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  1. send me a tell in game sometime and we can test it :P
  2. ooh, does it stopt he repel effect of TK?
  3. not familiar with thorn trops,w hats does that do?
  4. Tried it again tonight, was pretty good. Best use so far : stopping peopel running away :P.
  5. Yeah I didn't have much fun vs a brute.. :/ pretty useless when I can't hodl anyhting :P
  6. I did try it and one break free made it really [censored] :P. I geuss it would be ok against soemone with no break freees and no hold protection
  7. Hmm, I think I'll stick to just feeeze ray then. I don't really have room nor slots for both really.
  8. Oh well if their both the same I'll probably just go for the simple one :/ hmm I dunno now. I have hasten+sithen speed which gives me soem really stupid recharges on both the holds :P. So spamming them is fine with just the one hold.

    decisions decisions.
  9. Does one hvae a higher magnitude? reason I ask is I tried holding some lost luitenants and no matter how hard I tried I always fail. So I'm thinking of getting bitter freeze ray instead of the normal one wehen I respec.
  10. I'd take EA purely because everyone else seems to do SS/INV :P. I have no experience with it myself but it does seem quite subtle (wont cover your character, there is a stealth thoguh I think which obviously makes your costume disapear if you took it :/).
  11. I geuss for melee stone/ss would be the most suitable attack and maybe invul/energy aura would suit it for defence. Unless oyour russian strong man wants to be covred in black cloudy nonsense, burning in flames or covered in rock :P. SS would definatly suit the melee I think thoguh.
  12. Yep I have hasten also, I'll try to stack it 3 times then. I love the speed anyway. Give me a cave mission . The only thing I don't like now is nearly instantly running out of end (3 +3 SOs in stam, end red in my attack..) hohoh fun fun =).
  13. I assume it's uncapped so when I was planning my corruptor out I would slot both these to get bothy stacked as much as possible. Baring in mind I'm not interested with sithon power from other /kins. I can get power down to about 8s (lasts 30 so stack 3 times right?) and speed down to 21s (duration 60s, so probably only stacked 2).

    I geuss I'm stuck with speed stacked only twice but power looks like I can get 3 of them stacked. So is there a cap on that? I don't know what my recharge is atm but I'vee only ever seen the speed icon up there twice (say it apear and siapear for a 3rd a few times,t hats what makes me thinkt here is a cap).
  14. This bit's great, a fe numbers I took from hero planner hting

    seeds of confusion
    cost 16
    -20% acc
    recharge 60s
    duration 45s

    mass confuse
    cost 26
    -20% acc
    recharge 240
    duration 30s

    hoho I know which one looks better to me :P.
  15. I played my fire/fire brute without acrobatics for ages. I hear the hold protection is weaker than the rest but I rarely got held, sure it happened but not very frequently at all. If you wanna avoid taking acrobatics go for it. I've gone and taken it since I respeced just for the knock back, hold prot is a bonus.
  16. I'm mind/ice myself(40), I really don't think it needs any love :P Sure I'd welcoem any additions it may get but really it is great as it is. I personally think mass sleep is pretty useless but I havn't tried it so I cna't comment (seems useless it a team to me).

    I've not tried the plant confuse so I can't comment but mass confuse is really great, it has a huge aoe range, easily enough to hit everything in the group). It doesn't grab agro (unless you run in close after missing somehting) which makes it an excelent opener.

    Terrify is another really great power, such a short cool down, massive cone range. Excelent follow up to mass confuse (if you don't want them all killing each other, exp..).

    Telekenesis is just great, hugly situational which is a very bad point but get a bunch of mobs all lined up... wow . So powerful.

    I've not tried any other dom but I've played along side some plenty. Pets.. pffft :P who needs pets. Mind is easily one of the best, certainly theres little things I like from each of the dom sets but I totally disagree that mind needs anyhting else.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Heya Dokuru,

    I might be doing it tonight if you want to tag along.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh absolutly I beleive your on my global list. Got a rough time? I'll probably be on most the evening anyway =)
  18. I've also made a dominator for pvp . Though I;ve nevver done any pvp with her yet, waiting for 40, 1 level to go `\ó>. Also started a ice/kin corruptor for pvp :P I'm hoping to really gimp and slow people to nothingness and slowly pound them to death :P. At least thats the plan =).
  19. my only experience with sithen life was that is was really [censored] :/. Only tried it on my scrapper, slotted with acc/heal/dam and it didin't really heal very much and cost quite a bit of end. I get by just fine with just healing flames on my fire/fire brute so I geuss it's personal preferance but I'd say it's more aimed at a armour set that doesn't have a heal so you can skip it np for something else.
  20. As the title says, anyone planning to do the second respec this weekend? preferably saturday but sunday morning/night would be ok.

    I've a 34 brute in need of a tuning . If so please reply here or get me in game @Misuzu.
  21. I sure as hell don't mind using confuse =) after reading that post on it I like it even more now . Mass confuse = good bye alpha strike. I look forward to trying tk on someone whos forgotten to buy break frees .
  22. I've not tried pvp with my dominator yet but I'm curious how this works before I jump in, try it and make a fool out of myself =). Does it work like pve? guaranteed to hit, hold people untill your end runs out (seems quite powerful if it does). I've noticed somehings break free of it occasionally so I geuss AT's with hold resists might not get held. Will a breakfree break it? Tactics for using it?