Neko Diaries




IC Diary longs bassed on my actuall RP logs complete with mini guides


Neko Lurker Lady Xena (Pinnacle)
Magical Dark Miasma/Radiation Bolt Defender

Dear Diary,
All around me there was death and destruction. The Rikti invasion was decimating the heroes and taxing the hospitals all over Paragon. Fresh from dealing with the contaminated I was vastly out numbered and out powered. I gathered together teams to organize the heroes but in the chaos tactics was a farce. I fell many times and wished that I would die. In the chaos though suddenly an angel, no a fellow hero rose me from the floor and took me under her wing as a Side Kick. Assisted by her guidance my fighting level skyrocketed as we began to make a difference. And then I fell and when I opened my eyes I saw not a hospital but a light above and inferno below. I was presented a choice. For even Heaven and Hell feared the forces on Earth, There were mystics their awaking ancient evils such as the Hamidon and they asked me if I would fight them. I jumped at the chance to lend a hand on Earth to stem the dark tides and Heaven fused my soul with that of a Cheetah spirit. While Hell blessed me with infernal control of its two greatest forces of death, negative death energy, the Reaper's power. And the devastating power of Hiroshima, the Atomic Bomb. I awoke into a new Contaminated Outbreak transformed into a cat like woman and began my mission to take back the world.

Dear Diary,
After arriving in Galaxy City I immediately meet a fellow Defender of the dark, Dark Wraith, thinking me a mutant he was none to pleasant but we did not work long together and as he meditated on my magical origin we parted company. Later I met with a fellow magician, a business man who mad a contract that was sold to dark forces. But he was given a chance for redemption and escape from the contract. As we fought the Hellions and Skulls he asked me of my drives, I told him of my experience with the Rikti and then he asked why I hated the gangs. I told him why, as Paragon burned they fought the heroes or did nothing, they needed to pay. As our team work came to a close I felt a surge of power after training with the Brawler and gained to my amazement the power to shoot X-Ray Beams from my eyes but this blessing, one of my favorite powers I might add came at a cost as shortly after that my cat side grew so strong from my quick advancement it took over. My ally talked the cat down and I eventually regained control but it left a mark, my finger nails were now claws.

Dear Diary,
I’ve been keeping my feline side in check pretty well now, though the instincts are stronger then ever. I met a spaded tailed mutant on the streets named ZDiamond (Zealot Diamond), his body as strong as stone and just as invulnerable. We tried hard to fight the dark forces but they KOed us many times and even my dark vampire like healing powers were inefficient to keep us conscious. But eventually we took the fight to the sewers, ugh, and me with no boots hand to wade hip deep in sewage, first chance I got I undressed and bathed in a lake. We made some progress and searched several security clearances. And as we parted company I fought onward.

Dear Diary,
In Perez Park I came upon a team of Defenders and Blasters and they invited me and another Defender to join them. Weak in stamina we may be but I can not even begin to explain the destructive potential of 8 ranged attacked focused on a single threat. We advanced quickly and my training blessed me with the speed of my animal spirit to make my powers recover quicker for a time and to draw on the darkness to fly. As we parted company I was a hair from Security Clearance 9 and my lessons in the past battles impressed on me the value of the dark resurrection I has long put off. Once I make Security Level 10 I will invest in training to revive the fallen with the blood of my enemies.

Dear Diary,
Today was an interesting, the group I brought together was a real mixed bag, gun specialists, science based fire manipulators, Scrapers and Tankers, 6 strong we were as effective as the all Blaster/Defender group and I was the sole healer. I didn't need to heal all the time though but my constant enhancements to my heal proved to make it extremely devastating. But most notably in the group I met the afore mentioned pyro, he had a genuine love of cats like myself and to my dismay encouraged my feline side. By this point my advances in power had caused another mutation making my fur grown so thick it rub my uniform tight and encouraged by the pyro I discarded my uniform and dropped to my "paws" to continue the hunt. As we took on the zombies, Lost and gangs I slid into my animal size purring, nuzzling, licking and eventually asking the pyro to be my mate. Even thinking back now my libido and instincts burn with desire. Teasing me he refused to return it and my feline side went with it. But by the end of the day he did return it and I trained with Blue Steel to master my Dark Resurrection. Later I had to wade trough the sewers again with ZDiamond as I discovered to my dismay my flight speed made me to slow to be effective, and then I took a break. It's bee a rough few days and many more are coming.

