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  1. Hmm...can I make a Level Pact with myself?

    As an altoholic, it would be cool to be working on leveling two of my characters any time I'm on...and I could go back and forth any time I wanted...
  2. Man. I went to the Super Target in Berkeley (/Albany) CA at the end of July and again yesterday, and in both cases I searched around for a while and could not find them, and asked for help and the clerks had never heard of them nor could they find them in the computer. (How's that for a run-on sentence?)

    The one "City of Heroes" item they could find in the computer was the GvE edition, and it's listed as "discontinued" so they don't carry it any more.
  3. Wow. That' much as I like this game, that's kinda, well, lame. Out of fresh ideas, are we? How about a good travel power to make 1-14 less painful? Some new art for bases? A motorcycle?

    (See, I refuse to just post a negative message unless I have alternate suggestions...)
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey guys, a quick clarification:

    The Invention System and the "Legends" System are "one in the same"...

    Basically the Legends system, as it was designed, was not implemented, but out of it grew what will be known as the Invention System. The Invention System does what we wanted the Legends System to do, and a whole lot more, and lays the ground work for limitless expandability that the Legend System just didn't have.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is this also the SSOCS (the Super Secret Out of Combat System) from back in the day too?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Vampiric? News to me.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It's too bad you spelled it like that. I bet if you had asked about Vampyric he would have known what you're talking about.

    States can be funny like that (but I wouldn't say he's a jerk).
  6. obviously new body types (teen/shapeshifting) aren't in issue 4. Anybody want to place odds on them being in issue 5? 6? Which means...early next year?

    Well, maybe not quite that long - States said that they have two development teams (CoH & CoV), so the CoV release shouldn't push back I5...but still...for an alt-o-holic like myself, this is the thing I've been waiting for the longest. High level content? Meh. Of my ~30 characters, my highest is 26. Colliseum? Meh. Played it for about 10 minutes, lost interest. It's not getting me any cool new powers or costumes. New Archtypes sound like fun to play, but I know I'll never get to try a Kheldan - as a casual player the time investment to level always looses me in the mid-twenties (and that's in _every_ mmorpg...UO,EQ,AC etc. I've played em all and it's always the same).

    More body types? The chance to design another 20 character concepts? I'm in!

    So when do we get these?
  7. rossi

    Open Questions

    [ QUOTE ]
    14. How does CoV overlap with CoH in terms of geography?

    Mostly nearby, although we might have surprise or two up our sleeve.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My guess? Underground! (Closer than you think!)

    Although a floating air base would be cool too...