Screenshot and Demo Guide




Have you ever considered making the demo player and demo editor open source?

[/ QUOTE ]
Heck, the source for the Demo Launcher is so small I can just about post it as a message here! I want to add the -demodumptga thing in there, though. I'll put that code out when that's done.

I've dumped the code for the edit program into a zip. There's a link to it now on the demo edit page. If anyone wants to use the code for their own programs, go for it. (If you use it in a for-profit program without even mentioning my name, though, I do reserve the right to call you a mean person!!) Or download it just so you can giggle at the n00b .NET programmer trying to teach himself inheritance.



Hey Zloth, what exactly is the command line that the tool generates when -demodump is on? I cannot seem to get -demodump to work from the command line, no matter where I put it. The demo runs fine with all the options except demodump; as soon as I add demodump, the demo won't run (it crashes after loading with that "what happened" dialog). So, I figure I'm missing something that goes along with it, or it needs to be in a certain place on the command line.

Ordinarily I would just use the launcher, but I want to also use the -disable2d switch (which isn't in the launcher) to get rid of text.




Ordinarily I would just use the launcher, but I want to also use the -disable2d switch (which isn't in the launcher) to get rid of text.


[/ QUOTE ]

Oh my gosh! I didn't know about the -disable2D option! Well, it's in the demo launcher now. Sure is a lot better than having to rip out all that text with an editting tool! Big thanks right back at ya, Elle_M! I put in support for dumping to TGA files, too.

[You can download the source code for the launcher now, too.]

To answer your question, I always put the demodump option first. Something like the following:

"C:\Games\CoH\CityOfHeroes.exe" -demodump -demofps 9 -demoplay swarm.cohdemo

But I don't think it really matters.



Yeah, I discovered -disable2d in the help file in the game. I figured if the /demoplay and other demo commands listed in help also work on the command line, some of the others might too. Not only does it get rid of chat, it gets rid of player labels and that pesky zone title at the beginning.

I still can't get demodump to work on the command line. Now I'm wondering if the launcher isn't setting some environment variables (I haven't looked at the code yet). When I run from the command line, I switch to the City of Heroes directory (I have to, or it complains it can't find files), then I run a command like the following:

cityofheroes.exe -demoplay "F:\CoH\mydemo.cohdemo" -screen 1024 768 -disable2d 1

That'll play back the demo just fine, but if I add -demodump, the game crashes with the "what happened" box. Doesn't matter where it is on the command line; I tried it like your example and the same thing happened. The reason I'm asking about environment variables is that your demo name doesn't have the path, indicating that the client_demo directory is the active directory or otherwise doesn't require the path (and, if you have to include the path to the exe, then the game directory might not be the active directory). I've tried changing the path variable so that it'll find files in the game and piggs directories, but that wasn't enough. Any thoughts?

Of course, now that the launcher is improved, I won't need to use command line. Still, I'd like to understand why the launcher works and bare command line does not.



Duh. Duh duh duh.

No sooner had I posted that than I thought of one more thing, and it worked. It is an evironment variable, PATH to be exact, but not the path to the exe. The path to the demos. So, for a command line execution with demodump, you first have to add the client_demo directory to the path. Then you can run the command line normally. So, here's what I do to run a demo with demodump strictly from command line:

Start -> Run -> cmd, then type the following at the command prompt:


CD \Games\City of Heroes

SET PATH = %PATH%;D:\Games\City of Heroes\client_demos

CityofHeroes.exe -demoplay mydemo.cohdemo -screen 1024 768 -disable2d 1 -demodump -demofps 10

(Note, drive and paths are the location of my files, and my switches are just examples. Your mileage may vary. Also, the change to the PATH variable only lasts as long as that command window is up. Also, the SET PATH line is *only* necessary if you're using the -demodump switch, but if you don't set the path, then you have to use the fully qualified path to the demo file.)

Booyah, grandma, booyah.

Edit: The SET PATH step may not be necessary, as per my discovery in later posts. I came up with it when, for some reason, my playback wasn't picking up the demo in the client_demo directory. It's supposed to pick it up automatically without having to change the path. It won't hurt anything, though.



I just tried a pretty new demo from a DOS command line with -demodump on the end and it worked fine. All the launcher does is change the current directory to the exe's directory then launches the exe with the command line.

I presume you have enough drive space?

Hmmm, that command line isn't right. Demos MUST reside in the client_demos directory (or a directory below that) to get it to work.



Even if I use a demo in the client_demo directory, and do not change the path variable or specify the path, I get the dark sky picture, what I usually get if I get the file name wrong. So, I think it is a path issue; for some reason, at least on my machine, it doesn't automatically pick files up in or under the client_demo directory. Maybe that's why manually updating the path works for me.

Edit: And now it's working. I was using a fresh command window for each test, so it wasn't some weird setting carrying over. I don't know why it wasn't working before.