Magical Dark Miasma/Radiation Bolt Defender Guide Level 1-10
Your starting Dark/Rad Defender chooses Twilight Grasp (a heal) or Tar Patch (Area Slow) and Neutrino Bolt (Basic Ranged Attack). The tutorial is easy and straight forward so ill jump to Level 2 where you really start and get a new power, I chose X Ray Beam (radiation: Modest Damage eye blast) these 3 powers will make you a great soloed able to take on even cons and even a few higher levels. But in groups you really shine. Set Twilight to Auto (control + click on the power a green ring will surround it and when you target an enemy it will automatically fire.) a Note on Twilight. Twilight needs a Target, it reduces enemy accuracy and anyone close to you (within a few feet) will be heal, the more healing enhancements the bigger the heal. Unfortunately all the Dark Heal powers need a target but on the plus side Howling Twilight is the /only/ mass resurrection power. You need an enemy party for that and the more enemies the more of your allies HP is restored when revived. HT also inflects several status effects. Now I went with Tar Patch at 4, and with one slow enhancement in it mobs in the effect slow to a virtual stand still. At 6 I got Hasten to speed up power recovery, at 8 I got Hover (which has a Defense Buff) and at 10 I got HT. Up till now the combo of Auto Twilight (or sometimes Auto X Ray Beam) plus the other 2 powers cycling is had me have few deaths or debt. With 2 Heal enhancements I get at level 9 43 HP per use. Thus I have a very robust Character. You’ll find these 3 powers can easily take you to Level 10 in solo or group and played defensively with a tightly grouped party you will be loved. Who dies love a defender who can heal 50% of your HP in one shot to multiple people, Good Luck.

Magical Dark Miasma/Radiation Bolt Defender Guide Level 10-XX

Neko Law Lady Xena (Virtue)
Science Dark Melee/Dark Armor Scrapper

Dear Diary,
About 3 Months ago I was training under Blue Steel in the PCPD, I Idolize him and then the Invasion Hit. I and my fellow officers fought hard but SWAT Armor or even Blue Steel Armor pales to the power of Alien Technology. We had to rely on the heroes and as I had my wounds treated I was offered a choice, some scientists had come up with a serum that like a famous comic would turn me into a “Super Cop.” The untested formula used DNA elements from a tiger and some of Positron’s own technology to give a human that animal’s power enhanced to supernatural levels but their side effects were unknown. I didn’t care and volunteered, the process was unbearable and I passed out. When I woke up I tingled all over and demanded to see a mirror. I gasped as the feline features and kitten ears stared back at me. And I knew hidden in my pants I could feel the tail. It had transformed me into a cat…girl. I felt the instincts immediately and was tempted to throw off my clothes and prowl the streets naked in my fur coat. I compromised and only discarded my boots but I also felts a strong force of energy inside myself, since I awoke I felt it and kept it contained but now it was unbearable and I threw up my arms releasing the darkness within shrouding my form in negative energy. I have since been unable to contain that energy for long without great effort. So now with a clean bill of health, or as best I can be called healthy, I Head out to Deal with the Contaminated Problem.

Dear Diary,
The Contaminated Problem took relatively short time to temporarily stave off. And so I moved on to Galaxy Park, I pondered going to Atlas but in the end I plan to spend most of my time by Blue Steel in King’s Row. No sooner had I arrive however then did I meet a fellow Cat Girl, it turned out she was a robot construct but she asks very human. There was one downside as she encouraged me to let my wild side free. We Worked together to rid the sewers of zombies and warehouses of Clockworks, the Zombies were tough for me but easy for her. Her Clockwork missions were tough for both of us and we fell a couple times but in the end my dark brawling and her martial art kicks were a devastating combo and we bested Mecha the Clockwork King, or maybe he was just a higher ranked officer. She then invited me to her Super group. Boy was I surprised to find a group of Catgirl’s Nyow! Before I turned in for a cat nap we took on the zombies in a cave which gave me an opportunity to wash up while I was lost in the cavern. What kind of god I ask you tasks a brawler with fighting zombies in a cave you need flight to navigate. My Security level is at 5 now and my dark powers are amazing. I still can not control my dark aura but now I can extend it so its energies can harm anyone who tries to strike me. Maybe in time my aura will be controllable and I will not live forever in darkness. :urrs::

Science Dark Melee/Dark Armor Scrapper Guide Level 1-5
The Dark Scrapper is referred to as the “ultimate warrior,” by some but in truth while Dark Melee does considerable damage and reduces accuracy and Dark Armor protects against lots of attacks from the start they are not perfect combo. For one the Dark Melee powers seem slow to execute in direct comparison to a Martial Artist but the Damage potential is much nicer. My Level 2 was doing comparable Damage to my Martial Artist level 6 ally. And Dark Embrace (Armor) had me lasting as long as her with only one resist damage enhancer. I did no solo much but I from my Soloing I can say the power speed factor will hurt you, you will take 3 hits for every one you do, but in a group your dark combat will be a force of nature to contend with but will eat through your Endurance.

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Excellent reading... Thank you



Since i was in the closed beta i wanted to mix in my beta exp into my bios, im actually goign to make a role players website if i can find a PHP expert to team with me.

In anycase look up "Neko LLX" on any server, just made a victory version who is a illusion/empathy controler, i'll post her diary soon.

