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  1. I had a thread here, once, but I don't think it exists anymore since I haven't posted art since 2007 at best.

    The reason I have very rarely done fanart for City of Heroes is mainly my characters. See, I adapted characters I have played/written/drawn since elementary school into toons in-game. So then when I go to draw fanart, I get lost in whether I should draw their "real" hair or game hair, their "real" faces or game faces, their "real" powers or game powers, whether "real" Lance would look right in game Lance's clothes and on and on... and then I just end up not.

    So there's this. I wish I had the time and follow-through to do pictures like this for all 25 of my characters-turned-toons. It'd be a nice memorial for me of a game I am going to miss more than I can say.

    * Their Ascension costume pieces are actually Ascension Radiant, but the effects were too busy and wonky in marker for the picture.

    Lincoln Keiran - Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Scrapper - Triumph > Freedom (iTrials) > Triumph
    Lancelot Emery - (this version) Human Peacebringer - Virtue > Guardian > Freedom (iTrials) > Triumph
    Amanda Moray - Gravity/Radiation Controller - Triumph > Freedom (iTrials) > Triumph
  2. Sorry for the late notice, but I was hoping to manage... not gonna be able to make it. Good luck, guys.
  3. Like last time, if I manage to be home I'm definitely in.
  4. If I make it home in time, I'd like to join on my main... not sure if that'll happen, though.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    But is all the event badges up until now have been soloable, shouldn't there be some team ones too?
    The majority of missions can be soloed, but there are also TFs - so it's the same with event badges now.
    Not every task in an MMO should be soloable.
    Who said the majority's been soloable? I sure didn't. I said that the stuff that is soloable goes down to lower level toons for me. When it comes to Event badges, that's never been a whole lot of them. And I can't think of more than one or two that don't benefit from having a team while still being soloable - which I think is just fine.

    Honestly, it's not the same as TFs because the only part that takes a full team (one, not two or three) is the forming. Occasionally the AV or simultaneous glowy clicking. We've duoed just about every TF of the numbered variety, though, so it's definitely possible. Which just goes to show that they can have "challenges" that can also be small team friendly. Some people just don't find large groups fun, especially when you either can't get together a large group or you can't function in the lag that forms.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cardiff_Giant View Post
    The real problem with this is that In my experience - the seasonal events have mostly PUG teams & been very solo-friendly. Which was fortunate - due to so many players/badgers rotating thru all their alts (or at least trying to) to get all the various badges - especially in the winter event to get all the candy canes required to unlock all the costume pieces/snag temp powers/etc.

    And in previous years players only 'needed' to get a team together to fight Eaochi, Jack, or Winter Lord for that last badge or two. While this year it seems like the event are designed to primarily focus on that previous, typically "last hurdle" = of gathering a team (or possibly a pair of teams) to defeat GM's.

    The trouble is, that's really only fun once or maybe a handful of times. And thereafter, it just becomes an annoying/boring chore, (or maybe an obssesive 'compulsion' for some die-hard badgers), and a probably a nightmare for those with some degree of actual OCD.
    This. This, this this this this. Sooooo this. I managed to miss all the testing so far, but having read this entire thread to this point, I feel the need to speak up.

    Event badges for me have always been mile markers for my various alts. Log-in badges for all; solo-friendly badges 25+ and everything else at 35+ or 50-only, depending. That way I could look back and go "Wow, I didn't have ToT badges on this toon yet, she wasn't even 25 this time last year!"

    I'm not actually OCD, though my SG-mates will tell you otherwise. When we start seeing this kind of information trickle down they ask me "okay, who needs what this year?" Because if I accidentally get, say, Jack In Irons on a lvl 30... any toon I own higher than lvl 30 now has to have the badge. Period. My friends stayed up the last night of the Halloween event 3 years ago to get my last toon Jack and it took them NINE HOURS to get him spawned. I am that serious about how important my system is to me.

    The core 3 members of my SG are awesome. We pull off crazy things in this game. But we also have to because of where and when and how we play. This Halloween sucked for us. I had the game loaded most of the day sometimes (yay, underemployment?) and would be lucky to complete banner events on 3 toons a day because no one would do them. We completed a villain-side banner event with a team of 7, resorted to bribing babies in Atlas to stand around us so we could spawn Zombie GMs and spawned and defeated Jack with a 4 person team. The sad thing is that we can only do this stuff if they stay on the same toons while I switch around... lucky for me they don't care about the badges. I feel guilty for wasting weeks of their gameplay, but I can't get PUGs to do events enough times so I have to waste the time of my (very understanding) friends.

