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  1. Hey leave me outta dis yo, alls I ever said was you'll average a lower vote if you're on page 1.

    Prolly a million reasons why.
  2. I believe one of the badges keeps track of how many people have played your arc. Having rarely ever opened the Badge tab, I couldn't tell you exactly what they're looking at, but usually in discussions of play/rating disparity people mention this method of recording.

    Edit: Also, a 3-vote is worth 15 tickets.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ][*]This one's a good one. If you have four arcs up, and even if you are currently in the Hall of Fame, you still cannot edit the Hall of Fame arc. This means that, if you have four arcs up, there exist no circumstances under which you can edit the Hall of Fame arc. It can never be edited again. I presume that this is similar to the previous issue: editing requires a republish, which would (momentarilly) pull down the Hall of Fame arc, which would mean you don't have four slots, which would mean you don't have space to republish. The republish button is simply greyed out on the Hall of Fame arc; pushing it generates a message like "we are currently processing your previous publishing request," even if you have not made any such requests.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I thought that part was explicitly WAI? I know DC arcs work that way. The devs were trying to eliminate the loophole of completely rewriting an arc (possibly introducing an exploit) while retaining HoF/DC status and associated ratings.

    Given how the MA has turned out to operate in practice, I would say this is a case of wildly mis-directed paranoia, but there you have it. The devs could at least reverse this decision at some point with no ill effects.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I probably didn't make this clear enough because I was focusing specifically on the bugs associated with the fourth slot rather than first clarifying that everything works correctly when you're only using three slots.

    So to make it explicit:

    It could be edited when I only had three arcs up, and it was Hall of Fame.
    It could be edited when I only had three arcs up, and it was no longer Hall of Fame.

    It can no longer be edited if I have four arcs up and it is in the Hall of Fame.
    It can no longer be edited if I have four arcs up, even if it isn't in the Hall of Fame any more.

    So it can never be edited if I have four arcs up, regardless of its current status.

    As far as I am aware DC arcs can be edited, but doing so removes DC status. Hall of Fame arcs can be edited if you have three arcs up, but never again if you have four up, even if it isn't even in the Hall of Fame any more. I do not think that is working as intended.
  4. It bounces in and out. It's probably been Hall of Fame more than a dozen times at this point, but the longest period of time was only a day. The shortest period was two minutes.

    Glad you had fun with it, by the way.

    [u]Issues with the Fourth Slot[u]
    To clarify the issues with the extra slot: once you get an arc into the Hall of Fame, you gain an additional publishing slot. Once the arc leaves the Hall of Fame you lose this extra slot.
    <ul type="square">[*]This means that, even if you have had Hall of Fame at some point, if you don't have it right now you cannot put up a fourth arc.[*]If you put up a fourth arc while you have the extra slot, but then you leave the Hall of Fame, you cannot edit any of your arcs. This is because you now have four arcs up in three slots. Editing requires a republish, which requires a free slot, which you do not have even if the arc comes down during the republish.[*]This one's a good one. If you have four arcs up, and even if you are currently in the Hall of Fame, you still cannot edit the Hall of Fame arc. This means that, if you have four arcs up, there exist no circumstances under which you can edit the Hall of Fame arc. It can never be edited again. I presume that this is similar to the previous issue: editing requires a republish, which would (momentarilly) pull down the Hall of Fame arc, which would mean you don't have four slots, which would mean you don't have space to republish. The republish button is simply greyed out on the Hall of Fame arc; pushing it generates a message like "we are currently processing your previous publishing request," even if you have not made any such requests.[/list]I think that's everything. Obviously, these issues are eliminated if you simply do not put up a fourth arc, but the question then is: what's the point of it?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    I forget whether it was pohsyb or Posi that said it, but if you get a HoF, you get the rewards of the HoF and if later votes undo the HoF you don't lose the HoF badge or your extra slot.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You only keep the badge. The slot is currently tied to the Hall of Fame status of the arc. This is why I cannot edit, because to do so requires a republish, and a republish performs a publishing check for free slots, which I no longer have.

    I have already told pohsyb.

    To make it clear, again, I was posting the details for people who wanted to know how it was working right now, not how it's supposed to be working. I believe people were interested in whether arcs would get deleted or corrupted if the slot they were using disappeared. They don't, they just can't be republished.
  6. I have a level 1-14 villain arc named They Were Damned Anyway, heavily involving the Hellions.

