93 -
So its going to be "Probaly due to corned beef" ??
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Sounds reasonable -
If you like switching forms a lot switching them (shields)back on after coming back into human form is annoying i know.
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You can just use a bind to automatically bring up the shields to solve this problem -
Great evening playing with the rifles. Agree it would be good if we could all get to the same sort of levels more teaming opportunity. Hard to keep everyone at the same levels unless we have weekly outings we all stick to, and i know how quickly Doulos levels when he puts his mind and time to it!
Until next time -
I have a mind/emp that i just transferred from US servers (lvl 14 ish). You need any of these still? Will get costume sorted tonight if im welcome.
I ask because i cant be bothered to read al the threads!
Let me say that, at least from behind, they look quite different
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Indeed! -
Looks like we'll be able to have 2 teams if everyone shows up since Stage mentioned some of his SG peeps too
And I thought Gem was organising the 2nd respec tonight
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Confusing indeed! Ah well its time like these when a little Zen gets put into practice...
Imagine the sound of one hand Blapping..... -
Just to confirm that this is the eight for tonight?
Ma'aT - controller
Tleollin - controller
Gemstone - controller
Neferous - controller
Void Jiaozy - WS
The Late - scrapper
Deadly Shadows - WS
Lord Friday - tank
[/ QUOTE ]
erm no room for the Fire Inspector then?
Didn't The Late say he wasn't able to make it anyway? -
Gratz Jumanjimon!
U know, men in their 50s can get a reputation if they still wear speedos! -
Would like to come along with Fire Inspector. 8.30 is good start for me as well if possible. Agree that splitting up makes for a bad defense esp for healing.Also if we have two fire trollers the bonfires on the reactor keeps the mobs away.
Should be lvl 31 by then.
Would like to do this with my troller Fire Inspector.
Well Inspec, I think last time we were just too tired after helping that n00b who died 3 times trying to reach the reactor because of his lack of vertical movement
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*Hangs head in shame*
now proud owner of inertial reduction
Come on people... don't be shy... you know who you are
<ul type="square">[*]hovering tank with invisibility? [*]empath with 1 healing power and far too many blasts? [*]regen scrapper with only Fast Healing in your secondaries and 4 travel powers? [*]controller with no holds? [*]blaster with Challenge AND Provoke?[/list]You can still save your toon from total gimpness, come respec!
PS Hopefully not too many of those mentioned above will show up
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Is that what went wrong last time thought it was u being a total n00b!
Might well join you for this will send u a tell tomorrow. -
Congratulations Chango sorry to miss the ding. Always a pleasure to team with u unless u that n00b Tleollin!
Back to the overlords FTW!
Same here, and on Invinc too!
[/ QUOTE ]
U might have been on invinc but you didn't drink as much vodka or sneak off to throw up like Pryo did!
Chunks FTW
Further proof that coalition heroes can hold their booze better than the street heroes u pick up from time to time just for the dirty crack house slumming-it vibe!
On that subject Yellow seemed to know quite a lot about my mother and her sleeping arrangements. Where do u get ur information? -
Congratulations to both of you. Teamed with HL many times whilst Frosty climbed to 50 and you kept me debt free for loads of AV missions!
Enjoy the Kheldians.
I, personally, suggest you find out the build that best fits your playstyle. Just remember, respecs are your friends
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Sounds good, i am up to level 20 now and enjoying the dwarf. I like the three form at the moment and with some good binds switching form is easy. The human build seems to eat up the endurance so i guess stamina would be useful but at the moment i just switch back to nova form and the three end mods on that build me back up quickly, a nice mini stamina already built in.
Play style seems to change as you get higher levels and some forms become redundant as the nova seems to do less relative damage as you get towards the 5-0.
Incandescent Strike is awesome with some build up knocks the life out of bosses.
*waffles on quietly to self about enjoying PB*
Lots of people also seem to give up on their kheldians as they get into the higher levels and i wonder why this is?
Enjoy the PB star, oh yeh what level are u at now?
Some guides to look at here tho they are a bit out of date they still quite useful for an overview:
http://coh.coldfront.net/index.php/c...egory/3/77/32/ -
Aw shame think, i am out sampling the delights of beer tonight. If plans go awry i will definitely be there the Fire inspector needs this badge.
Any 1 know what the actual specs are on the shields? im mainly interested in the shining shield and quantum shield. Even with these on and fully slotted with dmg res its still a squishy world.
This it seems is the PB thing they are fun to play but i still cant get my head around how i am supposed to see myself. Am i a blapper a scrapper a tanker or blaster? Or am i just supposed to switch around and be creative in the situation i find myself? That seems to be what i do at the moment and is great fun even tho i dont have the dwarf yet which might confuse me even more. I think from what i have read i will end up being a dwarf/human but the blaster power of the squid must be useful at times when u can keep your distance when in teams.
Also all the posted builds seem to be different which i like as i think u can be very creative with the builds based on your own preferences.
I guess i will have to keep playing and developing/respec'ing until i find something i like.
*continues to mumble thoughts to self*
*wonders whether acrobatics would be useful...*
Ah yes the shields that was the question.
Aww look what i found all dusty and neglected on page 9!
The poor old rad rangers, will the green goo ever rise again?
I am looking to do the 1st respec on my DM/Regen scrapper. If anyone out there is planning to do this over the next few days please let me know
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Would like to get a respec for Fire Inspector. 7 a little early tho will check to see if u are still around when i log on tonight.
Trying out a three form PB at the moment up to level 13 now. Just wondering why you have included superspeed in build And no stamina? I presume the human form is not to feature heavily in ur attack modes.
love to do the respec (Fire Inspector). Will commit when time confirmed.
Getting the rad rangers back on the front page as im desperate to get Radar out in the city is this now an obsolete group? THe alternators are now the new heroes?
Cmon u know u wanna turn the city green!