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Raising the monthly subscription price would be a bad idea. All your competition out there charges less per month to play their game. Sure, what's $2 right? Well, that's an extra $12 a year, $24 over 2 years, ect. It all adds up.
It's a growing trend. Customers of anything refuse to be nickled and dimed to death. Even if your costs do increase, you can't pass that cost in its entirety to the customer, especially if there is more than enough competition out there. This is anything but it especially applies to MMO's since there are so many out there now. The monthly subscription to an MMO is not considered necessary to most people (I'm not talking about the psychos that have addiction problems). It's entertainment. We want the most possible for our money.
With all the competition out there, why would you charge us a larger monthly subscription (keeping in mind yours is already the highest) on top of charging the standard $39.99-$49.99 for the software to play what is essentially the same game with new goodies in it? I will give you credit for one brilliant move though. You aren't going to require owning CoH to play CoV. That will attract many new customers who maybe didn't want to be a hero. -
The level 45 mob ambush on Numina's task force isn't exemplar related. When a friend and I duo'ed this tf, we were both 38 and got this exact same ambush. I died, /bugged it and moved on.
Myself, I would have dropped pretty quickly from that TF. These are obviously people who group regularly together and don't exactly know how to make "outsiders" feel welcome.
I think you fail to realize Icarus that there is a lot of competition in the MMORPG market. When an original vision of how a game should be played does not get realized, those developers who try and force the game into that direction lose players. When they lose players, they lose money. When they lose money, they have to cut back on staff. When they cut back on staff, customer service, updates, and timely bug fixes are few and far between. The players of MMORPG's set the standards now, not the developers of them. If they change the game as drastically as Statesman is wanting to at this point in time, they will lose many subscribers. They also will receive so much negative feedback that they will not gain many new subscribers to replace them. Hence, changing the rules of this game now will result in the loss of what makes this game possible in the first place, money.
Anyone who played EQ since Velious or before should remember Brad McQuaid and "The Vision." They had these ideas of how the game should be played. Warriors were the true tanks and paladins and shadow knights were supposed to be inferior in every way to them. Then think back to when SOE took over Verant and following that Brad McQuaid and the original development team left Everquest. A lot of changes were made to the game that were not part of "The Vision" but they made many players happy. They were good changes that needed to be made because the reality is that the game was not being played as originally intended.
Statesman and crew are great, don't get me wrong. I love the fact that they actually listen to their player base. I'm just saying they need to listen now. The sooner they realize that thier original vision of this game is not going to be the reality the better off we all will be. Players are definitely not fitting into the 3 villians to 1 hero mold there. As an empathy defender I've taken on a couple of groups of 5 even con minions, sometimes with a lt in there. It takes me 10 minutes but I have done it. A play style has developed that is completely different from what was originally dreamed of by the developers. Adjustments to the challenge of the game need to be based on what actually is the playstyle, not what they want it to be.
Incidentally, I don't think making every single mob in the game stun, hold, mez, sleep and disorient is the solution. Neither is upping the Rikti's damage so much that they one shot all AT's classified as low hit points (come on guys, that one doesn't even fit your own backstory). Sticking to the story is great but trying to fit us into this mold of 3 villians to 1 hero at this point in the game is going to cost you as a company a lot of money.