310 -
It's a shame the muppet head Recluse on the right isn't the companion pet.
Quote:They announced it on the 10th.Do NOT tell the community an announcement is not on the April calendar and within 3 days announce it's coming next Tuesday. This management of the release date is capricious and unprofessional. It is also very unlike our player community practices and policies in the past. Such manipulations of their audience would best be left to Snookie and the Situation.
And did they say it was not on the April calendar? I don't recall any "Don't expect it any time soon" remarks on any of official channels. -
Quote:Lion and Liger were available separately last week. The bundle deal ended.This week's new stuff:
- Attuned travel IO sets (on sale)
- Lion and Liger available for purchase separately at full price of 400pts. per pet
And character slots are still 50% off in all three denominations but this is not front page.
Just character slots for me this week. -
Safe to assume Celestial is going by the wayside by the time 23 arrives?
I really wish we had a definite time line when it'd be available again, other than vague statements like "we're going to Disney vault it" (which is, following the real vault rules, absurd).
Yearly? Every two years? Leave it up with the other two? Put it on the market?
It'd cost $120 to get the missus' account the costume set, $225 to finish off my second account, and $210 to finish off her second account...
Decisions, decisions.
Also, keeping Praetorian themed characters in Praetoria pays off for me again. -
Quote:I'll give myself partial credit. To be honest, once I saw the Liger as part of the April Fools thing, I just assumed the files pertaining to the Liger were just an extreme extension of said joke.Lion - April 3rd
Panther - April 10th
Staff Fighting - April 17th
Super XP boosters - April 24th
Shame on me I suppose.
I'll take the Black Wolf in a bundle with the Winter Wolf when that releases though. -
Well, with no Intrepid Informer explaining Staff Fighting...I didn't expect it.
Though, I'm expecting the Intrepid Informer sometime this week. Which means...the 17th?
My guess...
Lion - April 3rd
Panther - April 10th
Staff Fighting - April 17th
Super XP boosters - April 24th -
Lion vanity pet.
Cami and I have been talking about setting up our own ventrilo server (instead of borrowing our friend's).
We're sorta taking an informal poll to see if there's interest in it.
It would also be used during some of Cami's drawing broadcast on whatever streaming program she is using.
It'd would also be used for our upcoming planned weekly ITF runs (details coming soon!)
Thanks! -
Also forgot that the MM archtype is also on sale for non-VIPs.
store update!
Beast Mastery
Character slots
MM IO sets
XP boosters
That's all I noticed. -
Pretty much played out the way I expected.
Meaning, we shouldn't have a weak start up to season 3. -
Firing it up in about 20 minutes (Or whenever the flip is switched). Just say something in the global channel (mvmarcz art) and I'll get invites going!
We ran this privately during the last double experience weekend, but this time Cami and I have decided to open it to everyone!
Basically, we just run stuff till we fall asleep.
Tentative schedule
Friday Morning 9:00 AM EST
Depending how many folks are around, we'll run the WST. Otherwise, I'll be doing multiple runs through "Defeat Battle Maiden and her minions" or "Liberate Television" (Majority rules, if more Hero players are around, I'll run there but I'll try to switch to make sure everyone gets a chance to come along)
If time permits, an early afternoon ITF.
Around 3:30 PM EST, I'll have to bow out to pick Cami up from work. At that point, I'll turn things over to her. She's looking to run some ITFs
Saturday Morning 9:00 AM EST
We're aiming to do a full Task Force Commander run. After this, Cami is interesting in holding a Costume Contest for players in the NA region that evening (It is open to everyone, however). We'll also hold another Costume Contest for players not in the NA region, but we need feedback on when an ideal time for that contest should be. Prizes will be identical, including 250 million influence.
We'll also hold a wild card Lady Grey run that night. During this run, we'll be awarding random prizes throughout the TF. This can include a prize to the player who dies the least, the most, gets the kill shot on AV/EB, and so on.
Sunday Morning 9:00 AM EST
We'll try to mop up any Task Force Commander TFs we didn't finish. Otherwise, we'll try to squeeze in a mixture of WSTs and ITFs. Maybe some Hero/Villain tips.
There will be a small intermission for the Walking Dead season Finale at 9:00 PM EST.
And lastly, I'd like to do a run through A Hero's Epic to cap off the weekend.
All is subject to change, and so forth.
We will be running everything out of Cami's art channel within the game (/chanjoin mvmarcz art). It is a public channel, if you need help getting in, let me (@terribledeli, @Bit_Icarus) or Cami (@mvmarcz) know and we'll get you in! Cami will also be doing trivia through the weekend, so keep your eyes peeled on the channel.
We'll also have a ventrilo channel running all weekend. Send me a PM for channel details, etc. if you are interested in using it (Though, not a requirement as we won't be doing anything ventrilo-only)
Feedback or request on the schedule is always welcome (Especially that second Costume contest!)