    Automatically, these badges are 50s-only for me. But that's 23 toons, and some just aren't optimal.

    I look at these reports and I look at my experiences with the Halloween event this year and I have a physical reaction. The only solution to not drive myself insane that I can see? I wonder if I can manage to not log in at ALL until it's over so as not to stress myself out because I started the slippery slope of getting a new event badge, any event badge, on a single toon.

    PS. As far as the discussion on how we'd like to see new things in the game go? I'd like to see the "challenge" be something that could apply to ANY teams - down to duos. 90% of the time I duo and we think we're pretty good at it... but so far the only measure is how well we can carry a bad PUG through difficult tasks. Fail.
  7. Christopher Jackson's father and step-mother took him off life support.

    I don't feel quite right accepting condolences for myself, as I've only known him the years we've played City of Heroes. I did have the honor to meet him last Spring while we were both visiting @Uno's family. We both had plans to move out there, and she was so convinced she was going to hook us up. He has, however, been friends with @Purrrage and @Almightygremlyn for many years, and one of @Uno's closest friends since long before we met 10 years ago. If you could keep them in your thoughts, I'd appreciate it.
  8. I don't know how active @Infinite X is on the server outside of our SG, but oldschool Hami Raiders in particular might know him as Destiny Damsel, the very curvy blaster.

    DD went into the hospital 3 weeks ago, with blood clots on his liver. After a string of bad luck and some questionable choices by his Resident Doctor, we've been told that today he is unresponsive and his organs are shutting down. They don't expect him to be with us past noon.

    I know that Last Bastion isn't an especially popular SG on this server, and I am not a particularly popular person in particular - but the SG is a very small group of mostly "real life" friends. One of our members, @AlmightyGremlyn, recently had a baby who was born without one of her heart chambers. After multiple surgeries and some touch and go times, the baby was finally stable enough to join her mom at a Ronald McDonald House right about when DD went into the hospital. DD is only 35, he's a very active guy who went to the gym almost daily. This is a really tough thing to swallow.

    We would appreciate any positive thoughts or miracles you could throw our way.
  9. Yeah, but every other guide I've read - and (by and large failed) test I'd been to on Test, Guardian and Triumph - had 2 or 3. I was wondering if there was something specific that had brought you to 5+ as the key number ^_^ Thanks.
  10. Can I ask why the tanks all go in at once rather than loitering outside the goo until it's their turn to taunt? And why 5+? Thanks!
  11. perfectkismet

    me again

    Figured I'd post something in pencil this time, since it's my normal medium of choice. And, hey, I liked the way this one turned out, for once.

    Lance and Jynx hijinks
    (click the picture to make it bigger!)

    In-game they're undergrounduno's lvl 48 claws/regen scrapper, Jynx Jones, and my lvl 50 empathy/energy defender on Guardian. Unfortunately, (or fortunately?) they don't play together much outside of Hami raids
  12. I've been told I remind people of Daria before... but my art? That's a totally new one!

    The character's definitely a he... the player's definitely a she *laugh* I tend to just call myself 'he' if I'm referring to Lance or any of my other males. Ahhh the gender confusion.

    And yeah, look down at any given raid and you'll likely see me. I could probably count the raids I've totally missed in the last year on one hand. When my tank hit 47 last week, I slotted her with 37 HOs right off the bat *lol* ...Plus, Monday's raid leader Maggie Thompson's one of my best friends and duo-partner soooo that doesn't hurt my recognizability (...not that it helps much, either.)
  13. ...if I'm following you and you're stalking me, I don't think we're going anywhere but in circles any time soon
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    ... how the frillin' heck did we miss you on the CoH/DA exchange? *takes note of your DA name for reference*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I dunno... the what who?
  15. Thanks! It's mine. I don't draw much straight-up Co* art or I might've tried poking my head in earlier. I browse the section occasionally, though.

    So, yeah, lemmi start over from the beginning this time I'm perfectkismet and I play on Guardian and Triumph and a bit of Virtue... primarily heroes but I have some baby villains that top out at 28. M'backwards in that I own the characters and I *shhh* recreated them to the best of my ability in-game, rather than creating characters in-game to develop elsewhere.

    I've got, uhm... *digs around* Only one ... two ... three ... other CoH specific pictures so far, and #2 colored by the Blaster's player (she's got some in her gallery too ).
  16. Bridgette. & Lancelot Emery of Guardian and Lincoln Keiran & Alora Emery of Triumph, wishin' everyone Happy Hammi-Days!
  17. [ QUOTE ]

    One, I shouldn't even have to ask this, but please flog the snot out of whoever decided this wasn't worthy of a patch note. I'm incredibly, incredibly tired of the community causing patch notes to appear.

