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  1. Now for the reason I came to the forums:

    EDIT: changed pulling teefers to root canal
  2. toona

    Hello Justice

    Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
    41 in 6 days.

    I'll leave it at that.

    I will take full responsibility for that. He also has around 800 merits.
  3. toona

    For Justice

    Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post

    I can name 3 people right now who annoy me a lot in global channels, and they know it. They also know that they're free to discuss whatever inane topic they want to, so long as they don't violate the rules.

    To quote Sally Fields: ".... I've wanted more than anything to have your respect. The first time I didn't feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!"
  4. toona

    For Justice

    I miss Iggy--- I think I will send him another timecard just so he won't miss the lulz.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Cai_ View Post
    I think I was at that camp with you, toona. Remember when we did that panty raid on the last night and hung the counseler's underwear from the flagpole? Good times.

    I do!!! I remember it more like this
  6. This one time, at MMO camp, there was this girl that would openly use gay and ethnic slurs over global channels, so I had to petition her. This same girl was hurt that her repeated offers to fly out to where I lived and do naughty things were spurned, that they resorted to drawing unwanted attention to me over global channels. Petitioned that too. Since these were both direct violations of the EULA, I used the petition system, for what is indeed harassment, and it works!

    Also, enable chat logs! When they are used appropriately, they can very well prove your innocence or others guilt.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    Eh, I'll do 2 hours minimum of speed running TFs with whoever wins...doesn't matter if it's Mo or not, or even doc Q.

    Should be able to fit 4-6 TFs/SFs in there if you want the fast ones, or 1 or two longer TFs.
    Will this be the "A" squad or the second stringers? I don't want to waste three fiddy for a STF to take over an hour.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CityofChange View Post
    so if you know of a redname you wanna get rid of...point me in that direction.
  9. toona


    I have one stared everyone in this thread
  10. toona

    Hey Pum

    Any Canadian, worth his weight in fatback or toques, has Geddy Lee and Neil Peart on speed dial, just saying.
  11. Meow?
    Tardaloo over there.....
  12. A lil birdie told me someone from Justice won "The Most Extreme" gold title.
  13. ZOMG Iggy!!! I guess my plan of 3-way skype calls and free candy has paid off!

    I can't offer anything but my heart, body, and soul. You will have to share them with a 4 foot tall midget wrestler named Rocko.

    Also, we will be on Maury next week. You will guy 4 of 6 to be tested on Cho's paternity. I hope you are his baby daddy not one of the other super sekrit lovers.

    ZOMG I almost forgot Happy B-day!

    From left to right: Zartain, Iggy, Cho and Rocko
  14. toona

    Missing Threads

    You had me at whole, Merc
  15. Will you be the offical ref for this Silit?
  16. Rumor has it there was a 19 man raid on Justice that took 71 mins, just saying.
  17. toona

    Missing Threads

    you have pic??? <3 snoofie
  18. Thanks all that came out and particapated and watched. a big GRATZ to Ra and Dex for Winning tonights event!! I hope you all had fun and maybe won something nice. Thanks again all!
  19. I am tarded. You cant get 50 IOs in your tray no matter how hard you try. So, I will have 5 toons in Pocket D's to hand out stuff. When a spot opens up in a lower number I will replace it from the highest spots so I can log off some mules. To avoid any confusion here is holding what numbers:

    1-10 = Coin Purse ( Please report all wins to this toon)
    11-20 = Copy This You Tard
    21-30 = Tiny Toona
    31-40 = Pvpmule1
    41-50 = PvpMule5

    To avoid headaches of villains claiming their prizes while the event is running, when you switch to a hero ( when you are out/ event is over) you then claim your prize. I will keep track of how many selections you get.
  20. I love it when you dress all smexy and in a uniform Ra

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mermoine View Post
    I have a weakness for Iggys accent! Can I hold them for him? I'll give em to him I promise >.>

    I dunno, after the last couple of times on skype, I am afraid they may not be returned in the same condition I loaned them as >.>
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mercury_Down View Post
    Hmm, Toona is very sexeh to me nao!?

    Should I just hand them over to you and Iggy now? I have a weakness for accents and smexy talk