So, anyway, now all I have to do is be in the game directory, and, as long as the demo is in the client_demos directory, the -demodump command works. No PATH variable needed. However, if you want to just play back without demodump, you can still play a demo in any directory as long as you use the fully qualified path. I did this regularly for video capture; I'd organize demos in a variety or directories then play back from there. It works as long as you don't use demodump. I think the path confuses things when it tries to set up the subdirectory that stores all the bitmaps.

Anyway, thanks, and sorry for the PATH red herring. (It works, but may be unecessary.)



just tried downloading the demo launcher, and it doesnt seem to be working. I get the download prompt, but no prompt to title it/save it, and just end up with a blank web page staring back at me.

Oh...wait...I am using Firefox...going to trie IE quick..



<----- moron.

I didn't realize it was such a small file. It downloaded so fast.

so, in effect now I have 6 copies of your launcher. Guess I should have checked my destination folder first.



Hey Zloth, are you going to update the demo launcher to account for the new /demodumptga command since /demodump defaults to .jpg now?


Just read back a few posts and saw you bring it up



TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY etc etc etc etc

Very helpful and handy. I am 36 and have had a computer for only 2 1/2 years, and have had to learn alot. With Heroes like you to help the code ignorant savages out there, ( Like Me ) Makes it Soooooooooooooo much more enjoyable.

Had collected comics since I was 3, ( Not that I knew it then ) and still daydream of heroes flying thru Manhattan skyscrapers all the time. I also see Shadowrunners doing thier thing also, but thats another tale. Been playing RPing games since Chainmail, and Champions was my all time FAV. ( Shadowrun also, but thats another tale.) Suffice it to say that the ideas have never stopped. Yet not knowing how to get the computer to do what I want, being unable to speak its language can be AGGROvating. And I have Ideas. If they work I want to share.

I bow to your TechnoSavvyness. THANK YOU $$e Fancybow

If............If..........You do plan on updating your demo editor..???..

please put a listing of the command options to use in the help or sumtin. From what I gather your video making guide is a lil dated with what you have in this posting. Since you have a way of putting it in simple terms, It would be appreciated if you could provide more of your new understanding of demos. Timing, Reference, Command, and Value.....???......A drop down file....PDF file...???....I dont know what would be easier.

I'm not nitpicking your work. Just you kinda lit a FIRE, and like a forest fire. It needs a fireman the direct where the fire will go. And Baby I'M ON FIRE.



You are most certainly welcome!

The Demo Edit is pretty much in the state it's going to be in for awhile. It should work just fine with current demos. There's a LOT that could be done, to be sure, but the ones I would like to do are things that aren't so easily done. Plus the more you put in the more you have to maintain.



A feature and a bug are causing some screenshots to not be saved.

1. Empty folders (like your screenshot directory if you've cleaned it out) are deleted now.

2. TGA screenshots will not automatically create a folder for your shots. (There's a similar problem doing a demodump in TGA format.)

The upshot is that, if you save your screenshots in TGA format and you keep your screenshot directory clean, then your screenshots won't save. There's no problem if you use JPG format which is the default. Or you can make a screenshot directory and leave a dummy file in there.



I've been wondering why I cant save UI screenshots. Been trying to save pics of my mish info so I can use to follow storyline and possible tie-in of plots. This helps to explain a few things. Thought it was me and mine acting up.

Once again Thank You Zloth2 /e fancybow



In honor of my name getting switched back (BIG thanks Cuppa!), I've updated my screenshot/demo guide to version 2! Now info on /screenshotui and the new JPG format are in the FAQ itself instead of hiding deep in the topic thread.



I have a demo question that I hope someone can answer.

If I record a demo at low resolution (I.e. with my game settings turned down low), can I play it back later at a higher game rsolution?
I read the post about resolutions, but does the demo file actually record the settings of your resolution, or does it just record the game info & can play it back at whichever resolution your game is set to?
-Thanks in advance!



The demo file doesn't contain any information on what graphics setting you're using.



Hey, I found a neat trick to make demos easier to view. Simply make a shortcut on your desktop to your cohupdater and add the -demoplay flag after it. Now you can drag 'n drop .cohdemo files to it, and they will play!

I.E. my desktop shortcut looks like:
Target: "C:\Applications\Games\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe" -demoplay
Start in: "C:\Applications\Games\City of Heroes"

I can drag 'n drop .cohdemo files to the shortcut on my desktop and they seem to play fine .

If you want to add any of the other options, you should be able to stick them after the -demoplay.



Huh, hadn't thought of that. Good thinking StabbinPayne! I bet the -demoplay will have the be last, though.

P.S. NEW Screenshot & Demo Guide topic!



good info



I have been interested in this stuff for a while, Its just my brain doesnt work that way, I'm a illustrator, so I can picture a lot of this but stuff looks like greek code to me. any idiots guides to demo editing for coh movie making? I have all the stuff needed, the demo editor, fraps, etc....

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I have made many screenshots of my game using the printscreen button, but the screenshots I get in my screenshots folder are JPGs not TGA files. I would rather them be TGAs as those are higher resolution. I am trying to use some of these pictures for character sheets, and so I was hoping for Hi-Res. Is there anyway to make the program give me TGA files instead of JPG?