See everyone at the fair! -
Cami is cooking up something neat for later tonight.
I forgot to mention that we'll be taking a break about 9:00 PM EST on Sunday for the season finale of the Walking Dead.
I'm not sure about the other prizes, but one prize for the CCs will be 250 million. -
Quote:The campsite guy was bitten, which is why he chose to hang himself rather than turn because he assumed that death = the end.I'm not sure why the turning into a zombie after you die is a surprise for the characters. I recall a few episodes earlier when Daryl and the blonde chick were out looking for Sophia, they came across a campsite. Outside the campsite there was a guy that hung himself, he had turned into a walker. Daryl made a remark about how the guy was dumb because he hung himself instead of shooting himself.
Although the timing of the reanimation seems to be convenient to the story line, for example, in the time it took Shane to come back, those guys Rick killed in the bar should have came back to life while Rick and his crew were still inside with the bodies.
Reanimation time does vary, as Jenner points out when discussing the test subject last season. I think they (show runner this season) attempted some lame artsy move with the camera flashes..but it made sense with past information. -
Complete and utter spoils have been posted for the next episode. Come from the same accurate source in the past.
One word.
Oh, then there's this.
So the missus is nearing (or already had) her anniversary in the game. The only thing she didn't seem to receive was the badge, which is not surprising based on what we've been told.
For those keeping track at home, her global unlock slot came about six weeks early. Her yearly reward token was just about on time. -
All that's really needed is the software. The microphone will allow you to communicate with others that are using the channel with microphones, otherwise you'll just be able to hear the chatter and can communicate via the chat channel within the game.
I was thinking about this earlier today in fact.
I'd like a tribal mask. -
Little interest of ever using it, but I bought it for my accounts to support the tech behind it.
I'm hoping it'll eventually be used in a discus based power set. -
The OP's suggestion only works if there's data to show that people abandon the game at level 50 because the non-paying player feels there's absolutely nothing to do in game upon reaching that point in their character's career.
In my experience, I've never heard any player complain about the lack of incarnate system is why they opt to leave the game. Heck, some prefer to stay away from that whole system because of the extra work it does entail. -
Since we're still waiting on downtime and I'm in the process of watching the Game of Thrones...
here's the tentative schedule. Cami can make changes and feedback is always welcomed.
Friday morning 9:00 AM EST.
I'll be doing runs through either "Defeat Battle Maiden and her minions" or "Liberate Television" until we've got enough to fire up a run through Moonfire or Renault (Majority rules here, if more villains are around, we'll run villain side. More hero, etc.)
Maybe squeeze in an ITF.
I'll have to bow out around 3:30 PM EST to get Cami from work. I think we'll fire things back up around 5:00 PM EST with an ITF run. And whatever else Cami would like to run.
Saturday Morning 9:00 AM EST.
Probably similar to Friday morning, until more folks are around. Try to get a TFC run blueside. Then maybe a Lady Grey run.
I think we'll aim to have a costume contest in the evening for our friends in the NA region. Another costume contest will be held for our friends not in the NA region (Feedback on a time would really appreciated here. I'm not overly familiar with the other region's peak times). Both of these these will be open to all I hasten to add, but we just want to make sure everyone who wants to participate, can participate.
Sunday Morning 9:00 AM
Same thing as the typical "morning" routine. We'll try to finish off any of the TFC TFs we've missed. Probably squeeze in another ITF and just sorta play things by ear. I'd like to cap the night off with a run through a Hero's Epic. If I manage to have someone that can actually run the mission from Maria, we'll do it like that. Otherwise, it'll be from Ouro.
We will have a ventrilo server running, so interested parties can PM me or Cami with any questions regarding that.
Don't forget, we'll be running out of Cami's art channel in the game (/chanjoin mvmarcz art). PM either of us if you need help getting into the channel
Thanks! -
Spoilers took the total surprise away from it, but it was still interesting to see.
2 episodes left. -
Since we're coming up on Double Experience weekend, it can only mean it's time for Cami and Deli's double experience fun fair!
What's the double experience fun fair?
Well, we just run missions/TF/whatever till we drop!
We'll be running things out of Cami's art channel "mvmarcz art" within the game (command: /chanjoin mvmarcz art or send @mvmarcz or @terribledeli a tell and we'll you an invite!)
I'll post a more definite list of what we'll be running as it gets closer! But remember, Cami's favorite TF in the game is the ITF, so we'll see plenty of those. Any suggestions are welcome as well (Last time, I ran repeatable missions on all fronts (Hero, Villain, Praetoria) till Cami came home to start running ITFs and we typically end the fun fair with a run through A Hero's Epic on Sunday Night)
I'll let Cami detail any art things she'll be doing during the weekend
All are welcome!
Edit: Oops, I should clarify that we're based on Virtue.
Edit 2.0: We'll also be running a ventrilo channel for those interested in speaking/listenining. PM me or Cami for the details!