12 -
I decided to go with claws. I hate waiting for attacks to refresh, the pauses make me think of new alts I could make instead of waiting :P
Aunt Agony is level 9 right now and very fun. I do not get "smash" feeling when I play with her but except when I tried some MA mishes she did splendidly.
I'd appreciate if you can keep on sending tips or suggestions about playing a claws/wp, like which power to pick first, which difficuly is best for mishes etc. -
my CoH/V itch started again and I re-opened my account yet again. CoX brings out the altist in me so I will make more mininons and will try to stick to them this time (sigh).
I have narrowed my choices to 2 this time; a claws/willpower scrapper (I read that it is fun) or a spines/willpower one (never had a spines scrapper).
I'd like to ask for your help on choosing. Which one do you think would be a better choice to keep me entertained enough so that I wouldn't go for another alt and stick with this one? Can you make a pro/con lst or maybe share your experience with 2 primaries. I am pretty set on willpower as it is a new one for me.
as always, thanks in advance. -
Hey all,
I am trying to make a brute that I can stick with (which is very hard for an altoholic like me).
I've been reading the guides both here and at US forums but couldn't find exactly what I was looking for.
I've decided on /Elec for my secondary but still have trouble chosing a primary. My focus will be solo-pve with this brute and if I can manage to stick with him/her to 50 then possibly farming.
I was primarily interested in Electric Melee but mostly heard it is a low damage set. How would you compare its pve capabilities and damage compared to other primaries?
Another option is fire (as it's generally considered aoe) but I wasn't very happy with my fire/fire brute in the first place. Tho it was my first brute and I am willing put the blame on me rather than the set on this one.
SS was actually fun on my SS/fire and even on very low levels I had good *SMASH* feeling.
And there is SM which I had no experience with but read very good things. All of them was focusing on pvp and/or ST tho so I am not sure if it would suit me.
I had too many DM characters so it's out on this one.
What I want is a good damage set with preferably some aoe capability as I really feel *SMASH* when I jump into crowds and be the last one standing. I am thinking of doing mishes on 2nd or 4th difficuly depending on my level.
I hope you can suggest me a primary that I can have fun from level 1 and have no trouble figting crowds.
Thanks in advance. -
Ok I wrote a long post but I think I got stuck a timeout and its lost. Second try;
Is it too hard to adopt a system like the battlegrouns of world of warcraft?
in wow there are BGs which were basicaly pvp zones with aims or themes. Because they needed to have same number of opponents on both sides in the past if you were on a low population server (or a server with a low pvp population) you might have ended up waiting for hours in queue to enter one. After some deliberation they changed the system so that one BG zone was used by 4 different servers. This solved the low population problems without making people move servers.
I have no idea about the technical probability of this or if this an easy thing to do or not but seeing that CoX Europe has 4 servers and 4 pvp zones I think something like this would solve low pvp population problems.
I have to add that I have no pvp knowledge of this game (semi-new player, no char high enough for zones yet) just making an observation. -
A dedicated server to play in 4 zones and in arenas. Not likely I'd say. A dedicated server only works if PvP is a big part of the game and it is not in CoX.
It seems test would be a good place for all all pvp'ers to gather. -
My first question is about gender.
All the Thugs pets I saw was male. Are all Thugs pets male or is it random or MM related (female thugs MM gets female pets etc)?
Second one is about gang war. When you summon it do you only get male/female posse or are there huge skinned(brute like) people in there too?
Also when I call "gang war" do I always get same posse or is it random?
If possible can you post some screenies of the posse summoned or in action?
I know my questions are not that important and trivial but I am trying to make a themed character and would be very pleased if you could help.
Thanks in advance. -
I was thinking of making a debuffer for pvp (like a Rad/ Defender or a /rad controller) and during my research I saw some posts saying when you get an anchor debuff from a defender you just run to a spawn and the spawn aggroes the debuffer making fight easy. I couldn't find anything else on this so I'd like to ask you;
Does this happen often? How do you handle this? Not use anchors? Don't go for zone pvp?
I'd be very pleased if you can share your comments and experience with me.
Thanks in advance. -
I once again realized I am a dirty altoholic.
When browsing guides sometimes I see phrases like "awesome power", "fun to play", "super survive ability" and something in my mind says; "Hey tolga; you are awesome/fun/super. You SHOULD be playing this!" or other times something just "*nudge *nudge *wink *wink"s me and I get stunned with a new theme with altogether different set of AT/powers.
As a result in the last 3-4 days I've created;
Spine/DM scrapper
MA/Reg Scrapper
ice/rad controller
ill/rad controller
Storm/psy defender
Dark/psy defender
Spine/reg scrapper (was a grr hate toggles kind of spur of the moment)
Gravity/Storm controller
Ice/EM blaster
Even GvE bowed down before my altoholicness.
Things I learned up to now:
1- If you make enough new characters, at least 2 of them can fight against rikti at level 1.
2- I am gifted with a dubious sense of fashion.
3- Gamine hair style looks good.
4- So does government glasses.
5- If there was a "character creation arena" in this game I'd be in top 20 by now. -
After seeing a lot of scrapper suggestions I checked out the scrapper guides both here and on US site last night.
It seems for AoE goodness Spine/DA is regarded as king. So far no ideas/concepts for a spine character popped in my mind so that goes..
Besides spines both MA and Claws seemed interesting. I might make a MA or a Claws scrapper hesitate because of next information.
I logged in and checked the LFT feature last night. I am not sure if you can hide yourself from it but when I made querry of each archetype I got 50odd tankers, 90odd scrappers, 60odd controllers, 40odd defenders and 80odd blasters.
When I was still playing CoH I had a blaster I could never play with because there were too many of them around and as a result I could never team with people. Could this happen also as a scrapper too as they are the majority right now? -
Hey all.
I've been playing wicked little toons at defiant villain side but either they are not evil enough or I am not a villain-minded person so I've started missing hero side once again. I also want to be 50 sometime (my highest character was 30odd something)
The problem is because I was an alt-maniac I played many combinations (long time ago, before ED was in) and now I can not find a toon I want to stick with.
I need someone that is good in groups but a solo capability would be handy too as I experienced that I can't always group in CoX. Fast leveling would be a bonus (I noticed I spend too much time running after badges so it'd be a boon if he/she can get xp fast on those rare occasions when I go xp-hunting. Oh and also to skip the parts I've seen faster to get new experiences) but more importantly he/she has to be fun to play.
I am sorry I realize I am being extremely vague but do you have a suggestion (It would be very helpful if you can tell the reason also) for me?
Thanks in advance. -
Hey all.
I would be very happy if you can aswer what would be a better partner for duoing with a stalker (not sure but probably nb/nin); a plant/thorn dominator or a mercs/traps mastermind.
Thanks in advance. -
Hi everyone.
I played CoH couple of years ago and eventually left but after a friend of mine gave me a buddy code I decided to check the dark side out.
I made a plant/thorn dominator, mercs/traps mastermind and so far (only leve 8) both seems fun.
I wanted to just say hi and ask about the pve/pvp of Defiant villains side. How crowded is the 10+ areas? So far I could find teams without so much hassle but my friend (level 19 stalker) complained the 15-25 range is rather lonely.
Which of my toons would you advise me to play to be able to find teams easier? I don't have a problem with solo but if possible I'd rather play with people.
Thanks in advance.