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  1. Yea, after making adjustments doesn't really hurt my /sr
    Lost about 28% regen and .03% recovery


    End drain went down by .05
    Rech went up 5%
  2. tektronics

    Proc Help

    Thanks guys for all the feedback, looks like I'm going with the Explosive Strike proc
  3. tektronics

    Proc Help

    Sort of like the idea of the Devas quad

    From a dps stand point what would be better? The quad or another enhance or the Explosive proc?

    Im assuming the proc is but then again im not to good at the whole number crunching
  4. tektronics

    Proc Help

    Yea, I think the Explosive Strike may be my best option left

    With conserve power and the amount of rech I have End isn't really an issue

    and as a scrapper I would think the Devast chance to hold is a bit counter intuitive?
  5. tektronics

    Proc Help

    That would be a good idea, if not for the fact that i have exhausted respecs

    Don't think one slot is worth 10 bucks
  6. tektronics

    Proc Help

    So for a little while I have been trying to figure out what Proc I wanted to slot into focus for my claws/sr. 5-slotted with apoc (all but dmg).

    I have tried the Entropic chaos proc and felt the heal was pretty useless, and right now i have the deci proc slotted in and it seems to rarely fire (guess thats the 5% working...)

    Anyway, what proc would you guys recommend putting into that 6th slot?
  7. Looking for this to be an AV solo toon, any sort of suggestion would be nice.

    (Edit, Code was messed up an looked terrible)

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  8. Yea, its entirely possible to be debuffed below the softcap.

    But if your in the heat of battle and hit elude then you have to worry about the crash, I just feel there are better powers to pick since elude will probably be never used.
  9. Any suggestions will be welcome, character is already at 50 and have him fairly IO'd at this point but can be subjected to change.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  10. The only thing I can really see is that the Elude pick is pretty much useless when you are softcapped. Maybe switch elude for SJ that way you can keep the BoZ and in return get a vertical travel power to make life easier.
  11. In my own personal build I have Aid Self added in as a self heal, otherwise imo it will be hard to solo avs