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  1. slainsteel

    Future of CoX..

    Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
    There's a third, and it's far from shut down or unsuccessful.
    So let me clarify - I am not against Freemium as a rule; I am against micro-transactions, which most freemium games tend to use as their cash cow.

    A model like, "It's free but you don't get base access or incarnate stuff/if you are a subscriber, you get everything" - that way it's a choice between just playing very casually for free, or paying a nominal fee to get the full game content. Technically, CoX already follows that model to an extent - I do have to keep paying $5 every month if I want my jet pack inherent power to keep working.
  2. slainsteel

    Future of CoX..

    Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
    Hope you're speaking hyperbole - otherwise you're just being spiteful. Just quit playing if they do - why wish *zilch* on the players that're willing to go to a new model?
    Of course, people who are fine that model should have the option to play; you're right, I'd just rather not play it myself.

    I would not play CoX as a freemium game unless it was strictly dual model or something that does not give people with unlimited money continuous rewards (even if on a logrithmic scale - only a flat line could be even close to fair).
  3. slainsteel

    Future of CoX..

    EDITED after reading Zwillinger's post.
    I'll just say this, I _really_ hope that 'freemium' is never going to be in CoX's future.
    As I've said, I'd prefer to see the game shut down than perverted that way.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    Usually a fast run will score dodger because the odds of getting clipped by a mine go up dramatically the longer you tarry.

    Dropping D11 fast is the surest way to get the dodger badge.
    Yep. Couldn't be bothered with temps, so if the team doesn't drop him in 30'ish seconds, dodger is gone (unless everyone is kinda careful, second badge we got was on a slower team [19m run], but we got the dodger anyway, while the 16m team didn't get it).
  5. slainsteel

    Future of CoX..

    The F2P but premium rewards model is exploitive and unfair - but whatever keeps a company's boat floating.

    I _really hope that CoX shuts down than go to that model.
  6. slainsteel

    Fastest ITF?

    Would love to see your tin mage times.
    Our club has managed 15 minutes, I've heard of 13.5 minutes; I think your team might do better
  7. slainsteel

    solo ITF

    Originally Posted by Silent_ View Post
    wow a long... long... long time but well done
    Persistance man; much respect
  8. Thanks for that Moderator 05.

    BTW, new times for Tin Mage,
    15m run, with dodger badge
    16m run, without

    then a couple of sub-20 minute runs.

    I verified this time, every single member was recruited of the channel, I led 3 of the 4 runs. If you believe you were on one of those TF's and do not consider yourself part of speed club, do send me a PM and I'll edit the post

    Let's not make a stink of it again.
  9. slainsteel

    Best Debuff Set?

    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    In many ways I would actually say Traps is better against AVs than groups. It works well enough against groups (especially if you have a lockdown proc in PGT) but it is by nature a somewhat stationary set. It really shines in longer fights (such as against AVs) simply because you can start double stacking the traps. Additionally PGT is the strongest -regen power in the game with it's only weakness being that needs the AV to be relatively stationary to get the full duration.

    Overall though I tend to agree that Cold Domination is probably the set with the best mix of buffs and debuffs. It's main weakness is it's reliance on recharge it has a worse native uptime than most of the other sets so unless you have an IO'd build or some outside buffs it won't have 100% uptime.
    Till you equip a rare spiritual With not particularly high recharge (not even perma-hasten pre-Alpha), with just the rare spiritual I am perma'ed on everything; Heat Loss, Benumb, several applications of Sleet.
  10. slainsteel

    Fastest ITF?

    Originally Posted by danzero View Post
    thread recap so far:

    "hey! Fast runs!"

    "ur dumb"


    "fast runs. Dig it."

    "but shards!!!"

    "seen faster."

    "y fast?"

    "shards? Lol."

    "did it"


    "ur still dumb"


    "agreed. Not dumb."



    "fast not trying. Bring any."

    this is a public service provided my hexovision for those too lazy or irritated to read.
    We need this for more threads!
  11. slainsteel

    Fastest ITF?

    Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
    My strategy for speed TF's is for everyone to bring whatever they want and run it as fast as we can. I think having team restrictions for such an easy game is silly, unless your only objective is to break records.
    That indeed is, the OP's main objective it would seem
  12. slainsteel

    Best Debuff Set?

    Originally Posted by Rikis View Post
    In game it says "-37.50% strength to tohit". That means it debuffs the target's powers affecting tohit, not tohit itself. Compare it to other powers which do debuff to hit like Flash Arrow which says "-5.00% tohit" or Dark Blast's Gloom "-7.50% tohit".
    Ah, that makes sense.
    Taking that into account still, benumb does effectively nueter an enemy (of course, barring AV resistance).
  13. slainsteel

    Future of CoX..

    Wow, that's a lot of good opinions; let me try to summarize and reply,
    • Grind: So I totally agree, that Grind has 'shown' itself to be valuable in MMoRPG's - I personally, hate the Grind, in fact one reason why I picked CoX when I was coming back to MMoRPG's. Unfortunately, for some reason, people like seeing the slow progress of putting in daily work, or so it would seem, otherwise other really Grindy games wouldn't be as popular as they are.

      About CoX being Grindy, I really disagree. It takes 2-3 weeks from starting out new to get a character to 50. I got my first 50 in less than a month when I started playing and barely had any idea about the game. I don't know another popular game that this is possible in.

      My problem with the Incarnate's being Grindy is, the Grind keeps players on to 'get to' the maximum level - and then there is a lot to get your maximum level toon even better - CoX's grind is now _only post maximum level, plus, it's tied to one character; that a.) Discourages the alt-a-holic nature of the game, which has been a key ingredient (in my opinion) to keep players here and b.) It totally discounts the early to mid-game. I am not sure if this kind of partial grind is enough to keep people interested, but I am also not sure if the devs have a choice; considering that they can't really change the level curves this late in the game.
    • End Game Content: More than end-game content, what might be more useful would be level-bounded super rewards. Stuff that you need a level 30-40 toon to do and gives you enhancements that you can use/sell on any character. I think that'll give more of an incentive to players to do more, since they would actually have something to do other than hit the same buttons over and over again from 1-50 (as others have stated).

      Lore is great, but it's kinda empty without any real rewards. I'd love to experience _all of the game, start to end game, but really, it becomes a bit of a waste of time when I realize that not many will seek out teaming with my toon unless it is either 50 and/or IO'ed out/Alpha'ed out.
    • PvP: I understand that this was an afterthought, and that it is not built into the game - in fact, that is great! It allows people to enjoy the game from start to end without having to deal with PvP. That does not mean that it should not be a focus at all.

      PvP is really fun - and competitive players would really get involved in it if, well, a.) it didn't suck and b.) if they got something out of it except a 3 bil enh every several months (unless they're just farming PvP, which is what I've seen a lot of people resort to now)
    • Mid-game: As I said in the end-game section, this really needs to be made 'worth' our while, considering how fast it is to get to 50. Give people a reason to 'not' to level to 50 as soon as possible.
    • Age: To be honest, I can't quote statistics, but I will modify this point to rather state, 'not many games last 7+ years without a serious drop in numbers'; for this there are many examples. Take any of the 'other' 200 MMoPRG's out there other than the old reliables.

    The way the game is going, if things remain with the 'same' focus, I give it 2 years, at most. People 'will' get tired of running the same content over and over again and getting tons of characters to 50 and Alpha'ed out. You need mid-game content to encourage people to 'play' the lower levels; you need PvP for people to have something to do 'after' 50 and Alphas. The age is building, CoH hasn't been at it's glory days of 200k+ subscribers or anywhere even close in a very long time. Even though profitable, that is all it is, profitable. A million dollars a month isn't really much to keep a team of really good developers interested for long, when there are other games they can join where the growth potential and existing income is so much more.
  14. slainsteel

    Best Debuff Set?

    Originally Posted by Mirage_Mage View Post
    Maybe i worded it wrong , what i mean is: the -93% tohit and the -fly are part of the secondary effects of benumb, in that there isn't any tohit debuff in beumb or -fly but rather it effects other peoples or enemy tohit debuffs and flight speed.

