another crackeling could be heard from above. This time it was from several deactivating Oscilators that land next to the man. He raises his head and glances at the little robots. "Got you." he says just before his head falls back to the ground with a thud.



With all the comotion, Experiment pushes everyone out of the way, just as he is blasted by an electric shock. As he falls to the ground, his breathing slows, and he tries to activate his teleporter to the hospital, but it doesnt work. "Babbage... is..." and he closes his eyes and starts to lose consciousnes.



The monkey ,known as The Gunnin' Monkey, jumps over to expirement to check on him. Upon reaching him he sees several oscilators hovering just above a small building . He pulls out his assault rifle and puts a slug in one just as the others all proceed to electrocute him. Being only a small primate he passes out before he can awaken himself.



As he falls into darkness, Experiment blasts the Oscillator that blasted Gunnin'... and falls down, tottally unconscious.



Al Papavich looked around blanckly backing up slowly. Quietly he said "I'm gonna go check out City Hall and see how the heroes are doin' there, anyone who wants can join me." With that he leapt into the air and soared bouncing from each roof top. On hi sway to city hall...



The Cowman was bored.

Sitting with his elbows propped on his knees and his head in his hands, he looked out over the city and once again faced the truth. Yes, there was no denying it. This place just didn't have a real first class Arcade.

Sure, a couple of the malls had some small ones, but nothing you could really sink your teeth into. He sighed again as his seat jerked violently to the side.

"Could ya keep it steady?" he shouted over his shoulder, pounding on the metal surface under him, "Some of us are tryin' to be angsty over here."

His eyes narrowed behind the thick welding goggles and a small frown formed beneath the dirty gas mask he wore. This seat was starting to become unbearable. He didn't really mind the hardness of the metal, and he could mostly ignore the rocking and swaying, but to be honest, the screams and general panic were starting to bug him.

"Quickly, get out of here," he heard another hero yelling at the fleeing civilians, "That's Babbage, one of the Clockwork King's minions."

The sound of an energy blast filled the air and Cowman's seat jerked about again. Absently mindedly he banged on the metal again, not caring enough to shout this time. He heard a whoosh and a thunking sound as the hero who had shouted was suddenly thrown to the ground.

The hero tried to rise, but found he was too hurt. Looking up, he was amazed to see what looked like another hero, riding on the back of Babbage.

"You've... got to... stop him," he gasped at the man, "He's headed... for City Hall."

The Cowman listened as the downed hero shouted at him. Zipping up his jacket a little and pulling up the hood, he returned his gaze to the skyline. He would LIKE to stop the thing, but he had already sat down on it..... and there just weren't any good Arcade's around this town.



Al Papavich made it to City Hall but............ nothing was happening. Just heroes there that Babbage was coming. Al looked at many of them "Well dont everybody go at once." Then he started to hear faint noises of screaming and cars crashing also...thunder. He ran in front of the statue of Atlas. He looked and he could only see a small figure in the distance with electricity shooting from it in many directions. Then his reflexes kicked in and warned him. His eyes widened and he started to acrobatically do back flips then crounching close ot the ground a large flow of electricity shot over him. The heroes around ncluding him watched in horror as the beam hit Atlas! Al Papavich shouted "EVERYONE! STOP IT FROM FALLING!!" Most large men ran and flew to it stoping it with there strenght. While heroes with telekenisis held it with there mind powers. "If he can hold the world, the least we can do is hold him!" Al Papavich yelled to everyone. Slowly with the power and teamwork of the many heroes, it was set up straight then some with ice powers put ice in the gaps where the rock fell out. "YEA!" "WE DID IT!" heroes shouted around the restored statue. Al Papavich turned to Babbage, "Lets get 'em" he drew his katana. Everyone turned to him noticing a person on Babbages back. "What the hell is he doin'?" A Hero asked next to Al. "We have to get him off." a Heroine said. "But how?"...