Abbreviated terms that are used in posts




I am new to this game and cant seem to find/and dont know what some of the abbreviated terms mean that are referred to in this game. I see in posts abreviations such as AOE, Aggro,LoS...I am new to games like this and would like to familiarize myself with the terms. Is there anywhere where i can find out what the terms mean? Thanks in advance



Lets see...

AoE = Area of Effect (Effects an area, not a single target)
LoS = Line of Sight (you have to see what you want to hit)
Aggro = Aggressive (the Monsters got aggressive with you, or aggroed you)

Well, those are the ones you asked about. I've gotten use to seeing abbrevations now, and are second nature to me, so I can't think of any others that you would need help with right now. Maybe someone else can expand the list.



This isnt mine but i dont remeber who i took it from.

<3 – Represents a heart; love
2 – To
4 – For
5th – 5th Column
AE - Area Effect
AFAIK – As far as I know
AFK – Away from keyboard
Aggro – Aggressive or aggression
Alt – Alternate character
AO - Anarchy Online, a MMORPG
AoE – Area of Effect
AP – Atlas Park
Aqua – Awaken inspirations
Assist – To attack the target of a specific teammate.
BBL – Be back later
BF - Boyfriend
Bio Break – Bathroom break
Blue - An NPC lower in level than you; rarely, refers to a Catch a Breath inspiration.
Boom – Boomtown
BOOM! – Baumtown
BRB – Be right back
Brick – Brickstown
BRT – Be right there
BTW – By the way
Buff – a power, inspiration, or enhancement that increases the abilities of a hero
Burn – To dump a lot of damage into an opponent in order to defeat it quickly
Cab – Catch a Breath inspiration
CC – Crowd control (immobilizing, holding, sleeping extra enemies)
CF - Crey's Folly
Clock – Clockwork
CoH – City of Heroes
Con – To consider
Cons – To consider
CoT – Circle of Thorns
CoV – City of Villains
Crey/Creys/Folly – Crey’s Folly
Criminal – Generic term for NPCs that appear on the streats and in early missions that are members of a particular gang.
DA – Dark Astoria
DAoC - Dark Age of Camelot, a MMORPG
Debuff – A power, inspiration, or enhancement that decreases the abilities of an opponent.
Dev/DE – Devouring Earth
Ding – (Mostly from EQ players) Indicates that a character has leveled
Disc – A request, meaning, “Was disconnected, please invite to team again”
DO – Dual origin enhancement
Door – Mission or waypoint
DoT – Damage over time
DPS – Damage per second; may refer to players with that as their primary ability (blasters, scrappers)
End – Endurance
End Break - A call for a period of rest to regain endurance
EQ – EverQuest, a MMORPG
Exp – Experience
Fault – Faultline
FF – Founder’s Fall
FFS – For f**k’s sake
Flame – To insult someone in a harsh manner
Freak(s) – Freakshow
G2G – Good to go
Ganger – See Criminal.
Gangster – See Criminal.
Gather – A command from a PC indicating that teammates should gather near to receive a buff (healing, accuracy, defense, etc.)
GC – Galaxy City
GF – Girlfriend
GM – Game Master
Grats – Congratulations (usually on leveling)
Gratz – Congratulations (usually on leveling)
Green – An NPC reasonably lower in level than you; rarely, refers to a Respite inspiration
Griefer – A player who seems to derive enjoyment from lowering the enjoyment of others.
GTG – Good to go
GTT – Going to Trainer
H8 – Hate
H9 – Uncommon; used to represent a stronger form of hatred than that represented by h8.
HDMALITD – How does my a$$ look in this dress?
Hold aggro – Keeping the focus of an opponent on yourself and away from your teammates
HUD – Heads up display
IDK – I Don’t Know
IIRC – If I recall correctly
Illinois Nazis – 5th Column
IMHO – In my humble opinion
IMO – In my opinion
Inc! – Incoming monsters
Insp – Inspiration
INV – A request, meaning, “Please invite me to join your team”
IP – Independence Port
IYKWIM - If you know what I mean
IYKWIMAITYD - If you know what I mean, and I think you do
J00 – Pronounced “Jew”, but not meant as a racial slur or derogatory comment; commonly used in place of “you.”
Kill Steal – To defeat an opponent that was engaged by another player, without first obtaining that player’s permission.
Kite – To run around holding the attention of a mob by staying out of melee range and using ranged attacks.
KR – King’s Row
L33T – The common term for the abbreviation and butchering of the English language by a vast majority of on-line gamers. l33t uses many numbers and symbols in it and commonly replaces the letter s with the letter z.
Lewtz – Loot or in game items that are considered nice.
LFT – Looking for team
LIFC – Like I f**king care
Lock – Any action that prevents an NPC from being able to do anything, including attack.
Lock Down – See Lock.
LOL – Laughing out loud
LoS - Line of Sight
Lt – Lieutenant
LVL – Level
Main – A player's primary character; that is, the character the player plays most of the time. Almost always the highest level character on an account.
Mish – Mission
MMORPG – Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)
Mob – An NPC, short for “mobile object”
N00B – Someone who is annoying, stupid, or refuses to learn
Newb – Same as n00b
Newbie – Someone new to the game
NFI – No f**king idea
NP – No problem
NPC – Nonplayer character
Nuke – Damage ability
OMG - Oh my god
OMW – On my way
OOE – Out of Endurance
OOR - Out of Range
OTW - On the way
Own – To lay waste to an enemy or having your butt kicked.
PBAE – Point blank area effect
PBAoE – Point blank area of effect
PC – Player character
Ph4t – phat, a commonly used term in hip-hop meaning nice.
Phuque – Sexual intercourse
PK – Player killer
PL – Power Level. To level as quickly as possible, with outside assistance.
Plz – Please
PP – Perez Park; also, Power Pool
PPL – People
Pull – To hit a specific opponent, in order to begin combat with either just it, or it and a group of opponents near it.
Purps – Luck inspirations
PvE – Player versus environment (NPC)
PvP – Player versus player
Pwn – To own strongly (see own)
RAWR – Look at me/us kick a$$
Red - An NPC higher than you; more rarely, used to refer to an enrage inspiration.
Resp – Respite inspiration
Rez – To resurrect or revive a player
rgr – Roger
RL – Real life, as in, the life you live in the real world.
ROFL – Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO – Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off
ROFLMAOWCSFMN = rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off with coke spewing from my nose
ROFLMFAO = rolling on the floor laughing my f**king a$$ off
Root – To immobilize an opponent
RTFM - Read the f**king manual
RTM - Read the manual
Runner – An NPC that (for whatever reason) bolts from the group; runners tend to fetch help.
SC – Steel Canyon
SK – Sidekick
Sky – skyraiders
Sky – Skyway City
Snare – To lower the run speed of an opponent
SnD – Seek & destroy; for those missions where the PC must find and defeat x of a specific type of NPC.
SO – Single origin enhancement
SoL – Sh*t out of luck
STFU – Shut the phuque up
SWG - Star Wars Galaxies, a MMORPG
Talos – Talos Island
Tank – To engage in hand-to-hand combat in a manner designed to keep the attention of the enemies on yourself, rather than on weaker teammates.
Taxi – A request, meaning “I need a teleport to your location”
THX – Thanks
TI – Talos Island
Toon – PC character
TP – Teleport
Train – A group of NPCs in pursuit of a single PC.
Tram – The tram/railway/line station
TV – Terra Volta
Twink – An alternate character, particularly one given assistance from a higher level friend.
TXS – Thanks
TY – Thank you
UO - Ultima Online, a MMORPG
Vahz – Vahzilok
w00t – Cool
woot – Cool
WTF – What the f**k?
WTG – Way to go!
XP – Experience
YMMV - Your mileage may vary
Yellows – Insight inspirations
Zone – A specific area within the game
Zone line – Area where you exit the current part of town to enter another
Zone! – Yelling this during combat means to flee to the nearest zone line or, in the case of indoor missions, to run out the door.
Zoning – The process of moving from one zone to another