    Also i don't think you factored in Snow Storm in your -recharge and slow numbers but i could be mistaken. It does have -fly though :P
    I'm fairly certain it's -tohit, at least that's what it said in the game.
  15. slainsteel

    Fastest ITF?

    Originally Posted by Philtrum View Post
    See pointer elsewhere to the STF record run. Fastest MoSTF was 43.02 though, as noted, not actually TRIED to get a very fast STF.

    For most of those times, we've not actually TRIED to get the fastest times possible but on some we have done just that.

    Clearly, it starts with players who've teamed on speed runs many times and know the tactics backwards. Optimised toons, obviously.

    For record attempt runs, we plan in advance that as many people as possible bring a full set of nukes from Warburg and some shivans (thought the latter are not that helpful).

    It's then a question of planning when to drop the nukes, as nukes will take, roughly, 10-15% off the time possible without nukes.

    Planning on having a go at LGTF next Friday. Will see how we go.

    As far as team compostion goes, the general rule of thumb would be (and as a hardened scrapaholic, it pains me to say this) the more corruptors the better! At least one toon that can taunt (or has some inherent taunt) is helpful. And I mainly refuse to run a TF if there is no cold shielder on the team. If no one brings a cold shielder, I have two to choose from.

    Oh, and as those on the Defiant Events channel will by now be tired of hearing me say, the second rule of speed TFs is "no masterminds, no stalkers, no peacebringers - lvl50s only, or very near 50 please!"

    [insert smiley face]

    Cheers all

    (slightly tired after about 7 ITFs today and a very nice Apex/LG/Kahn combo run (in 65 mins))

    Sweet Thanks for the info.
    Do you have your fastest runs recorded without any temps?
  16. slainsteel

    Fastest ITF?

    Originally Posted by preachmoore View Post
    the stf time was a product of perfect planning and hard organising [mainly from guffy, corect me though if i am wrong on this, i jumped on this the last day], and just plain execution of this [not only "loltemps'']
    Would _really like to know the team composition and if any temps were used
    Would help me do mine faster.
  17. slainsteel

    Best Debuff Set?

    Originally Posted by Mirage_Mage View Post
    Your stats are off but i think cold is the best anyway.
    Which ones? Would like to correct them in the original post.
  18. One of my friends who is pretty much an expert on blast sets, considers Elec to be the bane of all existence in CoX

    I'd highly recommend against it, but whatever floats your boat.
  19. slainsteel

    solo ITF

    Also impressive considering it was a brute, not a mind dom or one of those Op'ed types.
  20. slainsteel

    Fastest ITF?

    Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
    Nice job on the times, got you beat on the LGTF. Looking back at the team makeup for it, I'd say it was a less than optimal team, only had one debuffer.

    I haven't been running TF's much anymore or with all the same people. Makes me wonder what times we can get with all the level shifts now.
    That LGTF time is good but not great or amazing, but quite a few of the rest are I am still shaking my head at that 22m stf; now that is literally nuts.
  21. slainsteel

    Fastest ITF?

    Originally Posted by preachmoore View Post
    we are telling the same thing with different words ... my post was aiming against the opinion "why do you speed, when you want shards?"
    My post was about, um, how is this relevant?
  22. slainsteel

    Best Debuff Set?

    Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
    Rad and Dark are pretty high on the list.

    Cold is one of, if not, the best.

    But the one power that is underestimated the most is traps, Poison Trap with -1000% Regen

    Put cold and traps oon the same team and the FFG adds to the +Def of Shields for squishies. and then the combined debuffs floor everything
    Oh traps is superb! I love that set - but there are two things about it which make it a 'bit' inferior to cold;

    First, -resist; ALL other debuffs become redundant quite quickly, since they floor stuff and max the debuff. -Resist goes up to 300%

    With 2 kins, if you can keep stuff at 300% -resist, you can well, have close to 600-700% damage for the entire team.

    Last night I ran an STF, we had 4 colds, some other debuffs, one kin but 0 dps. Usually we run with at least 2+ dps to take full advantage of the kins + debuffers; our best run ever has been 29 minutes - this run was 31 minutes.