    Search "muu" to find it, easier than remembering a number.
  7. Right. I've had Hall of Fame back for the last few days, so I was able to make another arc (a fourth) and put it up to see what would happen.

    It went up. It stayed up.

    Then I lost Hall of Fame.

    It is still up, but I cannot edit it. Which is not great, because it has a couple of text errors I would like to fix.

    Anyway, for those wondering, this is how the exciting fourth slot works (i.e., poorly).
  8. Bumped because A Tangle In Time is awesome.
  9. If you look at the details for the map on the "1 screen," it will tell you how many hooks it has for boss placement, ally placement, destroyable object placement, clickable wall objects, clickable floor objects, patrols, battles, and so on.

    Those hooks also represent where enemies are able to spawn. So if your map has 29 floor object hooks, one patrol hook and one ally hook (or whatever) then you'd need to have 29 floor objects, one friendly patrol and one friendly ally to eliminate all enemy spawns.
  10. Maybe it would be possible to allow people to upload "300KB" of arcs, rather than three arcs of no more than 100KB each.

    It would let people have more than three arcs, or arcs larger than 300KB, and yet maintain the same limits that we have now.
  11. Mission 2 of one of my arcs sometimes does this (four times that I've been informed about, out of about 100 plays). I've had to make the Boss optional and add a disclaimer apologising for the (potentially) short length of the mission. Interestingly, it's also Freakshow I'm having problems with (not Bile, but a Juicer Sniper) on their tiny little warehouse map.

    Hopefully it'll be taken care of sooner rather than later.
  12. I had an invuln EB that consistently used Unstoppable at 25% health, allowing me to give him a custom line that he'd say as he activated it.

    So invuln at least works.
  13. The problem seems to be that allies don't use the same follow command that players do, presumably so that they aren't right on top of you while following you. Their follow puts them a larger distance away.

    That works out ok for following the player, but once they spot a hostile enemy in range of them, they use the same follow-type command to run towards this enemy. But this follow command puts them too far away to melee, so once they reach their destination, they're out of melee range.

    Them being nudged around, or the enemy moving towards them, will put them back in to melee range. Generally though your melee allies are going to be stood about ten feet away from their target, staring intensely.

    I haven't (personally) noticed any improvement with flying allies, but one thing flying allies will do differently is randomly clip through geometry and either fall out of the universe, or remain buried up to their waist in the wall.
  14. itsMu

    Undead mobs

    There is a standard group named &lt;Ghosts&gt; which is populated entirely by translucent civilians that fire skulls out of their hands.
  15. I'd quite like to see additional tabs for, "Highest Rated Today," "Highest Rated This Week," and "Highest Rated This Month." It would go a little way towards aiding visibility, and alleviating the problem of having every arc in a single, ungainly list.
  16. A few people might find this as amusing as I do:

    [ QUOTE ]
    You have earned 25 tickets from a storyarc. Click Here or visit an architect vendor to claim them.
    You have earned 20 tickets from a storyarc. Click Here or visit an architect vendor to claim them.
    You have earned 25 tickets from a storyarc. Click Here or visit an architect vendor to claim them.
    You have earned 25 tickets from a storyarc. Click Here or visit an architect vendor to claim them.
    You have earned 25 tickets from a storyarc. Click Here or visit an architect vendor to claim them.
    You have earned 25 tickets from a storyarc. Click Here or visit an architect vendor to claim them.
    You have earned 25 tickets from a storyarc. Click Here or visit an architect vendor to claim them.
    You have earned 25 tickets from a storyarc. Click Here or visit an architect vendor to claim them.
    You have earned 25 tickets from a storyarc. Click Here or visit an architect vendor to claim them.
    You have earned 20 tickets from a storyarc. Click Here or visit an architect vendor to claim them.
    You have earned 25 tickets from a storyarc. Click Here or visit an architect vendor to claim them.
    [Tell] --&gt;REMOVED: Oh my, you've just put me back in to the Hall of Fame, so I thank you!
    [SuperGroup] Miracles: back in hof
    [SuperGroup] REMOVED: tell us when you get your first '1'
    Someone voted on 'arcname'.
    [SuperGroup] Miracles: 1

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Cleaned up for presentation, but factually accurate.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Doesn't it only tell you if you're online when it gets rated, though?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yes. Although if you only have one arc up, and are determined enough to know, you could record the number of votes your arc has, and the number of claimable tickets you have before you log of. Comparing the two when you next log on would tell you what you've missed.

