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  1. Hey Mr. E!

    Storm Claud will drop by Wedsday night to see if there is room.
    If not there are other things to do!
  2. thetorquenator


    OK I have posted this SEVERAL times before, most people like the idea (at least in the past) but it STILL hasent happened so here I go again.

    The other day I was finshing a Kill all and I could not find the last guy.

    I am sure everyone has experienced this before. I petetioned and waited for a gm to come while I covered the whole map 5 times and I relaly looked everywhere and still could not fin em.

    gm comes (finally) ports the guy to me and we both go on our merry way but what a bleeping pain in the bleep for both of us.

    would it be that hard to put in a /lastguy command that would port the remaining mobs to you? you could put limits on it so someone couldn't use it for farming but really think of the saved time (and the children) such a device could provide.

    So PLEASE developers, PLEASE do this for me

    Thank you.
  3. Is not the # of available slots essentially Infinite? you just have to buy em?
  4. Thanks for the good time all from team 2! Count me in for the next Wednesday night Run this time and day work perfect for me! I need
    1 more run to get enough heroes for the hero defeat badge.

    If you set up another run and you dont hear from me send me a PM I am not on the forums constantly

    I will make it a point to be able to start by next time
  5. Mark Storm Claud down for another run! Last one was fun!
  6. I really enjoyed this event and hope to do another sometime... Wednesdays at this same bat time are good for me, send me a tell if your doing it again I still need a bunch of sig
    hero's to get that badge!

    Thanks for setting it up!
  7. MR- E Man! I just happen to be immintently available (wife took kids for overnight) with a lvl 50 elec/drak brute who would LOVE to join ya.

    Storm Claud and I have all three nukes.

    I will be on at 10:30 EST looking for ya in the tangle.
  8. The wife took the kids for an overnight so when I get home after stopping for dinner to avoid dishes I plan on playing until my ears bleed, ideal conditions to do a task force

    Any body up for a task force Wednesday night around 8-9pm EST? if so post...

    or send me a tell In game @porcinepine.

    I have a stable of many alts from lvl 10 - 50.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    If you were young enough that Armada was your 'kid' series, I get to officially tell you to get the hell off my lawn now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Got that right, what about thunderbirds and captain scarlet! Those were my kid stuff (well that and Wiley Coyote
  10. My One and Only 50:

    Storm Claud: Electric/Dark brute dinged around Dec 08
  11. [ QUOTE ]

    Ironicly, Im still playing the game for the very reasons your saying people will leave over.
    If not for the fact i enjoy making alts and seeing concepts come to life, i'd have left years ago. The fact i don't have the scrap, skim, and crawl every single time i want to make a new concept is a major reason i stay. Play a game for the first time through, when everyhing is shinny and new, your more forgiving of the mononity of it all. After the 3rd time, the newness is gone and you have to be asking yourself... "do i really want to do this again?" My answer at the time was, "well, I have money this time, so bring my new guy to live won't be AS MUCH ofa grind." Not a challange. A grind. No challange at all. You want to add challange, fine. Add challange. But if you just want to keep me grinding... screw that. Grind doesn't = challange, and all thats happening by not allowing resorce pulling is lenghting the GRIND, not adding CHALLANGE.


    That how I play this game. That's the fun I have. I don't think i'm alone. If you start chipping away at that... what's my motivation of doing it again for the 26th time? If making my future alts returns me to the grind I felt in the begining... it's prolly not going to be worth it in my minds eye to make new alts. No new alts... after awhile, that'd prolly be it for me.

    Not that anyone cares, but if enough feel the same why, people might start caring. *shrug* At this point in time, i'm completely in wait and see mood. I don't think merits in there current form is going to fly. I forsee too many problems and irritations. But I may be wrong so i'll give it a go and hope for the best. Nothing else to do really... CoH is very lucky that, at least in my singular case, i have no other MMO that intrests me at all atm, so slong as i still have fun, i'm not going anywhere. But this won't be the case forever... Compatation is coming... and frankly, so of the moves the dev's are making on the heal of having REAL compatation for the first time in this games life... is leaving me scratching my head... I don't get it... I just hope they know what they are doing. I really do.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  12. Villians can not share Mayhem Missions.
    Prior to I8 if two villians had trhe same MM they could
    team for it and both get credit for the mission this is no longer the case and is bad becuase some toons need help on these and it discourages teaming to help them.