    Two, whoever decided that making it so we can't tell how we're doiing in the raid needs an atomic wedgie with hot sauce. This does nothing to make the raid "harder". Now we just can't tell if we're actually succeeding or not. Confusion != challenge or fun.

    Congratulations to the appropriate parties on making something already widely considered tedious even longer.

    Longer != more fun.
    Longer != more challenge.

    I'm not making a case for it being left the same. I'm pointing out that someone responsible for "challenge control" has their head somewhere dark and stinky.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    My boys die enough at the raids. Telling me they have to die more without the benefit of an informed choice as to whether to continue with the raid and the debt for payoff sucks. Especially when it's going to take significantly longer - as if 1-2hrs isn't long enough.

    Triumph's been having a hard enough time getting enough people into the Hive to start a raid under i6 conditions, when we had massive wipes and almost couldn't take out the giant monsters in order to get to Hami it sucked.

    I have to seriously wonder whether either of my servers will have many raids after this, let alone many successful raids... and if they do? I have to wonder whether I'll be there for them.

    Definitely not a happy 50(x2).
  18. Channel name: Guardian Watch
    Purpose: an alternative to the chat-heavy "Guardian" channel for announcing monster sightings, rare events, badge missions, hami raids and task/strike forces.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    The only exception seems to be invisibility, and I couldn't unlock that recipe even with 13 components.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Grant Invisibility requires 6 Foci and 1 Glyph (advanced).

    I agree that it'd be nice to be able to check what you need without actually having the ingredients on your person. We were copying alts of characters over to get more salvage to test with and I got up to almost 30 each of Elements and Foci before I thought to try a higher level combination (because it couldn't possibly take more than 30!). Like right now I'm wondering what it takes to make the more advanced worktable.

    I still think these stations would gain utility (major utility) if we could use the types of salvage we actually have absolutely no use for but this is much better than it was, anyway. We're now talking about getting a tech table (we're going arcane) to blow off some of our excess.

    Question: What do the lefthand numbers mean? Eg. The ones on all the combination recipies, the 35 on Grant Invisibility and the 15s on all the other Empowerment buffs?

    And in case anyone was wondering...
    - Confusion Resistance - 1 elem. + 1 foci
    - Fear Resistance - 1 elem. + 1 foci
    - Fire Resistance - 1 elem. + 1 foci
    - Grant Invisibility - 6 foci + 1 glyph
    - Increase Attack Speed - 2 foci
    - Increase Jump Speed - 2 elem.
    - Increase Perception - 2 elem. + 1 foci
    - Increase Run Speed - 2 elem.
    - Knockback Increase - 1 elem.
    - Knockback Protection - 1 elem.
    - Lethal Resistance - 1 elem. + 3 foci
    - Sleep Resistance - 1 elem. + 2 foci
    - Slow Resistance - 1 elem. + 1 foci
    - Smashing Resistance - 2 elem. + 2 foci
    Elements and Foci are the Basic Table combos for Arcane and Glyphs are one of the Advanced Table combos. I didn't write down the names for comparable items in Tech, but you should be able to figure it out yourself
  20. Okay, after testing the Empowerment station even more... here's my second set of thoughts.

    1. I didn't even touch the buffs. Not even after we had transfered our characters with the most salvage over as many as seven times. Instead, I wrote down the types and numbers of combos needed to make things with the forges and used the empowerment station to make the combos. I would say a reason to do this is so that we can hold off on the whole functional base bit and save money, but with the other storage bins needing Control this is not the case. What the Empowerment station did give was convenience, as I could flip tabs between Basic - Expert level combos and see what I could make all in one place.

    2. I used the tech Empowerment station to enable storage. After we'd copied enough characters with salvage over to be able to use some arcane to make things, we had such an excess of tech salvage it wouldn't fit in 2 bins. So we bought the tech station to combine as much as possible... but this leads to one of my new complaints/suggestions.

    The Empowerment stations would be much more useful to small supergroups that are trying to reach a point where they can use actual full bases if they got rid of salvage we cannot already combine. Even just randomly combining tech salvage, we overflowed a storage bin with types of salvage that were unusable. Our magic storage overflowed with things we couldn't use (yet?) while we scrounged for common items like Amulets and Potions. We ended up with more than 50 each of Spells of Power and Alien Tech, for instance. What can our SG do with things like this when we only want/need Basic combinations and a few odd Advanced? Nothing that I could find, and so they take up a good third of our storage bins for no reason at all.