    Quite why this information is hidden from the author in the first place is a mystery to me.
  18. The differences between the votes you get when you're on the first page, and the votes you get when you drop to four stars and disappear to the back of the database are night and day. If you are on the first page you receive an inordinate amount of sub-3 votes; far, far more than you get when your arc dips to four stars and disappears in to the murky depths of the database. My arc bounces constantly from 4 stars to 5 stars and back again, and it's for precisely this reason.

    Most of the people I talk to about this report exactly the same thing, and these include people with extremely good and serious arcs (mine is basically constant bathos and meta-humour garbage, and I can at least see why someone might vote it a 1 or 2 if it really rubbed them the wrong way, but arcs like @jjac's Tangle In Time do not deserve a single vote below 3, at all, ever, and the fact that his arc is now languishing on four stars because of the one-votes it received while on the first page is really tragic.)

    I don't think the staying power of a Hall of Fame entry will be dictated by the virtue of the arc in question so much as the spitefulness of whoever happens to be browsing at any given moment, honestly. This is more a failing of the rating system as a whole, though, than with the Hall of Fame specifically. Hall of Fame simply increases visibility, and I suppose the point I'm making is that increased visibility can actually be quite the detriment to your rating, which is the real problem, and I presume is why people want Hall of Fame to be an immutable title.

    I'd personally just like to have the fourth publishing slot without worrying I'm going to lose it again before I finish writing the arc.
  19. If I get Hall of Fame back any time today, I'll put an arc up called Schrodinger's Arc to see what happens when it goes again.
  20. When I logged on, it had Hall of Fame. The next time I checked, it didn't. Looking through the console, it had received:

    35 Fives
    8 Fours
    4 Threes
    8 'unknown'

    The thirty-sixth Five vote put it back in the Hall of Fame for most of the day, but it's back out again now.

    I had gotten half way through making another arc, but I lost the slot again and kind of lost interest.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Wait you're losing you're HoF status after attaining it due to additional votes?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That is right.
    [ QUOTE ]
    Are we sure this isn't a bug? I would bug that..something seems off about having a 4th slot, that then vanishes after you rightfully earned it..really bug it and see what happens.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    The Hall of Fame status being "losable" is apparently intentional (I sent a PM to pohsyb). The fourth slot disappearing along with it might not be intentional, however (he didn't seem entirely certain). I'm not sure I really like this implementation of the Hall of Fame, because just having an arc on page 1 is enough to prompt a slew of, "Somebody has voted for 'arcname,'" so I've no doubt having the Hall of Fame star will make it even worse.

    Perhaps a tab for "historic Hall of Fame arcs" might be a nice compromise. It would list those arcs that ever had a Hall of Fame rating, at any point in time.
  22. Okay, apparently arcs that enter the Hall of Fame can lose that rating due to down-votes (I'm now back in the Hall of Fame, but probably not for long). I have the extra publishing slot so long as the arc remains in the Hall of Fame, but once it's voted out, I lose the extra slot.

    Edit: And I can confirm that "anything over 4" is definitely not the case.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Congratulations! You earned the Hall of Famer badge.
    Hall of Famer has been selected as new title.
    You already have 3 published arcs and cannot publish any more.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    This probably speaks for itself, but am I missing something here? Is something supposed to happen to the arc now? Am I really supposed to have another slot?

    There's no icon next to the arc, or anything.
  24. itsMu

    MA wish list

    I would like the ability to designate our arcs in to 'categories,' such that I can class my arc as "light-hearted," "serious," "intentionally difficult," and so on. Just a selection of pre-defined tags that can be added to arcs, and then you can have the browser "show all comedy missions," or "show all backstory missions," and so on. Perhaps even allowing players to define such tags after they play the arc, rather than having the maker do it.

    I'd also like to see the Developers Choice arcs (and such-like) seperated off in to their own tab(s), rather than sitting at the top of a single, large list by default.

    It would be nice to have tabs showing "highest rated today," "highest rated this week," "highest rated this month," etc again rather than a single, large list. This way, newer arcs will still have a chance to be visible against older arcs that might have far more votes.

    Finer control over enemy and item placement within missions.

    Choice to give anonymous feedback. Ability to see exact arc rating (i.e., '4.23' rather than just four stars). Details about how many votes you have, at what rating.

    I'll probably think of something else.