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  1. Yetil will have tonight off and Ulysses 721 or Vander Graph will be be doing this.
    Unless you need support on a team.
  2. I got a good nights sleep last night so count me in for tonight.
  3. I think I'll bring my Brute along for this (Ulysses 721) since Yetil and Vander Graph both have this badge already (I think I'll check first) I know U doesn't.
  4. Oh and thanks to Scataloni for helping me ding 50 on Friday!
  5. Hi Mr. E, Intra is ready for this but I might bow out I will have to see how I feel
    with my vacation drive coming the next evening I might want an early bedtime.

    But I am sure I will be tempted to take the time to knock this out as
    I got Intra Venus through the incarnate trial on Saturday so she really needs shards etc.

    I will try to let you know when I get closer and don't wait for me

    hmmm maybe if get a lot of sleep on Tuesday.......
  6. How is Mini Turg doing? Must be keeping you both up nights I am sure.
    I imagine your 1/2 awake diaper changing skills are at epic levels.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
    I very much agree. As diverse as the stories go, the maps almost all come down to: office, warehouse, sewer, cave, tech lab.


    The new praetorian tiles sets are cool, but even those office/warehouse ones are reskins in many spots.

    What I'd like to see:
    • Mansion tile sets: pristine/run down variants.
      They have something along these lines already for manticore's mansion/the Halloween trial, but I mean full multi-floored sets for missions.
    • Museum/government building/grand public building tile set: night/day versions.
      I'm sorry, with the number of magical artifacts that get stolen, dignitaries that are threatened, and all of that this just makes sense. Maps would have high white ceilings and walls, marble floors, grand stairways and ornamental statues, relics, etc.
    • Manufacturing plant: chemical/mechanical variants
      For stopping a villain group's plot to make a chemical weapon, create a terror device, etc.
    Awesome ideas all
  8. Feb 10th 2012 Intra Venus Dinged 50 thanks to some help by Scataloni
    Today she got her Incarnate slot. my first 50 Dom.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Duneman View Post
    Did you make it to 50 last night? If not send me a tell tonight and we can knock that out real quick.

    Nope, Did not even make it to 49! grrr but i was very close and knocked that out soloing two tip missions last night. If you are around Friday I'll look for you tonight (Friday)
    @porcinepine Don't know what time I'll be getting on, have a cub scout event
    first. And it is no biggie I'll get there eventually.
  10. Quite the slog last night on that last mission but we pulled it off!

    Sorry I was 1/2 asleep on the last mission should not have 2 glasses of wine w/ dinner on Wednesday nights!
  11. Welcome Blast Buddy!

    My 10 year old is on freedom on my alt with
    a demon MM Hero named Mercyless and a stalker hero named "Strong Shadow"
    global "@Ras Putin" he only gets to play when his homework is done and his viola is practiced so his play time is spotty.
  12. Looking forward to this with Intra Venus just dinged 48 last night so there is a slim possibility of hitting 50 tonight Woot! Unfortunately current build only has 95% recharge I need to respec to Black Scorpion epic to get over 100% without purps. Too bad, the Mace set does not fit my theme very well.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bonker View Post
    Any hints you might offer on taking down Hami? I'm on lgtf atm and on the hami mish, but was wondering if you could give me some hints on how to approach it before i just feel my way through it.
    This is the info I know
    Leave the pylons up while you take down the mitos. Supposedly it limits aggro of hami

    the Mitoes are tricky because one is only susceptible to melee (the first)
    second to range and third must be held to kill. If you don't have enough stuff you just aren't going to get it done.

    Some people swear by keeping the Rikit alive and dragging them to hami but I think that is more of a pain than its worth Your mileage may vary. I think you need to take down the pylons before hami.

    That is all I know. this point is where more team wipes happen in my experience.
  14. If the level mix doesn't matter for DFB I'll bring yetil if it does I will figure something out.
  15. Intra Venus is looking forward to this I may be close to perma by that time
    Global Recharge is already 60%
  16. Intra Venus is definitely up for this I am working like mad on her build right now, just respecced with aiming towards recharge got 2 or 3 LOG slotted and am working on Basilisk's gaze in my two holds Really need another level for the slots!
  17. I have to say the goo was worse than usual, and dropping into the goo
    from elevator on way back from hospital.... That's SOOOO WRONG!!!

    Talk about adding insult to injury!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
    If you want auto signed up Torq that's fine, I don't mind if you all miss on occasion. It's just when people miss several weeks in a row without letting me know that I take them off auto sign up.
    Put down as an Auto with the Caveat that I will not be there Presidents Day (Feb 20) I will let you know if there are any other misses

    I iwll probably switch between Yetil and Vander Graph Depending on the mood im in.
  19. tempting to start a new toon but I think I'll finish off Yetil, you guys left me behind at the higher levels I just did not get much out of group playtime with Yetil I guess. Darn that Altitis!!! Plus I have a tank about the same level needs
    some leveling love too (Vander Graph).

    I will NOT be able to attend On Presidents Day (VACA) Other than that I will be
    pretty darn regular
  20. Me too I have update aggro and my main system for some reason updates soooooo sloowwwly
  21. You do need to have at least 2 people at a time on the TF I think to be sure it stays alive is that still true? that requires having an alt account to "hold"
    that 2nd position even if they are not in mission.

    OP said he has an alt account. Just wonderin. I used to do this on positron farming for merits back before hero merits existed.
  22. I'll bring Dr. Awe to this due to level plus 3 more shards is all I need! Tier 4 here I come!

    That said I bet I get 2 tonight
  23. I would love to try this with Dr. Awe
  24. Would love to join ya but I cant get on before kids go to bed min, 9:30pm EST
    Particularly on a Friday night. I still havent even done a keys yet but am Itching to try one
  25. Conga-Rats Turg now you have joined the Next level of Incarnate play!


    Enjoy sleep while you can, My 5 year old is finally sleeping through the night on a regular basis. For many years he would come down and crawl into our bed at 2,3 4, or 5 am ya never knew.