    I had expected the run to be 35-40 simply because there was no major hitters to take advantage of the debuffs and +dmg, but just the -resist stacking, made so much of a difference that we almost did one of our better times missing anything that could really make a dent on the AV's.

    Traps has high -resist, but lower than cold, _and is missing ALL the buffs, which is the second reason I would consider traps lower than Cold.

    Edit: Rephase that ENTIRE post with Trick Arrow instead of traps - I have no idea why I confused the two, but I was talking about TA here, not traps
  23. slainsteel

    Future of CoX..

    I've played a few MMoRPG's in my time, CoH is one of the few I've consistently enjoyed.

    There are a few things I am a bit confused about, which I believe effect the future of this game, and of course, hence make me wonder about the time investment I am making in it,

    I'll list the points I believe effect CoX's future, I'd like to hear everyone's comments on them,
    • Grind: This is a very confusing topic for me. 'Other' popular MMoRPG's tend to have much more of a grind to them than CoH, yet, they have WAY more subscribers, orders of magnitude more - I don't quite get it. I thought that most players would want to avoid the grind and instead want games they can play more casually. Yet, the case seems to be different.

      It seems that CoX is gravitating towards the grind concept more (with the incarnate trails? months and above to max out a character even when playing regularly?). Luckily the grind is limited to 50+, not for every player in the game.

      This brings up the question though, will this new 'grind when you hit 50' model work? If so, is this what we want CoX to truly be?
    • End Game Content: Till recently, end game content was kinda sparse on CoX; in fact, when I joined, I kept putting of IO'ing up my toons thinking 'what's the point of having IO's when you're already 50! Isn't that the end of the game' - then I started realizing, that to a large extent, this game 'starts' at 50.

      Now WAY more 50+ content is being added, but it is being made so that people will only get benefit from the content to the 50+ toon that is running that content. Earlier, I could do 50+ TF's and rake in inf, that I could use to slot/power up lower level toons and make the game more enjoyable for them. Now, it's more to the tune of 'you have to put in a lot of time, to make that 50 toon better, who is, well, already 50'
    • PvP: This is a sore point; how can a game the size of CoX totally ignore PvP like this? Most other games with higher subscriber numbers have WAY more focus on PvP. Do the devs not get that this is really important to players?

      I understand that their inclination to work on this is lower since very low percentages of players PvP, but that is also because to a large extent because of the mechanics of PvP.

      Considering the focus on incarnate content, is PvP really just going to be dismissed? And if it is, what will people do 'after' they have all their incarnate slots? Or, what if they really don't care that much about getting their incarnate abilities?
    • Mid-Game and Starter Content: I have only one major complaint against this - rewards. Why would anyone really want to play much mid/start game content when they know that most of what they'll get will be close to worthless? Who buys a level 30 LOTG defense? Or a Aegis Resistance/Endurance?
    • Age: The game is 7+ years old - most games tend to start to die out right about this point, even if wildly successful earlier.

      Considering CoX was never a top contender for successful to start with, what does this bode for the future of the game?

    These are just my thoughts and questions; I am sure there is a lot of perspective I am missing, that I would appreciate if people fill in for me
  24. slainsteel

    Best Debuff Set?

    Originally Posted by Lachlin View Post
    Cold usually gets attention for its buffs rather than debuffs.....but having played a lot of rads and Colds.....I will take the Cold first. The shields and amazing debuffs combined are hard to turn down.

    And you didn't even mention the -regen from Benumb.
    Eh, totally forgot the -regen, thanks for pointing it out Edited.
    The buffs are a totally different matter - with Arctic Fog for self and the shields, the buffs are damn good too - though on buffs, Cold can be beaten by Therm, Sonic or Kin, which is why I tend to look at it more as a crazy debuff set, with great buffs thrown in
  25. slainsteel

    Fastest ITF?

    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    Yes, just like every discussion of the new trials has to turn into a soloists get screwed whine fest

    Go Fast. Go Hard. Have Fun.
    You, my friend, hit the nail on the head