But since my retail box is at my old house dont know when i'll be in the game,

IF anyone is interested im pondering a RP thread here for "downtime" role play

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Neko Lena Lillian Xanatos (Victory)
Mutant Illusion Control/Empathy Controller

Dear Diary,
The invasion of ’04 I’ll never forget it. I had always been short, and the ears and face, nor the fact without my mask my feline voice box would I be able to speak English. I but that’s the past, why I was born half cat is irrelevant, why I have these instincts, why a Feral has mental powers is moot. The Hospitals were swamped and before I knew it the Rikti were pouring in. Well I wasn’t about to let them slay innocent healing heroes and civilians, I screamed so load my voce box fell free and I just let my feline self roar. For a moment they were stunned and something in my mind, something savage and wild lashed out at them. They reacted as if mauled by a lion or tiger. As they succumbed to their wounds, fleeting as it was, I wished on my fur covered heart that I could get some of the wounded up and suddenly green energy erupted from my body, wounds healed before my eyes. But before I could get my Voice box I felt force to the back of my head and entered darkness.

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Coming Soon
Neko Lady, Lisa Xeon (Guardian)

Dear Diary,
Technology Ice Armor/Battle Axe Tanker
I remember the war so vividly, I remember when the Rikti abducted me, took me up to that ship. I whish I could forget what they did to me, what they put in me, how they changed me. They striped me of my humanity, turned me into a freak, a cat of all things, why couldn’t they just kill me? Why destroy my humanity? My only comfort is the knowledge their technology is now mine and their arrogance will be their down fall. When some heroes invaded the ship one of those monsters fell by my cage, they though me reduced to a harmless animal. I seized the opportunity and striped the alien of its armor then made a break for the exit. I managed to fire its equipment to portal me to Earth and as the heroes fought I began work on the armor. Now it’s time to strike back, I had to modify the armor to fit my body and I had to augment the cooling system which has given this armor of mine a permanent external ice field but hey as long as it functions the time to strike back is now.

Neko Lover, Lana Xan (Freedom)
Natural Energy Blast/Devices Blaster

Dear Diary,
::Giggles:: This is such a trip; I actually managed to get registered as a hero! When the aliens invaded, I though my life was over, but then the heroes came, stalled the alien; I vowed then to repay them for giving me a chance to escape a lethal attack and trained my body and mind to its limit. I spent all my money to build my first device, a gum bomb. And I managed to liberate one of those aliens of a set of gloves that could produce enough force to throw enemies away from me. I designed my body suit after my favorite animal, the cat; it’s going to be fun to work with real cat girls. Oh this is going to be such fun!

Neko Lava, Lindsey Xenon (Justice)
Magical Stone Armor/Fiery Melee Tanker

Dear Diary,
I though I was dead! When those aliens showed up in the Tiki Island I rand like a scared little girl, and they were after me. I ran until my legs burned, they pursued, eventually I ran past some wizard, I think I distracted him because as I ran some weird energy hit me, I think he was trying to poly morph one of the aliens into a harmless cat but it got me instead, as my body shrank ad the fur sprouted my speed picked up. But I was so distracted I didn’t see where I was going. Suddenly the ground dropped out beneath me and l looked down as my furry feet were hit by unbearable pain. I had run up and into a volcano and my own action had thrown me into the lava flow. I yowled inhumanly in pain as the world went dark.
A Few days later I woke up frozen into rock bedding; I struggled free to discover the volcano had erupted and taken out a small village and left I permanently encrusted in rock. Well I decided then and there to go out and make up for my action that killed hundreds and probably that mage too. Paragon City has a new Hero.

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Very nice! You should take "photos" as well.



as soon as i actually get my game delived, dark Compusa

"your telling me if a pre order a game in Febuary and it doesnt ship until MAY i cant change my address."

I'm sorry but i they expect people to /never move/ in 3 months they just lost a customer FOR LIFE.

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



GMPTYM/Gets more P**** They You man
Science No idea of what to give a powers or archtype

Dear Journal,
There are some fine ladies in Paragon, some find super ladies, and the cat ones are real horney, ive taken up a feline disguise to earn their trust. With a few purrs here, some licks there I’ll have them jumping me to get into bed. Ah the wonders of science, a few chemicals, some spandex and I can smell like a cat, have super powers to help convice them I am one, and I get fame to! Look out world its time to Thrust into Action! Oh Yah!

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Thrust into Action! Oh Yah!

[/ QUOTE ]

hehe, You said "thrust".



Thrust into Action! Oh Yah!

[/ QUOTE ]

hehe, You said "thrust".

[/ QUOTE ]

Let the Time Warp commence with a pelvic thrust

On a side note...I love these looks like nothing ever gets deleted here...good times



Hey, see if you can find my old thread.



Why would you hide it in here?



Nice writing.