quit to character select?




Always when i quit i end up back on my desktop, is there a command to end up at character select instead? Not a big issue but alittle frustrating when you want to swich characters or make a new one mid-play.



How are you quitting? When I plan to log out a character, I pick Quit from the Menu. It gives an option for logging to desktop or logging to login screen. Pick the log in screen and follow as usual.

If there is a option to get to the character direct screen directly, I'd love to know, I admit.



Oh, that's how you do?
I've alway just typed /quit



How are you quitting? When I plan to log out a character, I pick Quit from the Menu. It gives an option for logging to desktop or logging to login screen. Pick the log in screen and follow as usual.

If there is a option to get to the character direct screen directly, I'd love to know, I admit.

[/ QUOTE ]

In the menu, under Options, Keymapping, you can select to assign "Quit" to a button. This, however, quits to desktop w/o the option to go to login.



There is not a button or command to quit directly to the character selection screen for security reasons.



There is not a button or command to quit directly to the character selection screen for security reasons.

[/ QUOTE ]

Correct. This is an NCSoft policy that is universal to all their games.



That's not true... just got finished on a trial of guild wars.. they have quit to character select. This little jewel isn't for "security reasons" it's just plain olde bad coding.



That's not true... just got finished on a trial of guild wars.. they have quit to character select. This little jewel isn't for "security reasons" it's just plain olde bad coding.

[/ QUOTE ]
Wrong. It is for security. The fact that another game doesn't do it doesn't prove any different (even if it is from the same company).



...but it DOES prove it's for security?



This ought to be moved out of the guides forum...



...but it DOES prove it's for security?

[/ QUOTE ]
Shhhhhh. (Not really, but I gave as much proof as he did... didn't I?)

In all seriousness, it seems ludicrous to assume that an aspect of the game that has existed since its inception, that every single player in the game sees and interacts with often, is nothing more than a bad piece of code and NOT WAI.