    My suggestions:
    a) just have it take the more useless items (by small SG standards rather than how common it is) instead of things that will combine for basic and advanced uses. This will make the need for storage less prohibitive and let us work toward the goal of an active base rather than give up that dream altogether.
    b) let us make combinations from our choice of items, even if we can only use them with the empowerment station itself. Different SGs might find different items useful depending on what they want to build beyond the empowerment station. This would ensure usefulness for everyone.
    c) let us feed it raw salvage. It could work like vending machines, where we fed it our spare "change" and it told us what we could have... and if we didn't have enough for what we wanted then we could have our change returned. Or we could leave it with our change and an SGmate could later cash in, without the need for bogging down storage that is likely full of useful items.
    d) lower the requirements for the buffs (though we would still likely not use them). I heard you did lower them some, but as an SG working toward a base, using that particular salvage for buffs is counterproductive to our growth.
    e) have the stations give us other things.
    - My SG would love if the station would give us tokens we could trade to the Tree of Life or the Contemplation Charts for Insps instead of Influence. Hopefully for a few Inspirations per salvage, but yeah. Of course, that's for when we can get those things, but we're working toward it.
    - Maybe create things that would lower the Control costs for some items - with caveats, obviously - or vouchers for rent. As a small SG that's having trouble deciding whether to go for influence or prestige we've been rather short on both and spending prestige to create things that require influence hurts, as does the constant drain on our prestige for just an entryway... and now the smallest upgrade possible.
    - Or, really, since you're looking at the small SGs as non-SGs, you could give us tokens for things that have nothing to do with bases... things like costume voucher tokens, anything that will help a casual player (especially one trading in some of their Infl gain for Prestige) while encouraging them to make some use of the SGs and bases.
    f) let us feed it Salvage to convert to Prestige. Best would be if, again, it were the more useless salvage (by small SG standards rather than how common it is). This would decrease our overwhelming need for storage of items we can't use and better enable us to get to a position where we could make those small items we covet - like teleporters and medical items AND afford their upkeep.
    g) let the Empowerment stations be placed in any room! Someone else mentioned it, but it bears repeating. Our smaller SGs are working with right around 400k prestige. We can't build a workroom for these things just like we can't get energy and control for the Insp and Enh storage bins. We can have salvage storage... yay, except that's not worth the cost of a one room base.

    I'm sure I'll get plenty more ideas as I play, but so far this is what I have. Any of those things would make us a lot happier SG
  21. My group is comprised of 5 people... we have heroes and villains across three servers, each of us having roughly 26 characters. We have various incarnations of the same supergroup for the 5 of us for each server and allignment - that's 6 very small supergroups.

    Granted, our heroes on Triumph get the most play. None of our other SGs have more than 450k prestige, so the Triumph heroes are the ones we were trying for base stuff with (I don't think the others will even be able to get insp and enh storage which is what we were REALLY looking forward to). Our two most active players have 50s on Triumph that we've been playing a lot. A LOT. I run mine out of SG mode to get us Influence and my friend runs in SG mode to get us SG stuff. Lowbies pre-infl cutoff get played in SG mode.

    Soooo... we took 3 of our hero characters with the most salvage and stuck them in a SG on test. We were able to make 1 tree of wonder (11 tier1), 1 teleporter (6 tier1) and had enough left over for *ONE* of the smallest buffs (kb/kbresist/etc.) If we hadn't built the tree and the teleporter we might've been able to make two. Dude, that sucks

    Just to tell you how much we've been running in SGmode, we did have enough prestige to build a small base with a basic and an advanced worktable.

    We will not, however, be able to generate enough Control to have a single inspiration bin, a single enhancement bin and an advanced table, even without a basic table. Though I guess that's why they think we'll spend all our hard earned salvage on the buffs. Doubtful, though, they're worth more to us in trade with larger supergroups and we're more prone to stockpiling in hopes of one day accomplishing the CoH dream :P

    Right now we're trying to decide what the point is for us, though, other than to have a little clubhouse we can decorate and redecorate at will. We like to collect salvage just because, but the storage for salvage would be greatly improved with tabs - like in our own storage trays - that will sort the types for you. I've been having a really really hard time deciding what to pull out of storage and take to the Empowerment Station with me, having no prior experience with combining salvage. I end up going back and forth and back and forth.

    Anyway, that's me and mine.
  22. perfectkismet

    Call for Models

    Amanda Moray of Triumph. Worth a try as she's supposed to be a model anyway ^_^;