hope that helps



Wow...3 cheers to the original poster, and 4 cheers to you for holding on to it, lol :P



A small comment here. Great list, but this one..

"L33T – The common term for the abbreviation and butchering of the English language by a vast majority of on-line gamers. l33t uses many numbers and symbols in it and commonly replaces the letter s with the letter z. "

'vast majority'... rather, I think of it as misses in CoH. They SEEM to be more common than they are because they stand out negatively.



Nice list. Here are a few others that I didn't see listed.
FYI-for your information
[censored]-f**ked up beyond all recognition
PITA-pain in the a*s
OTM-on to me (follow me)
KS-kill steal (you had kill steal listed)
Nerf-to lessen in usefulness or power
BYG-bring your own group (not really used much, from EQ)
Mez-sleep (from EQ also , but I seen it used in CoH)


Posted thats service. I appreciate all the posts that you people put up so promptly. Thanks again.



mt = mistell



Here are a couple more that I've used and/or seen for quite a while.

grapes = Purple con mobs
yw = You're welcome



I can't believe not one of you blasters sounded off with this one

FOTM = Flavor of the Month



"L33T" (AKA 1337) actually has nothing to do with gamers, though it has been adopted by the gaming communities due to the "script kiddies" who got into games.

LEET speak comes from "Elite", which was an, obviously, elitist term among true hackers and computer gurus. Basically if you weren't "L33T", you didn't get it, thus proving you weren't "L33T". If you did get it, that didn't always prove that you were elite, but it was accepted as credentials. Some gamers refer to it as "d00dspeak" or "d00d5p34k", because the gamers who adopted it went overboard in their use, and not only substituted numbers for letters, but mispelled words to make them more 'cool'.
A small translation of the 'alphabet'...
1=L or can be ! at the end of sentence.
7=T, or sometimes, L
8=B or "ate, eat(pronounced eat, like GR8), or eight like "H3Y, W8 4 M3"
9 = G, or in the form of H8 v H9, 9 = 8 extended. (As you mentioned)
(=C sometimes, though not as common.
@ is sometimes used for A also, and $ is sometimes used for S. A lot of times people will call someone an @$$ to bypass a language filter.

There are a lot of others too, but I don't remember them, as I outgrew the use of the language years ago....

To trully get a good grasp of "L33T SP34K", go to this link here, it does a great job of explaning it, as well as a lot of other terms.



Just thought a little refresher for some of our newer posters. And it was novel to see an 'unregistered' post again. I guess old heroes never die, they just become 'unregistered'





Aggro = Aggressive (the Monsters got aggressive with you, or aggroed you)

[/ QUOTE ]

Etymologically speaking, I'm not sure which of the below is more accurate, though I favor the former.

Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -gat·ed; -gat·ing
1 : to collect or gather into a mass or whole

Function: noun
Etymology: probably aggravation + 1-o
1 British : deliberately aggressive , provoking, or violent behavior